How to create an effective infographic


What is the purpose of a graphic?

The purpose of graphics is to provide relevant visual output from a digital system. Graphics can be seen on a monitor when a computer is switched on, on a poster, in a related magazine.


What makes a successful Infographic?

As with any piece of content, if you want your infographic to be a success then you need to create one for your target audience. When coming up with the concept, do your research and find out what your audience likes, so that you can create an infographic that they will just have to share because it’s so on-point with their thoughts. Think about it like this. Your target audience has a problem (otherwise you wouldn’t exist) and your job is to solve that problem. When coming up with concepts, your goal should be to show your audience that you are their solution, using the creativity of an infographic. If you don’t have one, make sure you create a customer persona,so you know exactly who you are creating your infographic for.


A Compelling Theme.

If you check out the largest online community for infographics -Visually – then you’ll see that each one comes with a different theme. Your theme is essentially your story and it needs to correlate with your brand, as your infographic will become another footprint in your content marketing journey.

An exemplar is … Home Food Safety … or Home Food Safety for children

The aim is to teach people the importance of cooking safety to help avoid food poisoning. The theme is set within the various focus areas of the kitchen,


Actionable Data

Your next step should be to find the right data for your infographic, and this should be a heavy focus throughout. Don’t just create one because you think it looks cool. For people to want to share it, it needs to feature statistics that will back up your case.The key here is to find ‘stats’ that will help prove to your audience that your product or service is the solution that they need in their life/lives.


Awesome Graphics.

This is an obvious point to make, but your infographic has to look good! The graphics you use within it will help guide the viewer through the story.

You must provide handwritten research data on at least TWOtopics/ideas/concepts before selecting one. Notes for both topics will be part of the assessment task.

Some suggestions from infographic designers include:

  • Keep your graphics simple
  • Tell your story in sections so it flows
  • Don’t use too many colours
  • Make it readable
  • Match up your visuals with data
  • Stay true to your brand/service provider e.g. St John First Aid
  • Don’t be too repetitive
  • It’s not all about how it looks. The copy/information on your infographic is just as important!
  • You need to come up with powerful headlines to really convey the message.
  • Your headline needs to be strong so that people will be compelled to share it.
  • Keep it simple, concise and relevant to the theme.

Some examples of effective infographics




Task 3- Preparation



As you know, you’ll be working on producing an infographic on either a local or global issue. The task sheet below (and marking key) have all the information you require to complete this task:


Task 3 – Public Service Infographic Assess sheet


In today’s lesson, you will conduct some individual research on some (or all) of the following institutions:


Try and find relevant websites for the following…


Australian Health posters

West Australian Health dept

WA Fire Dept

St John’s Ambulance

WA Surf lifesaving

WA Swimming

WA Mental Health

Safety in the home

Safety in the workplace

Domestic Violence

Child safety


In today’s lesson, I would like to research as many of these institutions as possible. You need to find posters and infographics on these websites and record your findings under the following headings:


  • What is the purpose of the poster/infographic? What is it trying to achieve? What evidence is there in the text to support your answer? Is the text trying to warn the reader, to inform them, to support them? What is the tone of the text?
  • Who is the intended audience? How can you tell? What evidence is there in the text to support your answer?
  • How does the text use images to help the reader understand it? How do the images support the text?
  • How does the text use words to help the reader understand what it is about? How do certain words help set the tone for the text?


You might want to use the table below to help you record your findings. You will need to cut and paste this into a Word document:


Text 1




Text 2




Text 3




Text 4




  • What is the purpose of the poster/infographic? What is it trying to achieve? What evidence is there in the text to support your answer? Is the text trying to warn the reader, to inform them, to support them? What is the tone of the text?


  • Who is the intended audience? How can you tell? What evidence is there in the text to support your answer?


  • How does the text use images to help the reader understand it? How do the images support the text?


  • How does the text use words to help the reader understand what it is about? How do certain words help set the tone for the text?



Remember that you need to find EVIDENCE from the text to support your responses. The learning objective here is for your research to deepen your understanding of how images and text combine to present information in a specific way, for a specific purpose and for a specific audience.