Term 4 – Notices – Week 9

Week Ahead


Tuesday 3 December – Kids in Care, Non Uniform Day (Kindy – Year 2)

Wednesday 4 December, 9am – Year 2 Farewell Assembly

Wednesday 4 December – students finish at 11:45am


Tuesday 3 December – Kids in Care, Non Uniform Day (Years 3 – 5)

Tuesday 3 December, 8:40am – Year 6 Graduation

Tuesday 3 December, 10:45am – Year 6 Amazing Race

Wednesday 4 December – Kids in Care, Non Uniform Day (Year 6)

Wednesday 4 December – students finish at 12noon

Free Dress Day

Tuesday (Kindy – Year 5) students will have a non-uniform day, this is the second last day of term. As we have already completed our fundraising for BACA “Kids in Care” and the Uniting WA collection this term, there will be no gold coin donation on this day. Please ensure that students wear clothing that is suitable for activities where they may get a little dirty, as they will be clearing out their belongings and enjoying some fun activities in the morning.

Wednesday (Year 6) students, have their graduation on Tuesday, so they will wear formal uniform on Tuesday and Free dress on Wednesday as they then have the Year 6 colour run.


Colour Run (Year 6)

On the final day of school, the Year 6 students will participate in a Colour Run.  Students may want to bring/wear a white shirt for this event.


Chicken Help

We are currently looking for helpers to assist with caring for our chickens during the upcoming school holidays. If you are interested in lending a hand, please follow the link below and complete the form.


Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our school and our feathered friends!


Dear Families,

As the year draws to a close here at St Stephen’s School, we wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to the community for all you have done to support the school this year.

The continuous effort and commitment in supporting the students has been wonderful and has played an enormous part on the successes we have had in 2024.

As we reflect on the year, it has been great to see the number of ‘firsts’ combined with some longer standing traditions of the school. This is testimony to the continuous growth of the school while staying true to the identity that has been the pillar of so much success in the past.

As this is the last Primary blog for the year we wish each and every one of you a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, prosperity, and blessing.

With deepest appreciation and warmest wishes,

Thank you,

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones

Guinness World Records 2025 Book

We understand that many families were anticipating the release of the Guinness World Records 2025 book as a keepsake for our record earlier this year. The team at Guinness World Records have informed us that due to the timing of the event and the publishing schedule, the St Stephen’s School record for “most people launching confetti cannons simultaneously” will feature in the 2026 book which will be published at the end of 2025.

In the meantime, if you would like a personal memento of the day, you are able to purchase a personalised Certificate of Participation at https://gwrstore.com/collections/certificates-of-participation?page=1



Term 4 – Notices – Week 8

The week ahead:



Wednesday 27 November (9:15am – 10:30am) – Pre Kindy End of Year Picnic (Mawson Park)

Wednesday 27 November (2pm – 3pm) – Pre Kindy 2025 Orientation

Thursday 28 November – Year 2 Science Alive Incursion

Friday 29 November, 9am – BACA Children in Care collection

Friday 29 November 6:45pm – Duncraig Primary Presentation Evening (Year 1 and 2 awardees only)


Friday 29 November 6:45pm – Duncraig Primary Presentation Evening (Years 3-6)

As we approach the final full week of the year, there is a sense of excitement as we prepare for a range of events and celebrations across the school community. From the Pre-Kindy End of Year Picnic to the eagerly anticipated Primary Presentation Evening, it’s a time to reflect on the achievements of our students and enjoy these moments together.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we finish the year strong. Let’s make these final weeks memorable for our students!


Presentation Evening 

Date: Friday 29 November 2024

Location:  Carramar Sports Centre, 50 St Stephens Crescent, Tapping

Start Time: 6.45pm.

Time students need to be seated: 6.30pm

Students to wearFull formal school uniform (White shirt, navy pants/shorts/cullottes, black leather lace up shoes).

For those families who are new to the school and might be unfamiliar with the format of the evening, this is a wonderful time of celebration of our students. Throughout the evening, staff acknowledge academic excellence, academic endeavour and exceptional citizenship among each year group. Students will also be performing choral items that they have been learning.  It is expected that all students attend from Years 3-6 and awardees from Years 1-2, however, should circumstances arise and this is not possible, please advise your child’s teacher and administration.

Reserved seating is allocated near the front of stage for our Year 1 and 2 awardees and their parents .  All year 3 and 4 students are to proceed directly to the choir risers. Years 5-6 students will have allocated seating to the left side of the stage.

