In a previous meeting you paired up and discussed your initial ideas for activities. On Wednesday, we’d like you to tell us how your preparations are going. It is good to have at least 3 activities per pair planned. Try to come up with something active, something that requires concentration and something creative.
Hayleigh and Tayla: nail painting, colouring in, what else?
Caleb and Ryan: parachute game, card games (UNO), what else?
Aimee and Maya: face painting, what else?
Rachael and Emma: Aboriginal dot painting, what else?
Eliza and Tara: (Eliza was absent for this meeting and Tara hadn’t joined the team at this stage)
Naomi and Georgia: hair braiding & nail painting, colouring in, guitar and singing, what songs?
Brooke and Kristin: ??? ( I don’t have a record of what you came up with)
Other activity suggestions: picture book storytelling, craft, paper planes, origami, playdoh, sport – soccer, an aerobics class, dancing, lego, dot-to-dots, mazes, bingo, games like ‘duck duck goose’ or ‘dog and bone’ that are easy to set up and run,