
Term 2, Week 4 – Special Edition

Mother’s Day Stall Success!

We would like to thank all the Parent Reps who coordinated the Mother’s Day stall this week as well as the many volunteers who helped manage the stall. It was a huge success! Together, our community raised a grand total of $2000, which will go towards the Evening On The Green at the end of the year. Well done everyone!

Wishing all the mums in our community a relaxing Mother’s Day filled with love and laughter.


Term 2, Week 4

Mother’s Day Stall

Icy Poles

The Year 6 Captains will not be selling icy poles this week as they will be on camp.


2024 Disco

Book tickets at


Term 3 Book Fair


Heart For The Homeless

The collection box is located in the Administration Building

We’re collecting new and clean…

Sleeping bags, tracksuit pants and tops, backpacks, shampoos, conditioners, body wash, soap, deodorant, tampons and pads, underwear, single-pack toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors and socks.

We’re only accepting brand new and in good condition clean items. At this time we’re not collecting food or perishable items.

Essential Donation Items:

  • New Sleeping Bags: A warm and cozy sleeping bag can provide much-needed comfort during cold nights.
  • New Fleece Blankets: Soft fleece blankets offer warmth and a sense of security to individuals facing homelessness – small, packable ones are best as they’re easy to carry.
  • New Winter Jumpers:
    • Men’s Sizes M – XXL
    • Women’s Sizes 10-18
  • New Winter Bottoms:
    • Men’s Sizes 32-42
    • Women’s Sizes 8-18
  • New Underwear:
    • Women’s Sizes 8-18
    • Men’s Sizes M-XL
  • New Socks: Keeping feet warm and dry is essential, so new pairs of socks are greatly appreciated.
  • Backpacks: these enable those sleeping rough to have something to safely carry their belongings around in.

If you’re considering donating multiple items, here are some suggested pack ideas:

St Bart’s Winter Care Pack – Under $60

  • Backpack
  • Blanket
  • Beanie, Gloves & Scarf
  • Socks & Underwear
  • Deodorant, Wipes, Shower Gel / Soap, Toothbrush, Toothpaste

Men’s Winter Wear Pack – Under $60:

  • Jumper, track pants, socks, and briefs pack.
  • Jumper and track pants pack, briefs and socks pack.

Women’s Winter Wear Pack – Under $50:

  • Jumper, track pants, socks, and briefs pack.
  • Jumper and track pants pack, socks and briefs pack.

These clothing packs provide a comprehensive set of winter wear items, ensuring that individuals experiencing homelessness have the necessary clothing to stay warm and comfortable.

Sanitary Packs Ideas:

Full Sanitary Pack – Under $30:

  • Small Shampoo
  • Small Conditioner
  • Body Wash
  • Disposable shavers
  • Individually wrapped toothbrushes
  • Smaller size tubes of toothpaste
  • Hair Brushes
  • Wide Teeth Combs / Afro Combs
  • Tampons/Pads
  • Deodorant

Women’s Sanitary Pack – Under $20:

  • Tampons/Pads
  • Deodorant
  • Disposable shavers
  • Hair Brushes
  • Individually wrapped toothbrushes
  • Smaller size tubes of toothpaste

Men’s Sanitary Pack – Under $15:

  • Deodorant
  • Wide Teeth Combs / Afro Combs
  • Disposable shavers
  • Individually wrapped toothbrushes
  • Smaller size tubes of toothpaste


Term 2, Week 3 – Special Edition

Mother’s Day Stall – Next Week 

A final reminder that our Mother’s Day stall begins next Tuesday, 7 May. See you there.

Term 2, Week 3

Mother’s Day Stall


Term 3 Book Fair – Donations Needed



Children’s University 2024

This Thursday 2 May is our next passport stamping session. New students – I have some passports ready to hand out to you. Please make sure you come and find me in the Primary Forum and I can show you how to fill them in.

If you are stuck for some ideas on what to do, please check out the Children’s University portal. Log in details are inside your passport. Here is one I found that can earn you up to 10 hours – that is one third of the way to qualifying for graduation this year.