We will start promptly at 6.45pm and should conclude by 8:00pm.

No printed tickets are required for this event, however, please make a booking to ensure adequate seating is provided – https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024

We look forward to you joining us for this evening of celebration.

Colour Run

On the final day of school, the Year 6s will participate in a Colour Run. The students in Kindy – Year 5 will be in free dress on the Tuesday, however as we have Graduation and Amazing Race, the Year 6s will have their non-uniform day on the Wednesday of Week 9. For the Colour Run, Year 6 students may want to bring/wear a white shirt for this event.

Cards that Count

Thank you for supporting Uniting WA through Cards That Count. All items have now been sent home.  Congratulations to Ben van Staden from Year 5, his artwork was selected by Uniting WA to be part of their 2024 Christmas Card pack, these packs are available to order by the general public and raise funds for Uniting WA.

Chicken Help

We are currently looking for helpers to assist with caring for our chickens during the upcoming school holidays. If you are interested in lending a hand, please follow the link below and complete the form.


Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our school and our feathered friends!

Warm regards

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston



We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024

Term 4 – Notices – Week 7

The week ahead:



Tuesday 19 November – Kindy Bee Incursion

Friday 22 November – ELC Nativity Performances


Tuesday 19 November – Year 4 Excursion to Yanchep National Park

Thursday 21 November – Year 6 Sorrento Beach Ride Excursion

Monday 25 November – Primary Choral Festival

Cards that Count

Thank you for supporting Uniting WA through Cards That Count.  All orders have now arrived at school and items will be distributed to your classroom teacher early this week.

Non Uniform Day 

On Tuesday, 3 December, we will be having a non-uniform day. As we have already completed our fundraising for BACA and Uniting WA this term, there will be no gold coin donation required


Last Day of School Hours

Wednesday 4 December

  • ELC – students finish 11:45am
  • Primary – students finish 12noon


Tickets for Presentation Nights 2024

We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024


Chicken Help

We are currently looking for helpers to assist with caring for our chickens during the upcoming school holidays. If you are interested in lending a hand, please follow the link below and complete the form.


Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our school and our feathered friends!


Warm regards

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones


Kindy to Yr2 – ordering instructions

Music Notes


 Choral Festival

All primary children are involved in the annual Choral Festival on Monday 25 November in the School Theatre. Each class has learnt songs in their music class, and they will be performing these for an adjudicator who will decide which class has performed them the best.

Parents are welcome to attend the year level sessions in the theatre.

Class competition

11.00 – 11.30   Year 3

11.30 – 12.00   Year 4

12.00 – 12.30   Year 5

12.30 – 1.00     Year 6

School fees — to pay, or not to pay? | Northern Valleys News

2025 School fee payment options

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

In 2025, similar to previous years, Parents / Guardians will not be required to re-select a preferred payment method and frequency at the start of the school year from the parent portal.

The payment method (direct debit, or credit card, or BPAY) and frequency of payment (annual upfront, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or three or four instalments) that you had in place in 2024 will continue automatically in 2025.

The dates to note for payments (based on frequency) next year are:

1 upfront payment due on 31 January 2025 (2% discount); or

43 weekly payments starting on Monday 3 February 2025; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on Monday 3 February 2025; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on Monday 10 February 2025; or

10 monthly payments starting on Sunday 2 February 2025; or

10 monthly payments starting on Monday 17 February 2025; or

3 instalments on 18 February 2025, 18 May 2025 and 18 August 2025; or

4 instalments on 10 February 2025, 10 May 2025, 10 August 2025 and 10 October 2025.

(Where a due date falls on a weekend or public holiday, payment will be processed on the next business day.)

You will not be required to take any action, unless you would like to change the method of payment or frequency of payments. In which case, please contact the Accounts Receivable team on 9243 2103 or email accountsreceivable@ststephens.wa.edu.au as soon as possible.

If you wish to change your credit card, or bank account details, you are able to do this at any time throughout the year via the Parent Portal. Click on the ‘School Payments’ tab and select login under Manage stored cards and direct debits to bank accounts or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ManageStoredCards.aspx

In January 2025 your annual fee statement will be available for you to view on the Parent Portal in the ‘School Payments’ tab by logging into Statements and receipt history or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/fin.aspx


Best wishes,

From the Accounts Receivable Team.


We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024


Year 3 to Year 6

Thursday, 28 November 2024


Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll



4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)



All meals come with:

Pop top Apple Blackcurrant


Christmas cracker


(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information

on ingredients etc

9243 2434)






Yr3 to Yr 6 ordering instructions


Term 4 – Notices – Week 6

Welcome to Week 6! It’s hard to believe that we’re already so close to the end of the school year, with just 3 ½ weeks left. While the year is winding down, the energy and enthusiasm from both our students and staff remain as strong as ever, although we can certainly see some tired faces as we near the finish line.

As we move through these final weeks, we’re continuing to work closely with the students to ensure they finish the year just as strong as they began. Ms Wicks has been using her biblical studies lesson and worships to time to remind the students of the importance of kindness, reflecting on the Bible passage from Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you.” This is such a beautiful message and a wonderful reminder to us all.

The next few weeks have lots on over both the ELC and 3-6. Please ensure that you are staying on top of the Primary and class blog.

The week ahead:



Monday 11 November, 6-7pm – Kindy 2025 Information Night

Tuesday 12 November – Kindy Bug Incursion (rescheduled)

Wednesday 13 November – Kindy Orientation Morning

Wednesday 13 November – Year 1 Science Incursion (Light & Sound)

Friday 15 November – Year 2 Naturescape Excursion


Monday 11 – Friday 15 November – Year 3/4 Swimming Lessons

Wednesday 13 November, 7:20am – Dress Rehearsal, Middle School Music Concert

Wednesday 13 November, 6:45pm – Middle School Music Concert

Thursday 14 November, 6:45pm – Primary Music Concert

Friday 15 November, 8am – Primary Music Breakfast

Monday 18 November, 2:30pm – Captains Assembly

Tickets for Presentation Nights 2024

We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024

Warm regards

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

Music Notes

Music Breakfast

All children who have been involved in one of the Primary School Ensembles this year are invited to attend a music breakfast outside the Primary Music Suite on Friday 15 November 8:00 – 8:30am.  Please bring a small plate of food to share – no more than one person would eat. We would like to avoid packaging waste, so please bring food in a reusable container labelled with your name.


Choral Festival

All primary children are involved in the annual Choral Festival on Monday 25 November in the School Theatre. Each class has learnt songs in their music class, and they will be performing these for an adjudicator who will decide which class has performed them the best.

Parents are welcome to attend the year level sessions in the theatre.

Class competition

11.00 – 11.30   Year 3

11.30 – 12.00   Year 4

12.00 – 12.30   Year 5

12.30 – 1.00     Year 6


Kindy to Yr2 – ordering instructions



We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024



Year 3 to Year 6

Thursday, 28 November 2024


Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll



4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)



All meals come with:

Pop top Apple Blackcurrant


Christmas cracker


(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information

on ingredients etc

9243 2434)






Yr3 to Yr 6 ordering instructions


Term 4 – Notices – Week 5

The week ahead:



Tuesday 5 November – Kindy Bug Incursion

Thursday 7 November – Year 2 Nativity Rehearsal and Day at Primary


Monday 4 – Friday 15 November – Year 3/4 Swimming Lessons

Thursday 7 November, 2pm – Year 6 Drama Performances

Friday 8 November – First Lego League Competition Day

Monday 11 November, 2:30pm – 6M Assembly

As we enter the second half of the term, we know you are all aware that this is a very busy time for our teachers as they are preparing for the end of year. Supporting with events, writing reports and continuing with engaging learning opportunities for the students is particularly time consuming. Can we please ask that you are mindful of your expectations with communication, and meeting requests. If you are wanting to know about your child’s progress, you will be able to see this through the SEQTA releases. There have been several released so far and more to come over the next few weeks. If there is anything specific to note or of concern, the teachers will contact you to keep you updated, before the reports are sent to you.


Resource Lists

As we prepare for 2025, the Resource Lists for next year are now available. You can find additional information about these lists below. To access the St Stephen’s Duncraig list, please visit www.campion.com.au  and use the following code: 3V4X.

