As we are moving into winter a reminder of our assessment protocols should your child be unwell.
The Year 7-12 Secondary Assessment Policy requires that a medical certificate is obtained in the event that a student is unwell and misses an in-class assessment or the submission of an assignment. In the current climate, it is acceptable for this medical certificate to be obtained from either a chemist/pharmacist or doctor. Please provide the medical certificate to Absentees: A written assignment can still be submitted on the due date by emailing it to the class teacher, or uploading it to SEQTA if this option has been provided. Also it is possible to arrange with the class teacher for your child to come into Student Services and sit an assessment, then go home.
In regard to Year 11 and 12 students, the flexibility of being able to obtain a medical certificate from a chemist/pharmacist could change at some time in the future depending on School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) requirements for senior secondary courses, and we will keep you updated. Please also note the external WACE examinations at the end of Year 12 require a SCSA Sickness and Misadventure Application which necessitates a medical certificate from a doctor. These requirements are discussed with students in Education Plus.
Please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher if you have any questions at all.