2024 Disco

Book tickets at



Scholastic Book Club

Issue 3 Scholastic Book Club orders are due Monday 6 May



The Golden Pen Competition

The Golden Pen Competition is open now! This year, the theme is Rebels &Dreamers. Will you create a character who rebels against expectations or stands up for something important? Will you dream up a whole new world? Or will you put yourself in the story? Whatever Rebels & Dreamers means for you, this is a challenge to be courageous and imagine something new. Fiction, poetry, memoir, comics, graphic novels, picture books and song lyrics are all welcomed. Prizes include book vouchers, cash, workshops and a VIP trip to FORM’s Scribblers Family Festival. The competition is open to students in Years 4–12. Entries are open now and close Monday 26 August 2024. Visit to enter. Please see Mrs Battersby in Secondary for more information.



Parent Series – Understanding Behaviour Through A Self Regulation Lens


We are pleased to welcome Vanessa Kay to present the first of the St Stephen’s School 2024 Parent Series sessions – Understanding stress and self-regulation – which is being delivered in partnership with Ngala and the Parenting Connection WA.

Vanessa Kay is a self-regulation consultant with a diverse background that includes teaching, behaviour intervention and counselling. Vanessa will explore the impact of stress on the brain and body and share insights on the crucial skill of self-regulation that has relevance for both adults and children. This session is suitable for parents and caregivers of all school-aged children.

Join us on Wednesday 8 May, 6.30pm at the Duncraig Campus Theatre. Tickets are FREE but bookings are essential

Term 2, Week 2

ANZAC Day ‘Dawn’ Service

Tomorrow morning, Wednesday 24 April,  the school will continue its tradition of holding an ANZAC Day ‘Dawn’ Service at the start the day. The service will take place on the slope near the Secondary Administration.

This time is made available so that as the St Stephen’s School Community, we can reflect with sorrow and thankfulness on those men and women who gave their lives in battle in order to protect and preserve the freedoms that we continue to enjoy in this most beautiful country of ours, Australia.

We would like to extend to you, your family and your friends, the warmest of invitations to join us at 7.50am, as we mark ANZAC Day; a day of remembrance, respect, dignity and prayer.

Carramar Leadership Team



2024 K-12 Interhouse Cross Country

Congratulations to all students for heir outstanding participation in today’s cross country event. The winning House will be announced late this week. Who will it be?


Term 2 Extra Curricular Activities

Term 2 Extra Curricular Activities will be starting next week (Week 3)! Activities will run from Week 3, Monday 29 April to Week 9, Friday 14 June.

After School Sports (PP – Yr2) – Thursday,  3.30pm to 4.30pm, Primary Forum

Running Club (K – Yr6) –  Thursday 8.00am to 8.25am, Primary Green

Movement Club (PK – Yr6) – Tuesday,  8.00am to 8.25am, Primary Green OR Primary Courts

Bookings will be available from 6.00pm this Friday 26 April.

Use the following link to book

Please be aware that bookings are not necessary for Running Club and Movement Club.



Term 2 Running Club – Commencing THURSDAY 9 MAY (Week 4)

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow, Mrs Bartels and Mr Simms on the Primary Green every Thursday morning (starting in Week 4) to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning (starting Week 4) from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club. Thank you.

We look forward to seeing all our runners in Week 4! Happy running



Car Park Reminder

For the safety of our students, we ask that you DO NOT enter the staff carpark to drop off or pick up students in the turning circle, at any time of the day. This week, staff have witnessed students running in front of moving vehicles in this area, which is of grave concern to the School. Your collaboration with this matter is greatly appreciated.

The Primary Leadership Team



Mother’s Day Stall



Student Attendance/Absences Reminder

A reminder to please advise Student Services of all student absences by either , phone – 9306 7100 or SMS – 0428 863 144.

If your child is signing out of School early and someone other than a parent or guardian is signing them out, please advise Student Services as the School has a duty of care to ensure students are only signed out with parental/guardian consent. Students must present at Student Services to sign out and are NOT to be signed out from the classroom. When signing in late, students must present at Student Services to sign in and NOT go directly to their classroom.

Thank you for your diligence in regard to student attendance.


