This series guides you step by step through the process of class and student blogging.
Each step provides class blog examples so you can check out how they are used by educators. Many of the examples are from primary grades but the same principles apply regardless of student age (including adult learners).
The activities can be completed at your own pace and in any order!
You can work through the activities in any order and at any time.
- Step 1: Set up Class Blog
- Step 2: Setting up pages
- Step 3: Writing your first posts
- Step 4: Teach quality commenting skills
- Step 5: Adding Widgets
- Step 6: Helping parents and students connect
- Step 7: Images, copyright, and creative commons
- Step 9: Cool tools to embed
- Step 9: All about video (coming soon)
- Step 10: Connecting with other classes
- Step:11 Using RSS (coming soon)
- Step 12: Using plugins (coming soon)
- Step 13: Setting up your student blogs