Today started off at 7 am with the light being switched on and our sleepy heads slowly coming to terms with the hennas that had transferred to our faces through the night.
The Bethany routine is second-nature to us now, as we went to devotion which was presented by Meetal and Bree speaking on sacrifices, followed by our daily walk with the students, then boogied our way through aerobics.
We split up into classrooms, with Jorja, Caitlin and Emily working in the Physio room, Sarah in Level 1 where she went to the snooze room and soft play room (so jealous!), and Izzy, Emma and Miss Prosser joined a class for PE, which included some stretching and races that involved stepping through hoops and matching coloured balls to bowls.
Not getting lost, some of us (Izzy, Asher and Emma) headed to the Lighthouse after morning recess.
This afternoon, Jorja and Caitlin were kicking a ball around with some of the students from Work Skills, whilst Bree, Asher, Sarah, Emma and Miss Prosser were roped in to help with Boccia training. Boccia is the indoor version of the Bocce game we were introduced to last week. But this time, all players are physically handicapped, and so we had to remain seated in chairs the whole time. The young boy who was playing with us is training for a big competition, and is hoping to represent Malaysia in the future. His team – made up of Emma and Asher – won, of course!
After we left our classes for the last time we went to our mural to add the finishing touches to the wall. We almost have the whole thing done, so will just need a couple of minutes in the morning to put the final text and names.
This evening we were invited to Reverend Eliezer’s house for dinner, and of course, his entertaining young son, who was watching Mr Bean, telling us he was an “X-Boy” and doing cartwheels.
Following dinner we made our way onto the bus to drive to the town of Bagan Datuk for some sight-seeing and to watch the sun set over the ocean. We saw our lives flash before our eyes as the bus driver had a very different interpretation of the rule of staying a car’s length distance between himself and the vehicle in front of us (especially when he was driving at 100 km/hr).
Now we are all tired and getting a little bit testy so we think it’s a good idea to head to bed now so our last day at Bethany home will be an unforgettable one, and a remarkable memory which will be engrained into our hearts forever.
From your 2 cute gals,
(Bree and Emily) on the Bethany tour 😉
P.S. We have just received a surprise gift from Mr Roberts of a mug that has a photo of our mural on it as a keep-sake of the tour. We will need to make sure we pack these carefully for the flight home. So incredibly thoughtful!