Significant Scenes in High Noon and The Dressmaker

Top scenes/most important/most significant


High Noon



  1. Resolution- When Kane throws the tin star to the ground.
  2. Helen Ramirez & Amy Kane’s conversation.
  3. When Amy shoots Frank Miller and the moral conflict which is pretty apparent.
  4. When Kane turns the carriage around at the start of the film.
  5. The church scene.
  6. Kane walks into the saloon bar and is rejected.
  7. When Amy tries to give Kane an ultimatum.
  8. The conversation Kane has with his predecessor.
  9. When Kane writes out his will.



The Dressmaker



  1. ‘I’m back you bastards…’
  2. Resolution and the conductor notices the fire raging in the background.
  3. Teddy and Tilly at the school- flashbacks.
  4. Molly mentions the curse in the grocery store.
  5. Molly dying.
  6. The footie match.
  7. Teddy dying.
  8. Gertrude’s transformation.
  9. Pettyman’s death.
  10. The torching of the house and the town.
  11. When Pettyman, effectively, rapes his wife.

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