Term 3, Week 1

Semester 2 House Captains

Congratulations to our House Captains for Semester 2.

Charis – Ashleigh Thiel and Mia Hirani

Makaria – Liam Ballan and Gina Vaghjiani

Parresia – Elke Henning and Shail Kothari (absent)

Thank you Semester 1 House Captains for your exemplary leadership and service to our School.

Book Fair


Term 3 Clubs

Term 3 After School Clubs will be starting next week! This term we are offering 6 clubs. Clubs will run until Week 8

Origami Club – Tuesday (Students in Yr3 – Year 6)

Cooking Club – Tuesday (Students in Yr5 – Yr6) Available to students who did not participate In Term 1

Read & Draw Club – Tuesday (Students in PP)

After School Sports – Thursday (Students in PP – Yr 2)

Art Club – Thursday (Students in Yr1 – Yr 3)

Running Club – Thursday (Students in Kindy – Yr 6) Starts Thursday 25 July

Bookings will be available from 6.00pm this Friday 26 July.

Remember to only register your child for activities available to their year group and only one club per child so that all students have an opportunity to join a club. 

Use the following link to book https://portal.ststephens.wa.edu.au/parent-and-student/plan-the-day/after-school-clubs.html

Booking Instructions


Scholastic Book Club 

The due date for this issue is Saturday 3 August


Term 3 RUNNING CLUB – Starting Thursday 25 July (Week 1)

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow, Mrs Bartels and Mr Simms on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle. Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left in our year group bags at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club and a staff member will walk them to our club on the green. Thank you.

Education Minister’s Running Challenge Term 3 

Primary and secondary school students across WA are invited to register for the Education Minister’s Running Challenge in Term 3. The challenge aims to increase participation in physical activity, regardless of ability. Registered primary students will be required to run, walk or wheel for 20 minutes per week, while secondary students and staff complete 30 minutes per week, from July 15 to September 13. Activities may be completed during or outside of school hours. Term 3 Running Club will be the perfect opportunity for our St Stephen’s School community to complete the challenge – so sign up now and get running! Go St Stephen’s!

Link to sign up: https://www.ministersrunningchallenge.wa.gov.au

Information about the challenge: https://www.ministersrunningchallenge.wa.gov.au/the-challenge

Hannah Uglow

Teacher – Primary Physical Education


Addams Family Meal Deal


Reading Quest


NRL League Stars Program


Anglicare WA – Bringing Up Great Kids Program

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