Carols at Regents Garden

This week, residents at Regents Garden Residential Care Home were treated to a special Christmas Carol performance from Carramar students. The Primary Vocal Ensemble joined their Secondary peers in song as part of the St Stephen’s Service Learning Program. What a great opportunity to spread Christmas cheer while serving the wider community!



St Stephen’s School would like to announce its inaugural Indonesia: Bali Life Foundation Service Tour 2018 open to students currently studying in Years 9 and 10 (Years 10 and 11 2018). Bali Life Foundation is a small charity based in Jimbaran, Bali where they care for and educate young disadvantaged children and youth.

Our students will engage in volunteer work at the orphanage as well as the Bali Life support services within the locality of central and southwest Bali. These services include Suwung Community School, Bali Life Sustainable Community Garden, Kuta Street Kids and Mothers Program, and the Training and Education Community Centre.


The tour will consist of 16 students and 3 staff from across both campuses and will be departing 17 April, returning 24 April, 2018 (first week of the April holidays). The approximate cost of the tour will be $1200.


We will be seeking expressions of interest from students in October 2017.



Mr Stephen Meagher, Deputy Head of Care

Ms Donna Lund, Coordinator of Service Learning

Year 7 service to the community

Carramar Year 7’s had the opportunity to further support the work of the Salvation Army this week, with three groups of students volunteering to collect money as part of the Red Shield Appeal at Balcatta Bunnings.

Each group spent one and half hours in store, and collectively achieved over $650 over the three days!

The school is proud that this has come about from students own desire to support the Salvation Army, and builds upon the education and awareness work the year group has been doing in partnership with the Salvation Army this year.

Year 7 Excursion

On Tuesday May 16 Carramar Year 7’s enjoyed beautiful weather as they spent the day in Perth City learning from Salvation Army staff as part of our ongoing efforts in the Community Serve partnership.

Working in groups, students were able to visit three key sites: Doorways, Bridge House and Beacon House. Each facility has a different purpose but all play a role in supporting people who face severe challenges in the city area and in in alleviating issues associated with homelessness. Students are gaining a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding homelessness and learning more about appropriate and thoughtful responses to these challenges.

Year 7’s are to be commended on their open minds, inquiring questions and softening attitudes as they personally wrestle with these issues. It is a pleasure to see them grow in this way.

As a result of this visit we have had some eager students ask for more opportunities to work alongside the Salvation Army and other social justice partnerships/projects that the school has.