Term 1, Week 2

Guinness World Records – Postponed


Pancake Day


Icy Poles

Captains will be selling icy poles for $1.00 each, this Friday at Recess. Please note that the proceeds sales will be donated to a non profit organisation, to be chosen by students later this term.

Term 1 Running Club – Commencing Week 2 (Thursday 8 February)

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Hannah Uglow
Teacher – Primary Physical Education

Important Reminder

To ensure our students’ safety, please remind your child that they must not ride their bikes on school grounds and that they must walk them to the locking bay area near the Primary basketball courts.  It is students’ responsibility to ensure that their bike is secured by a lock.

Furthermore, students riding their bikes to school must wear helmets.

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation with this matter.

The Primary Leadership Team


Scholastic Book Club

The due date for the 1st issue of Scolastic Book Club is Wednesday 14 February.


After School Imagineers Club



Tennis Lessons



Tapping Dental Therapy Centre

Opening Hours – Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.00pm (telephone – 9404 7902)

Emergency clinic on Thursday & Friday at Ocean Reef Dental Therapy Centre (telephone 9307 4775)


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