Dates for Planning

Hi everyone

Welcome to our ‘Change the World – Cambodia Blog’

Everyone has now completely registered, set up their Everyday Hero Pages and I hope started planning their fundraising. It was great to catch up with the group last week -I think we are going to have a fantastic year!

Below are the dates we have planned for our Catch-Ups this year. Please remember that these are the compulsory meetings and make early arrangements to ensure you will be there. If there have to be any changes you will be notified asap.

Thursday 21/6 Cultural Meeting (Duncraig)

Thursday 16/8 Khmer Language (Carramar)

Thursday 11/10 Fundraising – finalising:) TBC

Tuesday 20/11 Parent Meeting (Duncraig)

Tuesday 27/11 Cambodian Dinner TBC

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions we are all available by email.

Good luck with your exams.

Mrs Libbis, Mr Biddle and Ms Glacken

This entry was posted on May 16, 2018. 2 Comments