Special Guests

Hi Apa Khabar – Hi How are you?

For the second year in a row, St Stephen’s School recently hosted staff from Bethany Home.  Eleven visitors arrived for a ten day stay to undertake an agenda of school-based professional development, external visits to educational support centres, some reflective practise, fundraising, presentations at Primary Worship and Secondary House Devotions and holiday moments. Pastor Karthik, his family and his staff were made very welcome and were most grateful for the time and energy devoted by many of the SSS staff to ensure that their visit was both, enjoyable and successful.

The highlight was, once again, the fundraising dinner, Hi Apa Khabar, held on Monday 26 March in the canteen area, under lights and beautifully catered for by our Bethany friends. Enjoying beautiful Malaysian cuisine and moments of song and dance were students and staff from current and past Bethany tours, SSS staff and SSS families that have built new and lasting relationships with Pastor Karthik and the Bethany people. Over $1,700 was raised on the evening which was a wonderful result and testament to the support and generosity of those in attendance.

If you hear of this event around March next year and wish to be part of the special relationship that St Stephen’s has made with Bethany Home, please make a booking and join us.