Archive | June 2024

Final Blog Term 2- Special Edition

Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff and Students,

As we end this school term, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you.

Parents, thank you for your unwavering support throughout this term. Your involvement and encouragement have truly made a difference in our school community.

To our dedicated staff, your hard work and commitment to our students have not gone unnoticed. Your passion for teaching is evident, and we are grateful for all that you do.

Students, we are incredibly proud of your hard work, enthusiasm, and active participation in all the opportunities our school provided this semester. Your eagerness to learn and grow is inspiring.

As we approach the break, we encourage everyone to take this time to rest, recharge, and enjoy quality moments with family and friends. May this break bring you joy and rejuvenation.

We eagerly anticipate welcoming all students back to school on 23 July. Until then, we wish you all a restful and enjoyable break.

Best wishes,

Mr Andrews, Madame Pilote and Mrs Langley


Arts & Academics Festival Results

What a week we’ve had! Our students’ participation has been incredible throughout the entire Arts & Academic Festival, well done! Our participants should be extremely proud of themselves; the House spirit, enthusiasm, care and respect everyone has shown in our final week of term has been heart-warming to witness. Thank you to our wonderful and respectful audience throughout the Arts events, you have been amazing! Now the moment you have all been waiting for…… drumroll please……Congratulations CHARIS!!!

Enjoy your holidays………..




Term 2, Week 11

Arts & Academics Frenzy!

What a great start to the week! We have been extremely impressed with our students’ participation and enthusiasm so far at our annual (and much anticipated!) Arts & Academics Festival! We look forward to the many more events on our calendar this week.

Term 2 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle. Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

WEEK 10 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


115 82


Congratulations to PARRESIA for running the most laps in Week 10! Well done to our Year 2 cohort who had the most runners participating this week. Keep up the fantastic effort everyone!


Congratulations to Kiana Rupalia (5S) who completed 100 laps on her running club cards! Congratulations to Kourtney Muir (4BE) who completed 200 laps on her running club card!


We are very excited to announce that we are introducing milestone badges to celebrate individual student contributions and achievements in the Primary Running Club. These exciting new awards will recognise students who have shown outstanding commitment and dedication over a long period of time. A bronze badge will be awarded to a student who has completed 500 laps, a silver badge will be awarded for 700 laps, and a gold badge will be awarded to a student who has completed 1000 laps.

Congratulations to Caleigh Schoeman (2H) for achieving a ‘Bronze Award’ for completing her 500 lap milestone. Outstanding effort and commitment Caleigh!

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club and a staff member will walk them to our club on the green. Thank you.

Hannah Uglow

Physical Education Teacher



Children’s University – Monthly Challenge

CU often posts a Monthly Challenge on its online learning portal.  This month, the challenge is called “Window Wonders” and here are the details.

This year’s June Challenge is brought to you by our amazing CU member, Allie! As we cozy up this winter, let’s embrace the beauty outside our windows.

Here’s how to join in:

  1. Describe the view: Find a comfy spot and look out your window. What’s the light like? What’s the weather doing?
  2. Draw what you see: Grab some paper, draw a frame as your window, and then create a picture of what you see outside.
  3. Make a suncatcher: Add some colour to your room by making a suncatcher. Let the sun create beautiful patterns in your space.

You can submit your evidence online or bring it to me at the next passport signing session.  There are only five more passport signing sessions before the 2024 Graduation deadline.  They will be in the primary forum from 8.15am on the following days:

  • Thursday 27 June
  • Thursday 1 August
  • Thursday 15 August
  • Thursday 29 August
  • Thursday 12 September

Please keep in mind, the last few often get quite busy with people trying to get all their hours logged in time for graduation.

Janelle Morris



OSHClub – July Pupil Free Days

OSHClub will be open all day in the third week of the school holidays from the 15 to the 22 of July 6:30am to 6:00pm each day. Our children have chosen some themes for these days:

15/07/24 – Superhero Dress Up Day

16/07/24 – World Ocean Day

17/07/24 – Movie Day

18/07/24 – Carnival Day

19/07/24 – Messy Day

22/07/24 – Dance Party

Please note, food is not provided for pupil free days and each child will need to bring their recess, lunch, afternoon tea, water bottle and a hat.

