Term 4, Week 9

Over the last few terms, I have had the opportunity and privilege to work with our Year 11 students participating in our newly formed ‘Propel’ Leadership Program. I have discussed things such as being a leader at a round table (like King Arthur) where everyone has equal status and no-one is better than the next person, using space and design to set the tone of a meeting (Boardroom v lounges and a coffee table), of the need to be aware of the ‘pulse’ of their year group, why it is important to trust their experts and how to hold people accountable through having difficult conversations rather than finger-pointing.

During these conversations, the students’ thirst to learn ‘how’ to lead was amazing and the questions they asked were many, varied and really thoughtful. What they also prompted me to discuss was the need for leaders to have a vision so that the direction of the year group, school, institution or organisation is clear, defined and can be owned by everyone.

The vision then gets down to values. What do we truly value and what do we feel can be let go or compromised? What is important for us to succeed, to make a difference, to leave a legacy, to define who we are? Important questions with answers that are of even greater importance.

And, when answered, it becomes the responsibility of the leader to ensure that that thing is not abandoned when times are difficult, when obstacles are put in the way, when perhaps the magnitude of the task seems insurmountable or when people constantly criticise and seek for the negative – if it is truly valued, it is a responsibility to see it done, retained, accomplished, enculturated.

Beyond that, it is the responsibility of the community, who own the vision, to also work for the collective and the realisation of those values.

In 2021, parents, just as our Year 12 leaders grapple with these ideas, I invite you to similarly consider the conversation of role-modelling, understanding a vision, knowing the values that create the vision and the responsibility to affect that vision. We have an outstanding School, supported by an outstanding community, and it is together that we will continue to prosper and ensure that the future is bright for every student that walks through our door.

Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Brett Roberts

Head of Campus

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

Tickets for our cross campus production, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe are on sale NOW.

Due to current COVID restrictions we are limited to the number of tickets we can sell, so it is worth getting in quick! Please note, if/when COVID restrictions are lifted we will release more tickets, but government guidelines restrict us from selling the full capacity of the theatre at this stage.

C.S Lewis’ original work is reimagined in this contemporary interpretation of a much loved classic. Year 7-12 students from both campuses take us on a magical tour through the wardrobe and into the Land of Narnia. A feast for the senses, including incredible puppetry and stage combat, this production is sure to delight young and old alike.

Yr 8 War on Waste

Year 8 students got fired up over plastic pollution after watching an episode of War on Waste in Science. Mr Hayward and Mrs Smoker’s classes then did an audit of the plastic they collected from different areas around the school. In the space of 25 minutes, armed with buckets and gloves, students collected a total of 607 separate pieces of plastic and other rubbish. Nearly half the plastic was made up of food wrappers, plastic bags and other packaging.

As a follow up to this activity, students will discuss better ways of reducing their plastic waste and how some of these plastics are recycled.


Sports Awards Evening

Carramar students celebrated sporting achievements of 2020 at the annual Sports Awards Night recently.  Each sports team’s Most Valuable Player and Best Team Player were awarded on the night, as well as Emblems, Colours and Wreaths. Students who broke school records were also acknowledged at the event.

Adam Dwyer

St Stephen’s School Scholarships


Yr 9 Christmas Card Collaboration

Co-curricular collaboration took on a festive feel in Science this week, when the Year 9 students mentored Year 5’s with creating a Christmas card, complete with copper tape conductors, an LED bulb and a beautiful Christmas design.

Year 9’s rose to the occasion most wonderfully and a great time was had by all. A fiddly exercise but well worth the care and attention it required, as Year 5’s came away with a beautiful Christmas card that they had made themselves.

Year 9 Science students had recently learned about electricity and electrical circuits and their teachers, Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Smoker, had put a great deal of time and effort into planning and implementing this lovely activity. Well done to all.

Elizabeth Kirby

HoLA Science

School Fee Payment Options

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

In 2021, the School will be simplifying the annual school fee notification and payment selection process for parents. Parents / Guardians will no longer be required to re-select a preferred payment method and frequency at the start of the school year.

The payment method (direct debit, or credit card, or BPAY) and frequency of payment (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, three instalments or annual upfront) that you had in place in 2020 will continue automatically in 2021.

