On Thursday night, after a long day of working at EMP, we came back to I block where we would be staying the night with our Khmer family. We were divided into groups of 4 and given $2 to purchase food for dinner at the local markets. We all had fun negotiating and communicating with the Khmer people. After the markets, each group was given the responsibility of either setting up the bedding for the night, which included mozzie nets and blankets, or helping the family prepare dinner. Some surprises along the way included glow sticks and fireworks from the Raw crew to celebrate the completion of the house and Olivia’s birthday, which the kids all loved eating her cake, a rare treat for them. Overall, the sleep out was an amazing and unique experience as we got to see first hand how the Khmer people live on a day to day basis.
Ash and Sascha.
Credit to Callum Smith for the amazing photography skills!