Half-way through Term Two

In this Newsletter:

  • A message from Ms Dunn,
  • Secondary Highlights,
  • Parental Guidance,
  • Notice Board,

Ms Dunn’s Digest

Term 2 has so far been a hive of activity with Mother’s Day celebrated at the ELC, clubs, camps and the Interhouse Cross Country which brought an energetic air through all the events. These fabulous opportunities provide all students a time to connect and participate with peers and staff are always on hand to encourage and guide our students to ‘give it a go and dare to be their best self’. 

Many of our students will have started preparing for upcoming tests, assessments and exams. Managing workloads can be tricky at times as the amount of work due varies across the term. How students think and act at these times can transform or hinder their experience of stress. The TED talk by Kelly McGonigal on How to Make Stress Your Friend provides food for thought in all we do and the impact it can have on our wellbeing and performance. When you choose to view your stress response as helpful, you create the biology of courage. When you choose to connect to others under stress, you can create resilience.

To watch this TED talk with your child (or for your own wellbeing) simply follow this link – Ted Talk – Kelly McGonigal 

Rosemarie Dunn – Head of Campus

Secondary Highlights

Arts Tour

Over the April school holidays our Senior Arts students went on the trip of a lifetime to Sydney and Melbourne to be completely immersed in the Arts. Students had a great time together and are sure to remember this trip for the rest of their lives. Thanks to the staff who went along for the ride!

Year 10 Careers Expo

On Wednesday, 17th May our Year 10 students across both campuses, engaged in the 2023 Careers Expo on the Carramar campus.

Thanks to Sarah Cooke and Rob Crewe for their coordination of this annual event which connects St Stephen’s School students with workplace and tertiary providers. The opportunity to gain information and ask questions ahead of subject selection for upper school was invaluable for students’ decision making.  

Look out for more information about our upcoming Subject Selection Information evening in the Duncraig campus theatre on Monday, 19 June 2023 at 6:45pm.    

Exam and assessment preparation

Our Year 11 and 12 students have been hitting the books; revising for and sitting Externally Set Tasks (ESTs) and exams this term. In Education Plus, students have covered exam taking strategies and deconstructing exam questions in preparation. Exams can be a very stressful time for your child (you might even remember how you felt back in high school), as a parent you can help by providing a peaceful home study environment, ensure your child is eating nutritious meals and be conscious of how long your child spends studying. Encourage them to take breaks where they go for a walk and get away from their study space. We wish all our students the best of luck during exam time!

Parental Guidance 

IMADE – I Make A Difference Everyday

In a world highly influenced by digital media and other technologies, we often find ourselves wondering whether the messages we are presenting to our children are getting through and question, does that which we say and do, make a difference?

Access to the latest iPhone, iPad, apple watch, Macbook Pro or various android devices, means our young people have access to knowledge from around the world at their fingertips. Those influencing our children, both good and bad, come from all around the world. Despite this access, it is essential that we as parents and educators never underestimate the significant impact, we have on our kids every single moment, of every single day.  

Every day we all make a difference to the lives of the people we meet. The words we say, the jobs we perform, the attitude in which we “do life”, is noticed. Most importantly, our young people learn from and are guided by the principles they see exhibited by significant people in their lives.

My encouragement to parents, family members and significant others, is for us to each to recognise that


 you are significant. Never underestimate how much you are needed. 

Russell Gilchrist – Deputy Head of Secondary Care

Notice Board

Our co-curricular offerings have recently been updated. If your child is interested in additional tutoring or extra-curricular activities you can find the timetable via the Parent Portal under “Plan the Day – After School Clubs”

Subject Selection Information evening for Year 10’s will be held in the Duncraig campus theatre on Monday, 19 June 2023 at 6:45pm