Congratulations to all students who have been offered a position on the Change the World – Cambodia trip.
Please complete the following items to register and secure your position on the trip:
- Review the Trip Agreement (v1.7) – This is an important document as it aides in providing a mutual understanding in some specific areas pertaining to responsibilities and expectations. Click here to view / Download the Trip Agreement as a PDF
- A signed consent and agreement form – The consent form has been sent out with the letters of offer and is to be co-signed by parents and students as consent to go on the trip and to ensure that the Trip Agreement has been read and understood. This signed form needs to be returned to student services. If you need another copy of this form, one can be downloaded from Here
- Registration Form – The registration form can be downloaded as a Word document and completed on your computer / iPad. This form allows us to gather all the personal, travel, medical and emergency contact information that we need for the trip. Once completed, this form can be emailed directly to the trip coordinator (Mr Belson – Download the Registration Form Here
- Trip deposit of $1,275 by 30th May – Information on payment methods and the trip payment schedule is available at the top of this page in the Payments tab or by Clicking Here
If you do not currently have a passport, you will need to apply for one asap as it can take up to 6 weeks from the date of application to receive one. We are unable to book flights for the group until we have passport numbers for everyone so this is one of the first things you will need to get sorted.
For information on applying for a passport, visit