Selling Chocolates

Hey guys,

A few of you have already sold a bunch of chocolates already – awesome!

A couple of quick points regarding the chocolates…

  1. When you have sold a whole box, please hand in the entire money in its envelope with your name, amount and which type of chocolates you sold (different chocolates have different prices so I need to know how much is actual profit). Check how much our buy price is on the website if you want to calculate how much profit each box is making you.
  2. Keep a tally yourself of how much you have handed in, although I’ll be keeping one for everyone.
  3. Once all the chocolates have been sold, I’ll let everyone know how much I have received in total for them, and if your happy I have the numbers right then I’ll just load that onto your EDH account so it’s easier for everyone.

p.s Duncraig have run out of boxes as of today, so I’ll bring some more down from Carramar on Friday afternoon. 

If you would like me to order more boxes so you can no nuts selling them in the holidays, please let me know by Monday and I’ll order some more…just tell me what types (our minimum order is 16 boxes).

If you haven’t grabbed any chocolates yet, please do so asap as we will just hand them out to whoever is selling them 🙂

Keep up the good work!!


Well Done!!!


I need to congratulate Caitlin, Kirby and Michael!!!

Today they undertook a bake sale as a fundraiser in their homeroom and raised $333.50

Awesome effort guys. Really great to see your initiative and enthusiasm.Well done to everyone else who has been raising money from all over the place too – don’t think it’s going unnoticed 🙂

For those who are finding it hard to get started, have a chat with a couple of other people in the team from your campus and help each other fund raise. It’s more fun with other people, and it’s less work when it’s shared 🙂

If you haven’t sent your Everyday Hero link out yet, jump on your Facebook friends list and start PMing some of your family and friends. I started last night and it’s already paid off! Take the time to write something that will make them understand the cause, and the effort will be worth it. Don’t only send to people you think will donate as you never know…send to anyone you can.

Don’t forget to put some thought into our group fundraiser activity and contribute to the planning too. It will be an awesome chance for all of us to work as a team and for everyone to bank some fundraising $$ towards your target.

Get your chocolates here!!!!

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G’day guys…as Miss Young posted earlier, the chocolates have now arrived!!

For those that haven’t grabbed any yet, next week is your chance.

I will be away from Mon-Wed so you will need to organise with Mr Kirby or Miss Young at your respective campus to pick up a box on these days. Lunchtime, before or after school would generally be a good time to do so.

The recommended retail price (RRP) for the chocolates are written on the side of each box. Where there are a boxes of the same chocolates (not mixed), I’d suggest coming in with someone else and swapping the chocolates around so you each have a mix in your box. It doesn’t matter which chocolates you take, so long as all the chocolates in the box are of the same value.

Feel free to email one of us to organise picking up a box or 2 of chocolates…

  • Miss Young –
  • Mr Kirby –
  • Mr Belson –

I have printed out a few little signs that you can stick on your box to explain the cause you are selling them for (and indicate the price to your customer). Ask one of us about this when you get your box(es). Alternatively I have uploaded the templates I put together if you would like to download and personalise the sign (add your name etc), or to simply print out your own if you want one. Click the respective links below..

Chocolate Fundraising Label – $1.00

Chocolate Fundraising Label – $2.00

Chocolate Fundraising Label – $2.50

Ask you parents to take a box to work, take them around a sporting event you attend or see if your church/club group will support you in selling them

All the best 🙂

/Mr Belson



Games fundraiser

There was a good up-take of running  a games evening with primary school students, and at this stage Carramar head of Primary is supportive of this, and I’ve spoke informally with Duncraig deputy about it (yet to meet with head of Primary) to gauge their uptake on running something similar at Duncraig too.

This would be a great opportunity for you to put together and run a program and think about logistics of how it will operate, what food we can offer and a chance for you to meet your fellow team members from the other respective campus.

We need to get a proposal together (games, times, food, outline of how it will run) so to facilitate this I’ve setup a collaborative document which everyone can access and add to. This will be much easier than following post comments etc. We need to get this proposal done asap so we have time to organise and promote the event well.

Please lend some thought to how you would like to run this event and add your input to the Google Doc at the following link by Monday 16th –

We look forward to seeing what you come up with…

Chocolates coming soon…

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Hey everyone – we have just put an order in for a total of 61 boxes of Cadbury fundraising chocolates!!! Should be pretty easy to sell them as it’s only approx 2 and a half boxes each. Some may go through more boxes than others, so we can just divide them up as we need. We can’t send any of our order back to Cadbury though, but I can’t see us not selling them by the end of the year.

The chocolates should be delivered early next week so I’ll let everyone know when they arrive and organise a place and time for you to come and collect them to get started 🙂

Tips / notes:

  • Store them in a cool location once you pick them up so they remain in a good condition for when you sell them to people
  • Cadbury state that the sell prices are RRP, and are note required to sell them at that amount. You can increase the price if you think people will be happy to purchase them for more than the RRP listed, or you can reduce the price and cut into your profit if you think you can sell more at a cheaper price – up to you
  • Keep chocolates of the same price in the same box if you decide to mix them up
  • Still negotiating with heads of school as to whether we can officially sell them at school as a fundraiser, so more on that later
  • Ask your parents if they would mind leaving one at the lunch/staffroom at work
  • If you are part of a social/church/sport club, use them as an opportunity to fundraise


What to do with the money…

To make life easier, once you sell a box, please return the money in the envelope to Miss Young, Mr Kirby or Mr Belson, and ensure your name is on the envelope provided. We will simply record all collections on a spreadsheet against each person’s name and deposit everyone’s fundraising at the same time to save you doing multiple trips to the bank. Keep a tally yourself of how much you have raised so you can double-check. Once all the money is in, you can then individually update your Everyday Hero account with an Offline Donation for the amount you raised.

Which chocolates?

From the meeting we had with you all from both campuses, the interest was in the following chocolates.

Chocolate Carramar Duncraig Total
Cadbury Freddo & Friends Funpack 8 8
Cadbury Fundraiser Variety Pack 10 3 13
Joyville Sweet Treats FR 10 6 16
35G CDM Giant Freddo Fundraiser 3 3
35G Giant Dream Freddo Fundraising 1 1
40G Caramello Koala Fundraising 3 7 10
35G Twin Strawberry Freddo Fundraiser 2 2
85G CDM Fundraiser FT 2 2
85G CDM With Crunchie Fundraising 2 2
85G Cadbury Top Deck Fundraising 2 2
85G Caramello Block Fundraising 2 2
Total 61

You can get more details on the chocolates in the list above from Cadbury’s website:

Who wants chocolate? Answer: Everyone


I’m thinking of getting some fundraising chocolates in for us to sell and wanting to get an idea of who else would be interested. If you have parents who would be willing to take a box to their work, or a club you’re involved in that would be happy for you to sell at, or friends that you could sell a chocolate to from time to time, then these are the easiest things ever to make money from. They have a great profit margin too, and with a few good months left, it would make a great way to trickle funds into your fundraising account.

We can try this for 2 weeks, and any we don’t sell, we can send back for a refund, however I’m sure we will be able to sell any we order between now and the end of the year.

If you are interested in me organising some chocolates for us to sell, please click on the following link and indicate how many boxes you would like of each. If there is enough interest from everyone, then I will order some (as there is a minimum order quantity) – Click here

Fundraising – Getting Started


Use this blog to discuss fundraising opportunities or ideas / ask questions / organise something with others and let us know what’s happening.

To get started with donations, firstly, spend time coming up with a paragraph of something meaningful about trip and what you are fundraising for (happy to help you put something together, or you can work with someone else for ideas).

The best way to target people is to send them a personalised message, rather than simply posting your Everyday Hero link on Facebook. Facebook will get a bunch of Likes, but if it’s donations you want, send the link to individuals and ask them personally for a donation. The effort will return a lot more!! There is nothing stopping you promoting your personal Everyday Hero link on Facebook / Twitter though.

I’ll post the ideas we discuss at each campus’ meetings in the comments section in this post. Do the same to add you own when you think of them…

There is a Fundraising tab at the top of this page with all the info to get you started.


Fundraising Meeting



Hey everyone, we are going to have our first fundraising meeting this week to get ourselves started and to brainstorm some fundraising ideas within the team.

  • Carramar – Thursday 29th May @ lunchtime in library (L2)
  • Duncraig – Tuesday 27th May @ lunchtime in Studio 1/2 (Collinson library)

Bring your lunch and come along with some ideas to share!!



Trip Registration


Congratulations to all students who have been offered a position on the Change the World – Cambodia trip.

Please complete the following items to register and secure your position on the trip:

  1. Review the Trip Agreement (v1.7)  This is an important document as it aides in providing a mutual understanding in some specific areas pertaining to responsibilities and expectations. Click here to view / Download the Trip Agreement as a PDF
  2. A signed consent and agreement form – The consent form has been sent out with the letters of offer and is to be co-signed by parents and students as consent to go on the trip and to ensure that the Trip Agreement has been read and understood. This signed form needs to be returned to student services. If you need another copy of this form, one can be downloaded from Here
  3. Registration Form – The registration form can be downloaded as a Word document and completed on your computer / iPad. This form allows us to gather all the personal, travel, medical and emergency contact information that we need for the trip. Once completed, this form can be emailed directly to the trip coordinator (Mr Belson – Download the Registration Form Here
  4. Trip deposit of $1,275 by 30th May – Information on payment methods and the trip payment schedule is available at the top of this page in the Payments tab or by Clicking Here 


If you do not currently have a passport, you will need to apply for one asap as it can take up to 6 weeks from the date of application to receive one. We are unable to book flights for the group until we have passport numbers for everyone so this is one of the first things you will need to get sorted.

For information on applying for a passport, visit

Update on selection process

Quick post to keep everyone in the loop with what’s happening with the selection process…

We have spent the last week and a bit going through all the applications and speaking to other teachers. The selection process has now been finalised and all students who applied will be receive a letter in the mail by Friday (depending on Australia Post) confirming either a position on the team or a placement in the reserve list.
A confirmation email will also be sent out on Monday.

Thank you for your patience.