If your children are already enrolled, you will have received an email advising these days are open for bookings. If you have not yet completed an enrolment, please do this before the end of term if possible.

Please feel free to drop in during our before or after school sessions to learn more about our inclusive environment at OSHClub. We are in the 3rd transportable next to the school oval. Book in online at or contact us on 0478 066 366 with any queries.

Kind Regards St Stephen’s OSHClub Team



Reading Quest



Bringing Up Great Kids

Term 2, Week 10

Arts & Academics Update

We look forward to seeing our students shine next week during the Arts & Academic Festival next Monday, with the schedule of events below. No doubt, students have been prepping and practicing in anticipation of days filled with fun and competition. Who will be the winning house for 2024?

A few FAQ’s 

Scheduling  – Events will commence as scheduled, however we are unable to confirm exact year group/specific student performance times.

Whilst every attempt is made to keep to the schedule, last minute changes may be necessary and will be made at the discretion of the primary leadership team. 

Audience – Parents are welcome to attend events marked with ‘Audience Welcome’ on the Schedule. Many classes will also be participating as audience during these events.

Certificates and placing – Points are allocated to houses for student participation and placing in events.  Certificates are awarded at the end of each section.

Where there are a small number of entries in a particular catergory, the categories may be combined or certificates limited to just a 1st and 2nd place.

Media – Monday Morning

Media entries will be pre judged. Videos will be shown to students on Monday followed by awarding of the winning certificates in each category.

Public Speaking – Monday Afternoon

This is an individual event. If students choose to use props, they must handle them independently without assistance.

Prepared Speeches should be:

  • No longer than 3 minutes
  • Be written by the student

Impromptu Speeches:

  • Students will be provided a topic card and 20 minutes to prepare.
  • Speeches should be no longer than 3 minutes

Drama – Tuesday Afternoon

Please see below for links to scripts

Drama Monologues 2024

Drama GROUP scenes 2024

Should you have any further questions, please contact Rosie


No Icy Pole Sales for the Remainder of the Term

Please note that due to interschool commitments and the Arts & Academic Festival logistics, the House Captains will not be selling icy poles for the remainder of the term. The sales will resume in Term 3.



Children’s University – Monthly Challenge

CU often posts a Monthly Challenge on its online learning portal.  This month, the challenge is called “Window Wonders” and here are the details.

This year’s June Challenge is brought to you by our amazing CU member, Allie! As we cozy up this winter, let’s embrace the beauty outside our windows.

Here’s how to join in:

  1. Describe the view: Find a comfy spot and look out your window. What’s the light like? What’s the weather doing?
  2. Draw what you see: Grab some paper, draw a frame as your window, and then create a picture of what you see outside.
  3. Make a suncatcher: Add some colour to your room by making a suncatcher. Let the sun create beautiful patterns in your space.

You can submit your evidence online or bring it to me at the next passport signing session.  There are only five more passport signing sessions before the 2024 Graduation deadline.  They will be in the primary forum from 8.15am on the following days:

  • Thursday 27 June
  • Thursday 1 August
  • Thursday 15 August
  • Thursday 29 August
  • Thursday 12 September

Please keep in mind, the last few often get quite busy with people trying to get all their hours logged in time for graduation.

Janelle Morris


Term 2 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle. Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

WEEK 8 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


90 91


Congratulations to PARRESIA for running the most laps in Week 9! Followed by only 1 point between Makaria and Charis! Well done to our Year 2 cohort who had the most runners participating this week. Keep up the fantastic effort everyone!


Congratulations to Isabelle Jolley (2H), Reece Muirhead (3BA) and Charlotte Jolley (6CU) who completed 100 laps on their running club cards! Congratulations to Joshua van Deventer (1A) who completed 200 laps on his running club card!


