Would you like to be involved in the First Lego League 2017?

Are you into Lego? Do you enjoy robotics? Do you want to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology?

St Stephens Carramar will be hosting the FLL competition on Saturday 4 November 2017 and we are seeking volunteers to help out on the day.
FIRST is a volunteer-driven and operated event and we need your help to make this event possible. FIRST Lego League teams will be researching real-world problems then challenged to develop solutions using their robot. They must also design, build and program their robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology and compete with other teams.
Your help in judging, refereeing, scoring and crowd control is serious business but you will have an amazing day full of fun and laughter!
Competition Details:
Carramar Regional: Sat, 4 November 2017 at St Stephen’s School, Carramar Campus
Training Details:
Prior FLL experience is not necessary. You will receive one day of training towards the end of October with details being provided upon expression of interest.
To register your interest as a volunteer: