Welcome back to the start of Term 3. It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the year already.
As ever, we are excited about what lies ahead and pray for another smooth year.
The week ahead:
Tuesday 23 July – All students return for Term 3
Tuesday 23 July – NAIDOC Activity Day
Friday 26 July – 101 Day (Year 1)
Friday 26 July – Primary School Disco (see individual times)
Tuesday 23 July – All students return for Term 3
Tuesday 23 July – NAIDOC (wear a splash of colour)
Thursday 25 July. 5:15pm – Parent Information Evening (Year 5 camp)
Friday 26 July – Primary School Disco (see individual times)
Monday 29 July, 2:30pm – Assembly (6F)
NAIDOC Activity Day
During the school holidays, the nation celebrated NAIDOC. As we were not at school, on Tuesday 23 July, the ELC students will have a special event taking place and can come to school wearing a splash of NAIDOC colour – red, yellow or black. This can be in the form of socks, hair ties, a top or wrist band etc. Year 3-6 students will be honouring NAIDOC with activities in their own classrooms and are also encouraged to wear a splash of NAIDOC colour.
Can we please ask that you refresh your understanding of the uniform guide to ensure that your children come to school with the correct uniform. We noticed some instances where it was not followed towards the end of last term but we would like to start this term in the right way.
Please also note that if your child grows out of their sports jacket in Year 6, we do allow them to purchase the secondary sports jacket. However, if the jacket is in short supply, the uniform shop will prioritise the secondary students.
Wearing the secondary sports jacket only applies to Year 6. Children in all other year groups must wear the primary sports jacket.
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
Over the course of this term, the students across the ELC and Primary will be learning about protective behaviours through the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC). Protective behaviours is a compulsory part of the curriculum and this program is regarded as one of the best ways of delivering this sensitive topic by schools both nationally and internationally.
The KS:CPC is an evidence-based child safety and respectful relationships curriculum. It was developed collaboratively with child protection experts, teachers, educational leaders and other professionals, and has international recognition.
The KS:CPC is divided into 5 documents specific to the age and year level of students, starting from age 3 and progressing to age 17+.
The KS:CPC is predicated on two main themes which are presented through topics and activities of increasing complexity. The two KS:CPC Themes are:
· Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe
· Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.
The two KS:CPC Themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examined in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the students. The Focus Areas are:
· Focus Area 1: The right to be safe
· Focus Area 2: Relationships
· Focus Area 3: Recognising and reporting abuse
· Focus Area 4: Protective strategies
The activities are structured in a sequential nature and at an age and developmentally appropriate level covering a range of topics.
It is also important to note that any teacher who delivers this program must be trained and I am pleased to say that all classroom teachers and specialists who deliver this program have been trained and we have two members of staff in the primary school who are qualified as trainers.
Over the course of the term, we will use this blog as a way of providing you with bits of information to keep you informed and hopefully alleviate any concerns you may have. We will also provide you with any suggestions of how to tackle any questions or discussions should your child continue to talk about it at home. This will include the language used so all conversations can remain consistent.
Warm regards
Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones
Music Notes
Interhouse Music Festival – Years 3 -6
The Interhouse Music Festival will be taking place in term 3 on Wednesday 21 August (Week 5). Students are encouraged to perform as soloists and in small groups for an adjudicator. Points are awarded to contribute to the winning house for 2024.
Entry forms are available through the link below or from the front office and music department.
Primary Nomination Form 2024
All entry forms are due in by 3:30pm Wednesday 14 August in the Primary Office.
Semester 2 Music Calendar
Below is a link to an overview of ensembles and their rehearsal times and important dates for this semester.
We welcome interested new members for the following Ensembles to try for a few weeks at the beginning of term before making the decisions to commit for Semester 2.
Primary Chorale (ELC – year 4),
Chamber Choir (Year 5 and 6)
The Minstrels (Years 4 – 6) in second semester.
Music Rehearsal Calendar 2024