Term 1, Week 9 – Happy Easter

Thank You and Wishing You a Safe and Blessed Break

Dear Parents and Guardians

As we approach the end of this term, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support and partnership. Your involvement in your child’s education has made a positive difference in their academic journey. With the term coming to a close, we wish you and your family a safe, relaxing break filled with joy and cherished moments. May this Easter season bring you renewed hope, blessings and happiness. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Here’s to a rejuvenating break and a joyful Easter celebration!

The Primary Leadership Team

Easter Raffle Winners and Thank you

Congratualtions to the following lucky winners of our Easter raffle:

Grace Colyer-Long

Rowan Couto

Claire Higgins

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Lejaun Holmes for organising the beautiful Easter hampers and taking time to sell raffle tickets.


Commemorative 40th Anniversary Recipe Book – LAST CALL

Please rememeber to submit you favourite recipe for the St Stephen’s school 40th Anniversary Commemorative Recipe Book.

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