
15 March Sausage Sizzle Success

Today we made just over $600 at Bunnings for Bali Life. Well done team!

Please remember we have a Meeting after school at the Community Room this Wednesday 20 March at Duncraig. We aim to be finished by 4:30pm. See you then!

Next Team Meeting – 20 March

Could you please delete the 6/3/19 for our next team meeting? With the busyness of the Sausage Sizzles over the coming weeks, we feel we don’t need a team meeting as well.

Please note that Wednesday 20/3/19 at Duncraig Community Room, we will have our next meeting. Our main agenda item will be ‘Preparing for the Quiz Night.’ We aim to be finished by 4:30pm.

Thank you

Upcoming Sausage Sizzles

We have two Sausage Sizzles booked at Bunnings (Joondalup) in the coming weeks. I have emailed your teachers and they have requested that you attend a particular one, to avoid clashes with assessments etc.

Please ask your parents to drop you there by 8am and collect you at 4:30pm.  It may be the case that some of you need to arrive a little later or be picked up a little earlier. Hopefully, all of you can do the entire day. We will need all hands on deck. If your parents have some free time and are able to join us, they are most welcome.

Friday 8 March – Brooke and Naomi, Kristin, Georgia, Rachael

Friday 15 March – Tara, Caleb, Ryan, Maya, Aimee and Emma

For each one, you will need to bring a large esky and a bag of ice. We will use these for keeping the canned soft drinks cold. I will provide an esky and ice for the sausages. Please bring an apron to wear. You may wear sports uniform on the day. Please bring your own snacks and lunch. You are allowed to have a sausage sizzle and free bottles of water throughout the day.

An email has been sent home. Any questions? Please ask.

Kind regards, Ms Tinney

Saturday’s Sausage Sizzle Success

We raised just over $1500 for Bali Life Foundation through our Sausage Sizzle efforts on the weekend. Thank you to everyone who was involved, especially to Mr Drake for being there for the whole day. Thank you too, parents, for getting our wonderful students there.  Don’t we make a fantastic team?

Our next Sausage Sizzle is on Friday 8 March followed by Friday 15 March at Joondalup Bunnings again. Students and parents will be notified shortly as to which of the two sausage sizzles,  students will be helping out with. Teachers have been informed and I have assigned you to a Friday that doesn’t clash with any assessments. Half of you will do one Friday, half of you the other. Parents will transport you directly to Joondalup Bunnings at 8am and pick you up from there at 4:30pm. Stay posted for more info.

Saturday’s Sausage Sizzle

Hi there,

Please make sure that you get any donations for the upcoming sausage sizzles in to us this week. (Sausages, Rolls, Onions, Cans)

Also, for those of us running it this weekend it might be worth bringing a hat and sunscreen as part of the stall gets the sun for a while. Also a bag of ice each would be great.

I will be there at 7:00am to start getting things set up and organised.

Should be a fun day generating lots of money for the cause.

Mr D

Documents Check

Hi all,

Just a reminder to get copies of your passports in to us ASAP if you haven’t done so already.

Mr D

Wed 13 Feb Meeting – Activity Groups

In a previous meeting you paired up and discussed your initial ideas for activities. On Wednesday, we’d like you to tell us how your preparations are going. It is good to have at least 3 activities per pair planned. Try to come up with something active, something that requires concentration and something creative.

Hayleigh and Tayla: nail painting, colouring in, what else?

Caleb and Ryan: parachute game, card games (UNO), what else?

Aimee and Maya: face painting, what else?

Rachael and Emma: Aboriginal dot painting, what else?

Eliza and Tara: (Eliza was absent for this meeting and Tara hadn’t joined the team at this stage)

Naomi and Georgia: hair braiding & nail painting, colouring in, guitar and singing, what songs?

Brooke and Kristin:  ??? ( I don’t have a record of what you came up with)

Other activity suggestions: picture book storytelling, craft, paper planes, origami, playdoh, sport – soccer, an aerobics class, dancing, lego,  dot-to-dots, mazes, bingo, games like ‘duck duck goose’ or ‘dog and bone’ that are easy to set up and run,

Meeting on Wednesday 13th Feb After School

Good Morning All,

Welcome back to a new year. Just a quick reminder that we will be meeting this coming Wednesday at 3.30 until 4.30pm in the Community Room at Duncraig. Carramar students please meet Mr Drake at the staff room in Chairs House at 3pm. He will drive you to Duncraig and then return you to Carramar in the school bus.

Please be prepared with some of the activities that you are planning to conduct while at the services in Bali, as well as a run down of your fund raising efforts thus far.

We have a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle soon so please refer to previous blog with the list of students attending which date.

Looking forward to seeing you.

The Indonesian Tour Staff


Moving into 2019/Bunnnings Sausage Sizzles

Hello Indo Team,

I trust you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and you have made the most of the wonderful break we have over the summer.

Hopefully you made some gains over the break to add to the fundraising effort. We will be hitting the deck running with your fundraising this term, so I have attached a letter for you to use to approach Coles/ Woolworths, IGA’s etc. for donations towards the sausage sizzles. The more we can get in the way of donations the more profit for our tour total. If we can cover buns/sausages/drinks we will be doing a great job.

I will shortly send through a quiz night donation letter shortly which you can provide when you approach businesses for their assistance. We have set a date for Friday, May 10, so start asking friends, relatives, neighbours to join us for the fun.

We will have lots to discuss when we meet on WEDNESDAY 13thFEBRUARY, 3.30pm Duncraig Campus.

 Other meeting dates are:

Wed Mar 6

Wed Apr 3

Wed May 1

Wed May 15

Wed May 26.     Venues to be advised. Please keep the dates free. Any questions please email me direct, or any of the tour staff. Looking forward to catching up.


Ms Lund


Bunnings Fundraising Supporter Letter-2nos8in