2024 Disco

Book tickets at


Scholastic Book Club

Issue 3 Scholastic Book Club orders are due Monday 6 May



The Golden Pen Competition

The Golden Pen Competition is open now! This year, the theme is Rebels &Dreamers. Will you create a character who rebels against expectations or stands up for something important? Will you dream up a whole new world? Or will you put yourself in the story? Whatever Rebels & Dreamers means for you, this is a challenge to be courageous and imagine something new. Fiction, poetry, memoir, comics, graphic novels, picture books and song lyrics are all welcomed. Prizes include book vouchers, cash, workshops and a VIP trip to FORM’s Scribblers Family Festival. The competition is open to students in Years 4–12. Entries are open now and close Monday 26 August 2024. Visit to enter. Please see Mrs Battersby in Secondary for more information.


Parent Series – Understanding Behaviour Through A Self Regulation Lens


We are pleased to welcome Vanessa Kay to present the first of the St Stephen’s School 2024 Parent Series sessions – Understanding stress and self-regulation – which is being delivered in partnership with Ngala and the Parenting Connection WA.

Vanessa Kay is a self-regulation consultant with a diverse background that includes teaching, behaviour intervention and counselling. Vanessa will explore the impact of stress on the brain and body and share insights on the crucial skill of self-regulation that has relevance for both adults and children. This session is suitable for parents and caregivers of all school-aged children.

Join us on Wednesday 8 May, 6.30pm at the Duncraig Campus Theatre. Tickets are FREE but bookings are essential



Little Stars Tennis


This entry was posted on April 23, 2024. 4 Comments

Term 2, Week 1 – Special Edition

We made it!!!


Congratulations to us! St Stephens’ School has officially beaten the Guiness World Record for “the most people launching confetti cannons simultaneously’!!!

Tune in to the following broadcasts tonight to see our school on the news:

4pm – Channel 9 and Channel 7

5pm – Channel 10

6pm – Channel 7 and Channel 9

7pm – ABC news

BRAVO everyone!

Term 2, Week 1

Reminder about this Friday’s GUINNESS WORLD RECORD attempt!

A friendly reminder that as part of St Stephen’s School 40th year celebrations, our School will be attempting to break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for ‘the most people launching confetti cannons simultaneously’ this Friday 19 April 2024. We held a special assembly today to demonstrate to students what will be expected of them this Friday. The excitement is building up!!!

The event will see students from both campuses form a human 40 on the Duncraig oval before they set off their environmentally friendly, biodegradable confetti flick sticks (a safe, non-carbonised alternative to a cannon). The attempt will be filmed by a drone company and a ground film crew. Please note that there will also be professional photographers, television news crews and newspaper photographers on site.

Please note the following very important school uniform requirements:

Year 1 & 2 students:  school red, navy and white stripe polo, navy shorts and school hat

Year 3 to 6 students: school white polo shirt, navy shorts (boys), navy culottes (girls) and school hat

If your child is in Yrs1 to 6, please ensure that they arrive at school NO LATER than 8:25am as we will start getting on the bus by 8:30am.

As per previous correspondence from our Communications Department, parents of PK-Kindy and Pre-Primary students are welcome to attend the event with their child. Please refer to correspondence sent earlier last term.

We look forward to this amazing opportunity!


Icy Pole Sales

Captains will start selling icy poles, next Friday 26 April for $1.00 each. A reminder that the proceeds are donated to various charity organistions each term.


Primary Interhouse Cross Country Carnival

The St Stephen’s Carramar K – 12 Interhouse Cross Country Carnival will be taking place on Tuesday 23 April (Week 2, Term 2). The event will run from 8.40am – 10.45am on the school oval. Classes will resume as normal after recess time. Students in Kindy – Year 1 will participate in a Lapathon run in a special sectioned off boundary area on the oval. Students in Year 2 – 6 will participate in different Cross Country distances, along with some fun, non-competitive team games on the oval. Please see the details below: 

Date: Tuesday 23 April (Week 2, Term 2)

Time: 8.30am – 10.45am
Students in Year 2 – 6 need to arrive at school no later than 8.25am.  

Location: St Stephen’s School Carramar – Oval

What to Wear/Bring: 

  • House Uniform
  • Appropriate sports shoes
  • Clearly labelled St Stephen’s School hat
  • Clearly labelled water bottle
  • Asthma inhaler if required


Our Kindy, Pre-Primary and Year 1 students will be involved in a Lapathon in their own sectioned off area on the oval. The Lapathon will commence at approximately 9.15am.

Year 2 – 12 CROSS COUNTRY:

Event Start Time:

Year Group:



Year 9/10/11/12 Boys



Year 5/6 Boys



Year 7/8 Boys



Year 5/6 Girls



Year 9/10/11/12 Girls



Year 4 Girls & Boys



Year 7/8 Girls



Year 3 Girls & Boys



Year 2 Girls & Boys



Can I spectate this event? 

Parents/guardians and family members are welcome and encouraged to spectate the K-12 Cross Country Carnival. There will be a designated spectating areas on the oval for families. We kindly ask that spectators do not interfere with students and staff on the finish line or in their activities on the oval. Please remain behind the flags in the designated spectating areas. 

Can I take photos/videos at the Cross Country Carnival? 

Parents/guardians may take photo or video recordings of their own child/children (provided other students are not identifiable and the images are not shared on social media). No photo or video recording is to be used as evidence for results or appeal. Disputing with officials sets a poor example for children and undermines the spirit of fair play.  

When is the Interschool Cross Country Carnival?  

The Year 2 – 6 NIPSSA Interschool Cross Country Carnival will take place on Friday 21 June (Week 10, Term 2). The Interschool Cross Country Team will be selected from the results at our Interhouse Carnival. More information about the carnival will be sent out via Consent2Go once the team has been selected.

If you have any further questions about the upcoming Primary Interhouse Cross Country Carnival, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing your children swim at our Primary Interhouse Cross Country Carnival!

Miss Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher


Term 2 Running Club – Commencing THURSDAY 9 MAY (Week 4)

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow, Mrs Bartels and Mr Simms on the Primary Green every Thursday morning (starting in Week 4) to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning (starting Week 4) from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club. Thank you.

We look forward to seeing all our runners in Week 4! Happy running


Scholastic Book Club

Issue 3 Scholastic Book Club orders are due Monday 6 May


Children’s University

This Thursday, 18 April will be a passport stamping session.  Please come from 8.15am to the Primary Forum with your passport and evidence.  If this is your first year enrolled in Children’s University, I will also present you with your passport which has arrived from ECU.

Thank you

Dr Morris


ThinkUKnow Parent Presentation 

As part of our ‘Supporting your child in a Digital World’, St Stephen’s Carramar will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation and all parents (not students), carers and staff are encouraged to attend.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and their online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.

Where: Carramar Primary Forum

When: Tuesday 23 April 2024

Time: 6:30pm-8.00pm 

Bookings are essential.

Please register your attendance at:


Our First Parent Series Session For 2024

We are pleased to welcome Vanessa Kay to present the first of the St Stephen’s School 2024 Parent Series sessions – Understanding stress and self-regulation – which is being delivered in partnership with Ngala and Parenting Connection WA.

Vanessa Kay is a self-regulation consultant with a diverse background that includes teaching, behaviour intervention and counselling. Vanessa will explore the impact of stress on the brain and body and share insights on the crucial skill of self-regulation that has relevance for both adults and children. This session is suitable for parents and caregivers of all school-aged children.

Join us on Wednesday 8 May, 6.30pm at the Duncraig Campus Theatre. Tickets are FREE but bookings are essential


Tennis Lessons


Term 1, Week 9 – Happy Easter

Thank You and Wishing You a Safe and Blessed Break

Dear Parents and Guardians

As we approach the end of this term, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support and partnership. Your involvement in your child’s education has made a positive difference in their academic journey. With the term coming to a close, we wish you and your family a safe, relaxing break filled with joy and cherished moments. May this Easter season bring you renewed hope, blessings and happiness. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Here’s to a rejuvenating break and a joyful Easter celebration!

The Primary Leadership Team

Easter Raffle Winners and Thank you

Congratualtions to the following lucky winners of our Easter raffle:

Grace Colyer-Long

Rowan Couto

Claire Higgins

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Lejaun Holmes for organising the beautiful Easter hampers and taking time to sell raffle tickets.


Commemorative 40th Anniversary Recipe Book – LAST CALL

Please rememeber to submit you favourite recipe for the St Stephen’s school 40th Anniversary Commemorative Recipe Book.

Term 1, Week 9

Join Us For St Stephen’s School Worship This Evening

As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations we invite you to join us for this year’s St Stephen’s School Worship on Tuesday 26 March. Reserve your place here



Easter Raffle – Last Day to Purchase Raffle Tickets TOMORROW (Wednesday 27 March)

The Easter raffle will be drawn tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 27 March). Best of luck to all those who have purchased raffle tickets.



No Movement Club or Running Club in Week 9

We thank everyone for their support in Term 1 and look forward to seeing you all again next term. Don’t forget to keep moving and running over the holidays!

WEEK 8 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 



84 95


Congratulations to PARRESIA house for running the most laps in Week 8! Followed very closely by Makaria and Charis.

100 LAPS Club 

Congratulations to Matyldah Ioppolo (4BE) and Alexander Jonck (4BA) who completed 100 laps on their running club cards!

TERM 1 Overall Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


884 693


Congratulations to CHARIS house who have run the most laps overall for Term 1 2024. Keep up the fantastic efforts everyone!

See you all again next term.

Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher



Book Fair

If you’re doing a holiday clear out, please consider keeping hold of any suitable books (children and adult fiction only thank you) – more details on how to donate will follow in Term 2



Holiday Tennis Lessons



ThinkUKnow Parent Presentation

As part of our ‘Supporting your child in a Digital World’, St Stephen’s Carramar will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation and all parents (not students), carers and staff are encouraged to attend.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and their online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.

Where: Carramar Primary Forum

When: Tuesday 23 April 2024

Time: 6:30pm-8pm 

Bookings are essential.  Please register your attendance at:



Join us as we commemorate the 40th Anniversary of St Stephen’s School at the Ruby Gala Ball, hosted by the St Stephen’s School Foundation. This magical night will celebrate four decades of educational brilliance, featuring current and past students through musical acts, an art exhibition and even our Master of Ceremonies, with 2001 alumni and successful television sports journalist Tim Hipsley hosting the evening.

We invite you to indulge in a three-course meal complemented by a five-hour drinks package as we immerse ourselves in lively entertainment, fundraising and exclusive prizes to be won. Book now at

Term 1, Week 8


Canteen Easter Meal Deal


Commemorative Recipe Book


Easter Raffle


Join Us For St Stephen’s School Worship

As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations we invite you to join us for this year’s St Stephen’s School Worship on Tuesday 26 March. Reserve your place here


Term 1 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

WEEK 7 Running Club House Points : (drum roll please…) 


120 120


Congratulations to CHARIS and MAKARIA for running the most laps in Week 7! Followed very closely by Parresia.

We had a total of 74 participants this week. Well done to our Year 1 cohort who had the most participants joining in on the fun! Keep up the fantastic effort everyone!

100 LAPS Club 

Congratulations to Gauruv Sandhu (3B) who completed 100 laps on his running club card!

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Students who attend OSH Club on Thursday morning are welcome to come along to Running Club too. Please advise the OSH staff if your child would like to attend running club. Thank you.

Please note:

Running Club will not be on in Week 9 (Thursday 28 March) due to the Interschool Swimming Carnival. We look forward to seeing everyone for our last session of the term this Thursday!


Tuesday Morning Movement Club (8.00am – 8.25am)

All students (PK – 6) and their families are encouraged to join Miss Uglow every TUESDAY morning for our new MOVEMENT CLUB. Come outside and practice your running, jumping, throwing, catching, kicking and more! Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend with their child/children. Help your child improve their fundamental movement skills and build their motivation and confidence to be active for life!

We will meet on the Primary Green OR Primary Courts every TUESDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club.



ThinkUKnow Parent Presentation

As part of our ‘Supporting your child in a Digital World’, St Stephen’s Carramar will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation and all parents (not students), carers and staff are encouraged to attend.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and their online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.

The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.

Where: Carramar Primary Forum

When: Tuesday 23 April 2024

Time: 6:30pm-8pm 

Bookings are essential.  Please register your attendance at:


Ruby Gala Ball

Join us as we commemorate the 40th Anniversary of St Stephen’s School at the Ruby Gala Ball, hosted by the St Stephen’s School Foundation. This magical night will celebrate four decades of educational brilliance, featuring current and past students through musical acts, an art exhibition and even our Master of Ceremonies, with 2001 alumni and successful television sports journalist Tim Hipsley hosting the evening.

We invite you to indulge in a three-course meal complemented by a five-hour drinks package as we immerse ourselves in lively entertainment, fundraising and exclusive prizes to be won. Book now at