Below is our flight itinerary flying Jetstar
Depart Perth
Meet at the Perth International Airport at 9:00pm on Tuesday 6th January 2015
Depart Perth at 0010hrs 07 January > Arrive in Singapore at 0530hrs (flight # 3K132)
Depart Singapore at 1320hrs > Arrive in Phnom Penh at 1425hrs (flight # 3K593)
Depart Phnom Penh
Depart Phom Penh at 1510hrs 21 January > Arrive in Singapore at 1810hrs (flight # 3K594)
Depart Singapore at 0220hrs > Arrive in Perth at 0745hrs 22 January 2015 (flight # 3K133)
It may take us around an hour after landing before we will all get through customs, so parents can aim to pickup their child from around 8:45am on Thursday 22nd January 2015
Wondering what vaccinations most of the students are deciding to have for the trip?
Our GP said to call Gov Health or look online. Apart from having all the general up to date vaccinations, Typhoid seems to be the only one recommended along with Malaria medication.
I would appreciate hearing what others have decided.
Thanks & regards, Kim Gallyer