We are very excited to announce that we are introducing milestone badges to celebrate individual student contributions and achievements in the Primary Running Club. These exciting new awards will recognise students who have shown outstanding commitment and dedication over a long period of time. A bronze badge will be awarded to a student who has completed 500 laps, a silver badge will be awarded for 700 laps, and a gold badge will be awarded to a student who has completed 1000 laps.

Congratulations to Nil Schoeman (5E) who is our first student to receive a ‘Bronze Award’ for completing his 500 lap milestone. Outstanding effort and commitment Neil!

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club and a staff member will walk them to our club on the green. Thank you.

Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher


Keep Those Book Fair Donations Coming

We thank all those who have already donated books to the 2024 Book Fair. Please note that all donations need to be handed in no later than Friday 26 July.


Reading Quest


Term 2, Week 9

Go Blue Day

Thank you to our wonderful community for their generous donations and students for their enthusiastic participation in The Go Blue Day fundraiser last Friday. We have raised just over $600 for the Diabetes WA. An incredable effort!


Arts & Academics Update

191 students have entered this years Arts & Academics Festival, with over 600 entries in total! Please note that each participant will be receiving a schedule and confirmation of their event(s) by the end of the week. We look forward to another amazing final week of Term 2, celebrating our students many talents.


Term 2 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle. Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

WEEK 8 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


114 108


Congratulations to PARRESIA for running the most laps in Week 8! Well done to our Year 5 cohort who had the most runners participating this week. Keep up the fantastic effort everyone!


Congratulations to Dian Varsani (1A) and Claire Higgins (5E) who completed 100 laps on their running club cards! We will present the running club awards at our next assembly on Friday 14 June.


We are very excited to announce that we are introducing milestone badges to celebrate individual student contributions and achievements in the Primary Running Club. These exciting new awards will recognise students who have shown outstanding commitment and dedication over a long period of time. A bronze badge will be awarded to a student who has completed 500 laps, a silver badge will be awarded for 700 laps, and a gold badge will be awarded to a student who has completed 1000 laps.

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club and a staff member will walk them to our club on the green. Thank you.


Due to Year 2 – 6 Interschool Cross Country Training on Tuesday mornings.

We encourage all of our Interschool Cross Country team members to join us at Running Club every Thursday morning in preparation for the Interschool Carnival in Week 10.

Hannah Uglow
Teacher – Primary Physical Education


Book Fair Donations – Urgently Needed



Drawing Competition


Australian Girls Choir Open Day

The Australian Girls Choir is holding an Open Day on Saturday June 15 and we would love to invite the girls at your school to come along. We would be very grateful if you were able to place the information below in your school newsletter to inform your community about this opportunity.  

Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) because we encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform. School aged girls are invited to come along to our June Open Day to try our fun and inclusive class and learn more about being part of the AGC! Please visit our website to register to attend our free Open Day:

Term 2, Week 8

Go Blue Day!

Term 2 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

WEEK 7 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


21 26


Congratulations to PARRESIA for running the most laps in Week 7! Keep up the fantastic effort everyone!

100 LAPS Club 

Congratulations to Daniel Wei (2H) who completed 100 laps on his running club card!

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

We encourage all of our Interschool Cross Country team members to join us at Running Club every Thursday morning in preparation for the Interschool Carnival in Week 10.

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club and a staff member will walk them to our club on the green. Thank you.


Due to Year 2 – 6 Interschool Cross Country Training on Tuesday mornings.

Hannah Uglow

Physical Education Teacher


Scholastic Book Club

The due date for Scholastic issue 4 is Saturday 8 June


Book Fair Donations – Reminder



Drawing Competition

Australian Girls Choir Open Day

The Australian Girls Choir is holding an Open Day on Saturday June 15 and we would love to invite the girls at your school to come along. We would be very grateful if you were able to place the information below in your school newsletter to inform your community about this opportunity.  

Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) because we encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform. School aged girls are invited to come along to our June Open Day to try our fun and inclusive class and learn more about being part of the AGC! Please visit our website to register to attend our free Open Day: