Term 1, Week 3

Term 1 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

WEEK 2 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


89 89


Congratulations to PARRESIA House for running the most laps in Week 2! Followed very closely by Makaria and Charis with an equal 89 house points! Keep up the fantastic effort until the end of the term everyone!

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Hannah Uglow

Teacher – Primary Physical Education


Early Years Movement Club – Commencing Week 4 (Tuesday 20 February)

Early years students (K – 2) and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every TUESDAY morning for our new Early Years Movement Club. Come outside and practice your running, jumping, throwing, catching, kicking and more! Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend with their child/children. Help your child improve their fundamental movement skills and build their motivation and confidence to be active for life!

We will meet on the Primary Green every TUESDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Everyone in Kindy to Year 2 is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club.



Year 3 – 6 Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival

Date: Friday 1 March (Week 5, Term 1)

Venue: Craigie Leisure Centre – 751 Whitfords Ave, Craigie

Time: Bus departing school at 8.40am – bus returning to school by 3.10pm.

What to bring/wear:

  • Students must bring all food and drink they require for the day – the Café is not accessible to students.
  • House Uniform, towel, thongs/sandals and bathers. Students will need to arrive at school wearing their bathers underneath their House uniform. No bikini style two-piece bathers please.
  • Labelled school bag or alternative backpack
  • Swimming caps and goggles are highly recommended. We will be providing House coloured swimming caps for students to borrow on the day if they wish.
  • Sun protection – as our carnival will be conducted in the 50m outdoor pool at Craigie Leisure Centre this year, all students must be prepared with the appropriate sun protection including:
  • Labelled hat (this can be the school hat or a House coloured hat)
  • Sunscreen (we will provide sunscreen in the House Bays but students are also encouraged to bring their own)
  • Short-sleeved OR long-sleeved rash vest/rashie. Students are not required to wear a rash vest/rashie during their swimming races/events, however we strongly recommend they wear one during the novelty event games.  
  • Labelled water bottle


We still require a number of parent/guardian volunteers to assist us on the day. We would love your involvement in making this event a huge success for our students. If you would like to help at the Primary Swimming Carnival and you are available from 9.00am until 2.30pm on Friday 1 March, please contact me via email at hannah.uglow@ststephens.wa.edu.au.


Can I spectate this event?

Parents/guardians and family members are welcome and encouraged to spectate the Swimming Carnival. Spectators must pay a small entry fee on arrival. There will be a designated spectating area for families. Spectators are not permitted in the House Bays designated for students and staff only. Spectators will need to bring their own chairs and/or picnic rugs for the grassed spectating area. 

Can I take photos/videos at the Swimming Carnival?

Parents/guardians may take photo or video recordings of their own child/children (provided other students are not identifiable and the images are not shared on social media). No photo or video recording is to be used as evidence for results or appeal. The judge’s decision is final. Disputing with officials sets a poor example for children and undermines the spirit of fair play.

Will there be shade?

The House Bays and designated spectating area will be located underneath the large shade sails at the Craigie Leisure Centre outdoor pool, however all students and spectators must be prepared with the appropriate sun protection gear listed above. Spectators will need to bring their own chairs and/or picnic rugs for the grassed spectating area.

Can I purchase food/drink for my child from the Café?

Spectators are welcome to purchase food/drink from the indoor Café throughout the day, however we kindly request that you do not purchase food/drink for your child. Students will need to bring a packed lunch with all food/drink they require for the day. Water fountains will be available to fill up water bottles throughout the day.

Does my child have to wear a swimming cap?

No. The House coloured swimming caps are optional for students to borrow on the day if they wish. We recommend you equip your child with an appropriate pair of goggles for the day however.

What if my child has not yet learnt Breaststroke or frog kick?

We understand that some swim schools teach the frog kick and breaststroke techniques at a later stage in their swimming program. Children who are confident swimming 25m freestyle and 25m backstroke are welcome and encouraged to participate in the 25m deep end events, however they will have the option of using a kickboard or noodle under their arms for the 25m breaststroke event in the deep end. If your child has not yet learnt the frog kick technique, they will have the option of using a kickboard and doing freestyle kick.

Does my child have to dive into the pool?

No. Students in shallow end events will start in the water (in the middle of the pool with the assistance of our secondary student helpers). Students in the 25m deep end events and 50m events will have the option of starting in the water, diving off the edge of the pool (next to the blocks) or diving off the blocks.

How does the House Point and ribbon system work at the swimming carnival?

  • All students who participate in a 25m shallow end event will receive 4 house points.
  • All students who participate in a 25m deep end event will receive 6 house points.
  • All students who participate in a 25m shallow end or deep end event will receive a participation ribbon (if they wish) to recognise and celebrate their efforts in the water.
  • Students who participate in the 50m events and Butterfly events will receive house points and individual points based on their overall placing and time.
    (1st place: 20 points, 2nd place: 18 points, 3rd place: 16 points, 4th place: 14 points, 5th place: 12 points, 6th place: 10 points, 7th and 8th place: 8 points).
  • It is important to note and explain to your child that some year groups will have multiple heats for each 50m event. House points and place ribbons will be allocated and handed out to students after all 50m heats for that category have been swum. For example – there may be three 50m heats for the Year 6 boys category. If a student in Heat 3 swims the fastest time overall out of all swimmers in Heat 1, 2 and 3, then the student from Heat 3 will be awarded with 20 house points and the 1st place ribbon.
  • We recognise that it is a huge effort and achievement to swim in a 50m event regardless of the result, so students who swim in the 50m events will be rewarded with more house points than the 25m categories. Students who do not receive a place ribbon in a 50m event will be offered a participation ribbon for their efforts as well.

Why are place ribbons not handed out in the 25m events?

Students participating in the 25m events are in a wide range of different swimming levels and abilities. Most children in these events are still in the process of developing the correct and efficient technique for freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Hence, children in these events should not be encouraged to ‘race’. The 25m events provide students with an opportunity to build their confidence in the water and participate to the best of their ability. The 25m events are also a non-competitive option for students who do not wish to participate in the 50m events.

Event Numbers?

Your child will write their event numbers in their school diary the day before the carnival. We encourage you to write your child’s event numbers on their hand prior to arriving at school on the morning of the carnival. Please note that all event times in the program are approximate. 

When is the Interschool Swimming Carnival?

The Year 3 – 6 NIPSSA Interschool Swimming Carnival will take place on Thursday 28 March (Week 9, Term 1). The Interschool Swimming Team will be selected from the overall 50m results at our Interhouse Swimming Carnival. More information about the carnival will be sent out via Consent2Go once the team has been selected.

If you have any further questions about the upcoming Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at hannah.uglow@ststephens.wa.edu.au. We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing your children swim at our Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival!

Miss Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher

Scholastic Book Club

The due date for the 1st issue of Scolastic Book Club is Wednesday 14 February.


Parent Series – Hot Topic



Tennis Lessons


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