Three exciting events happening in Term 3 in the Primary Libraries:
Book Week; Story Night In and the Escape to Everywhere Learning Journey.
Book Week 2017 – Escape to Everywhere
Children are asked to dress up to represent a book they would like to escape into……it could be an information book about cricket or football. Or maybe a character in one of Mark Greenwood’s books. Or maybe just a fairytale or favourite book. Our Book Week parades will be:
Wednesday 23 August – 9.00 am.
Duncraig ELC
Friday 25 August – 9.00 am.
Duncraig Primary
Friday 25 August – 9.45 am.
“Story Night In”
We also will be having a “Story Night In” for the students and parents from kindy-2. The children will bring their torch and teddy and read with their parents by torch light. This will be held at both campuses on separate nights:
Carramar: K-2
Tuesday 22 August
6 – 7.30 pm.
Duncraig: ELC
Tuesday 29 August
6 – 7.30 pm.
Escape to Everywhere – Learning Journey
Parents are invited!
This year we are introducing a new event. This will help to showcase the link between digital learning and library.
It will run as an evening event in Carramar for years 3-6, but an afternoon ‘in school event’ at Duncraig primary for years 3-4. Parents are invited to join this event as well. Children will have a passport to show the events they have attended, they will receive tiny teddies or popcorn and a fruit box drink at the completion of the Learning Journey.
Duncraig Primary – Years 3-4 (only)
Wednesday 30 August
Primary Village.
Carramar – Years 3-6
Tuesday 5 September
6 – 7.45pm