I’ve just added 2 separate pages at the top of this blog for easy access to the following information:
- What to pack – A checklist of what you need to bring (downloadable as a PDF)
- Trip Itinerary – An up-to-date itinerary of the main things we will be doing on this trip and when
Other than a couple more medical consent forms to be returned that’s about all we need to organise. The next time I see you all will be at the airport with your team t-shirts.
Reminder: We meet at the Perth International Airport at 9:00pm on Tuesday 6th January 2015
What is the link we can give relatives and friends to follow the trip daily
You can pass on the following link which is to the main page of this blog site.
It’s the same blog we have been using all year so that it doesn’t get confusing with multiple places to go.
I’ll start the trip updates from when we are at the airport in Perth.