Tickets for Presentation Nights 2024 are Now Available

We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024

Warm regards

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones



Year 3 to Year 6

Thursday, 28 November 2024


Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll



4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)



All meals come with:

Pop top Apple Blackcurrant


Christmas cracker


(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information

on ingredients etc

9243 2434)






Yr3 to Yr 6 ordering instructions




We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024

Term 4 – Notices – Week 4

The week ahead:



Friday 1 November, 8:30 – 12noon – ELC Sports Carnival, Hamer Oval


Tuesday 29 October, 8:45 – 10am – Year 7 2025 Music Students Meet & Greet (current year 6 students)

Tuesday 29 October – Year 4O French visit to the ELC

Thursday 31 October, 12:45 – 2:45pm – Yr 5/6 Interschool Numero Competition (selected students)

Thursday 31 October – Year 4 French Incursion


Resource Lists

As we prepare for 2025, the Resource Lists for next year are now available. You can find additional information about these lists below. To access the St Stephen’s Duncraig list, please visit www.campion.com.au  and use the following code: 3V4X.

Tickets for Presentation Nights 2024 are Now Available

We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024

Swimming Lessons (Year 3 & 4)

Monday 4th – Friday 15th November






We are delighted to present the 2024 St Stephen’s School Presentation Evenings. Please join us to celebrate all that our students have accomplished in 2024. Bookings are essential but tickets are all free of charge. All attendees, including guests, staff, awardees and performers must book a ticket. Parking will be provided on the oval.  Book online here https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/presentation-evenings-2024



Resource Lists

As we prepare for 2025, the Resource Lists for next year are now available. You can find additional information about these lists below. To access the St Stephen’s Duncraig list, please visit www.campion.com.au  and use the following code: 3V4X.

Resource lists 2025 K-6 blog notice


Term 4 – Notices – Week 3

The week ahead:


Friday 25 October – Orientation Day


Tuesday 22 October – Year 5/6 Interschool Cricket Competition

Tuesday 22 October – Year 4R French – visit to the ELC

Wednesday 23 October, 6:45pm – Year 7, 2025 “Parent Information Evening”

Friday 25 October – Orientation Day

Monday 28 October, 3:30pm – Piano Recital

Our school is always buzzing with excitement during Synthesis Week, as we get to witness the incredible artwork produced by our talented students. We are immensely grateful to our dedicated staff who inspire and guide our students, helping them unlock and showcase their artistic abilities. More importantly, we celebrate the creativity and hard work of our students. If you haven’t had the chance yet, please visit the exhibition in the Primary Village and Theatre Foyer before it closes.

This week also brings added anticipation, especially with Orientation Day on Friday. This is when students experience moving up to the next year level, offering a glimpse of what life is like in the year ahead. For most year groups, the day is fairly straightforward. However, Year 2 students will start their day in the 3-6 space before being walked back later in the morning. It promises to be an exciting day as we welcome new families and look forward to the year ahead.


Cards that Count

A reminder that orders are open until Wednesday 23rd October and can be placed online via the following link www.crazycamel.com.au/36686

“Cards that Count” is a school fundraising initiative that transforms student artwork into beautiful, professionally printed greeting cards, tea towels, tote bags and more.  Each purchase helps support people who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.

Completed orders will be distributed to students by their class teachers in early November.

36686 – St Stephen’s School Duncraig – Preview & All Products

Resource Lists

As we prepare for 2025, the Resource Lists for next year are now available. You can find additional information about these lists below. To access the St Stephen’s Duncraig list, please visit www.campion.com.au  and use the following code: 3V4X.

Resource lists 2025 K-6 blog notice

Class Placement 2025

As we prepare for 2024, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the process we use when placing students in their classes for next year. Please note that all teachers place students after examination of several factors which include:

  • Social and emotional concerns
  • Friendship preferences
  • Academic ability
  • Staff observations

Your child’s current class teachers construct their class lists in collaboration with their partner year group teacher(s), Learning Assistants and Specialist Teachers. Where possible, the teaching staff will provide experiences for students to interact across the classes to also observe student interactions with students not currently in their class.

Once the teachers have completed their class list recommendations, they are forwarded on to the Primary Leadership Team to be reviewed.

The process of creating class lists is done carefully and over a period of time. Please be assured that every decision we make is in the best interests of your child and understand that, while we recognise the uniqueness and preferences of each student, we will not guarantee a preferred placement.

Please, can we encourage you to trust in the professionalism and dedication of our staff as they consider the many factors in placing your child in a particular class and not make requests for preferred class placements for your child.

You will be notified of your child’s teacher in January 2025 before they commence school.

Warm regards

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston




Music Notes

ELC Piano Tuition Applications for 2025

If your child has been learning piano in 2024 you still need to complete a form for 2025 to continue lessons in order to agree to the new conditions and pricing.

If you are interested in your year 1 or 2 child learning piano at school, you can use the link below to put in an application. All the information about Piano Lessons is on the application form.

Please use the link below.


The most important points to note are:

  • Instrumental Music Tutors are contracted by St Stephen’s School to provide lessons during school time on School premises. Lesson times may vary from week to week to ensure students are not absent from the same class each week.
  • The student must have a Piano or Keyboard at home to practice on.
  • The fee for individual student tuition in 2025 will be $1,560 (excludes instrument hire, maintenance, and insurance excess payments where applicable).
  • Parents must communicate directly with Tutor to advise of any planned absences relating to School events such as excursions, camps, carnivals etc, at least one week ahead of the lesson.
  • Parents must commit to supervising daily practice for approximately 15 minutes
  • Classroom teachers and ELC music staff will be consulted about a child’s readiness for Piano lessons.

Term 4 – Week 2 – Notices

The week ahead:



No events this week


Tuesday 15 October – NIPPSA Interschool Basketball Carnival (selected Year 5/6 students)

Thursday 17 October – SciTech Challenge (selected Year 6 students)

Thursday 17 October, 5:00pm – Synthesis Exhibition Opening Night

Monday 21 October, 2:30pm – 3S Assembly

Welcome to week 2 of term 4. It is incredible to think that there are only 7 ½ weeks left of school for the year and yet so much is happening in that time. Please keep an eye on the school calendar for all events from now until the end of the year.

Last week, the Year 6 students went away on their camp to the Kaadadjan Centre. They were blessed with wonderful weather and the camp was a huge success. Thank you to all who were involved in the planning and running of the camp, especially, the Year 6 staff.

MIX 94.5 Alphabucks

We are excited to announce that the school has been nominated to play the game, Alphabucks on Mix 94.5. One of our Year 6 students has been selected to do the quiz. The quiz will be live at 10am on Wednesday 16th October. If you are able, please tune in to see how we do.


Cards that Count

A reminder that orders are open until Wednesday 23rd October and can be placed online via the following link www.crazycamel.com.au/36686

“Cards that Count” is a school fundraising initiative that transforms student artwork into beautiful, professionally printed greeting cards, tea towels, tote bags and more.  Each purchase helps support people who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.

Completed orders will be distributed to students by their class teachers in early November.

Warm regards

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones

Music Notes

ELC Piano Recital

The ELC Forum was ringing with the sound of tinkling keys at the Piano Recital at the end of last term. Our year one and two pianists entertained families and tutors with their confident and joyful performances. ELC campus musicians are part of our Saint Stephen’s School Instrumental Music Tuition Program. Thank you to Anna Pollard and Christine Pitts-Hill for your dedication as ELC music tutors and the team effort in organising this enjoyable annual ELC recital event.

ELC Piano Tuition Applications for 2025

If you are interested in your year 1 or 2 child learning piano at school, you can use the link below to put in an application. All the information about Piano Lessons is on the application form.

Please use the link below.


The most important points to note are:

  • Instrumental Music Tutors are contracted by St Stephen’s School to provide lessons during school time on School premises. Lesson times may vary from week to week to ensure students are not absent from the same class each week.
  • The student must have a Piano or Keyboard at home to practice on.
  • The fee for individual student tuition in 2025 will be $1,560 (excludes instrument hire, maintenance, and insurance excess payments where applicable).
  • Parents must communicate directly with Tutor to advise of any planned absences relating to School events such as excursions, camps, carnivals etc, at least one week ahead of the lesson.
  • Parents must commit to supervising daily practice for approximately 15 minutes
  • Classroom teachers and ELC music staff will be consulted about a child’s readiness for Piano lessons.

Term 4 – Notices – Week 1

The week ahead:



Friday 11 October – Pre Primary Pirate Day / Camp


Wednesday 9 – Friday 11 October – Year 6 Camp

Dear Community,

Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you had a wonderful break and are feeling refreshed for the exciting term ahead. It’s hard to believe we’re already in the final stretch of the year, but we have plenty of enriching activities, learning experiences, and special moments planned as we finish off 2024.

This term brings us many opportunities to celebrate your children’s growth and achievements. One of the highlights will be our Presentation Night, where we’ll come together to reflect on the progress and accomplishments of each child. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.

We also look forward to Orientation Day, where the children will visit their new classes for next year. This is such a valuable experience in helping them feel confident and comfortable as they prepare for the next step in their learning journey.

Reminders for the coming term:

Class Placement 2025

As we prepare for 2024, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the process we use when placing students in their classes for next year. Please note that all teachers place students after examination of several factors which include:

  • Social and emotional concerns
  • Friendship preferences
  • Academic ability
  • Staff observations

Your child’s current class teachers construct their class lists in collaboration with their partner year group teacher(s), Learning Assistants and Specialist Teachers. Where possible, the teaching staff will provide experiences for students to interact across the classes to also observe student interactions with students not currently in their class.

Once the teachers have completed their class list recommendations, they are forwarded on to the Primary Leadership Team to be reviewed.

The process of creating class lists is done carefully and over a period of time. Please be assured that every decision we make is in the best interests of your child and understand that, while we recognise the uniqueness and preferences of each student, we will not guarantee a preferred placement.

Please, can we encourage you to trust in the professionalism and dedication of our staff as they consider the many factors in placing your child in a particular class and not make requests for preferred class placements for your child.

You will be notified of your child’s teacher in January 2025 before they commence school.


Can we please ask that you refresh your understanding of the uniform guide to ensure that your children come to school with the correct uniform. Towards the end of last term, we noticed some instances of girls wearing the Mary-Jane shoe (open T-bar shoes). As we approach the coming year it is important that you review the uniform guide to ensure that purchases align with the school uniform expectations.

Primary School Uniform


Just a reminder that pets are not allowed onto school property at any time unless prior arrangements have been made with your child’s teacher.  Thank you for your understanding.

Parking reminder at the ELC

We kindly ask that parents refrain from parking in front of the bins near the Pre-Primary and Kindy playground. It is dangerous to reverse from this area into incoming traffic and causes delays in the flow of traffic. Please work with us to ensure the safety of all students and visitors to the ELC.

If family members or friends are assisting with the drop-off or pick-up of your children, please make them aware of these requests from the school.

ELC before and after school play

If you choose to stay and play at the ELC after school, we kindly remind you to supervise your children at all times while on school grounds. At the ELC, we have playground expectations that include being kind to others, not running with sticks, not throwing stones or mulch, and generally maintaining and caring for our play spaces. We kindly ask for your support in ensuring these expectations are upheld during playtimes after school.

Please ensure that all families leave the premises by 3:40pm, as the OSH program uses the outside space after this time. If your children would like a longer playtime, please use the oval and playground, which have no time restrictions.

Cards that Count

St Stephens Primary School is once again taking part in United WA’s Fundraising Appeal “Cards that Count”, a school fundraising initiative that transforms student artwork into beautiful, professionally printed greeting cards, tea towels, tote bags and more.  Each purchase helps support people who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.

This year, United WA has partnered with Crazy Camel to streamline the ordering process. Students have completed their art templates in class, and their designs are now available for ordering at: www.crazycamel.com.au/36686

Online ordering will be open from Tuesday 8th October – Wednesday 23rd October. Completed orders will be distributed to students by their class teachers in early November.

36686 – St Stephen’s School Duncraig – Preview All Products


As always, we are here to support you and your children throughout the term. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, feedback, or concerns—we’re in this together!

Looking forward to a wonderful Term 4 filled with learning, laughter, and memorable moments.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Warm regards

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston



Term 3 – Notices – Week 9

Dear Parents,

It might be the final week of term, but we are action packed all the way until the end across all year groups.

As we start the last week of term 3, we’d like to thank you once again for your continued support, and for supporting your children through the many activities and events.

We wish you a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you all again in Term 4.

The week ahead:



Wednesday 18 September – Pre Primary Bush Walk

Thursday 19 September, 2pm – Cockatoo Festival (1E)

Friday 20 September, 9am – ELC Music Festival

Friday 20 September – Non uniform day fundraiser (The Falconers)


Tuesday 17 September – NIPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival, day 1

Wednesday 18 September – NIPPSA Interschool Athletics Carnival, day 2

Wednesday 18 September, 6:30pm – iPad Parent Information Evening (Year 5, 2025)

Thursday 19 September 6pm – Year 6, Jam Poetry Night

Friday 20 September – Primary Pillar Day “Marketplace”

Friday 20 September – Non uniform day fundraiser (The Falconers)


Warm regards

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones


Would you like to support children undergoing cancer treatment, assist women experiencing homelessness, enable research into melanoma or help to foster literacy by funding a “Story Dog”? By making a donation to the St Stephen’s School WA Charity Direct Student Committee you can help fund a range of important not-for-profit projects. Read more here

Can you help?