The dates to note for payments (based on frequency) next year are:

1 upfront payment due on 29 January 2021 (2% discount); or

43 weekly payments starting 4 February 2021; or

22 fortnightly payments starting 4 February 2021; or

10 monthly payments starting on 2 February 2021; or

10 monthly payments starting on 17 February 2021; or

3 instalments (BPAY only) on 18 February 2021, 20 May 2021 and 19 August 2021

You will not be required to take any action, unless you would like to change the method of payment or frequency of payments. In which case, please contact the Accounts Receivable team on 9243 2103 or email accountsreceivable@ststephens.wa.edu.au as soon as possible.

If you wish to change your credit card, or bank account details, you are able to do this at any time throughout the year via the Parent Portal. Click on the ‘School Payments’ tab and select Manage stored cards and direct debits to bank accounts (https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ManageStoredCards.aspx).

On 11 January 2021 your annual fee invoice will be available for you to view on the Parent Portal in the ‘School Payments’ tab – select Statements and receipt history (https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/fin.aspx).

All the best for the holidays and wishing you a Happy Christmas.

From the Accounts Receivable Team

Walk to Water Day

St Stephen’s Carramar ran Walk to Water Day on Friday 27th November. The day is about remembering the great privileges we have in Australia to access clean water and sanitation and to think about our role in helping those who do not have this opportunity. Students participated in three activities over the day.

The Compassion Australia education session was designed to stimulate the experience of living in poverty. Students participated in ‘the village game’ and had to make difficult choices in order to survive. Throughout the session we reflected on the importance of empathy, compassion and generosity; as students learnt the value of how these values transform the lives of those facing hardships.

The Walk to Water session involved students carrying plastic bottles, buckets, cans, plastic bags and even eskies filled with water from Da Vinci Park back to school. The Year 8 students walking in the cool of the day, carried an incredible 349.5 litres of water. The Yr 7’s achieved a respectable 269 litres and finally the Yr 10’s managed to drag back another 195 litres, with Cody Ryall bringing back 38 litres by himself. This meant that we moved an incredible  813.5 litres over our 3.5 km track.

Students also had the opportunity to learn about some of the positive solutions people are bringing to water issues globally watching “Brave Blue World” and to recognise our excellent facilities here at school through conducting a water audit.

Students legs and arms may have been sore but our hearts were moved, as we reflected on how lucky we are to live in Australia, where our drinking water and sanitation is so clean and accessible.

Mr Gilchrist, Miss Erasmus, Mr Batten & Mr Bosma

Yr 7 Team Building

On Wednesday 1 December, all Year 7s travelled to Camp Keram and Outback Splash for a team building experience. The students spent the day rock climbing, high ropes and water sliding. A great day of fun was enjoyed by all.

Russell Gilchrist

Yr 11 Retreat

During week 7, the Year 11s had the opportunity to spend time together and connect as a cohort as part of their retreat program.

Over the 3 days at Fairbridge Village in Pinjarra, the Year 11’s learnt about and reflected on the theme of choices. Two questions were asked as part of the retreat program, ‘How do I make good choices for myself?’ and ‘How do I make good choices about the way I treat others?’

Several guest speakers developed this theme in relation to their own personal stories. The Year 11’s also enjoyed a number of activities, the highlights being the yoga and drumming sessions, the filming of their Year 11 video and of course time spent with friends in the campsite’s pool.

The very high standard of behaviour together with the Year 11’s readiness to join in all activities made the time away a very enjoyable experience for all the students and staff involved.

Madame Harris and Mr Grove


Hair-raising Fundraiser

Year 7 students Lucy Rivers and her friend Saanvi Shah decided in year 6 that they wanted to grow their hair and donate it to Sustainable Salons in NSW, to be made into wigs for people suffering from hair loss due to illness or cancer. This year, having grown their hair past the required minimum length of 20 cm’s, they approached their Dean Mr Gilchrist for permission to promote their cause and have raised $160.

Lucy had 28cm cut and Saanvi 30 cm. A local hairdresser, Monika’s Hair Studio, gave them a discounted hair cut of $20 each as she was so impressed by their selfless act at such a young age.

Parents of the girls, Mrs Shah and Ms Rivers were present and are immensely proud of the girls sacrifice for others.

Well done girls, we are very proud of you both.

Mr Gilchrist

Digital Media Literacy

Recently, Year 8 and Year 10 took part in a new program in line with the Federal initiative to improve youth digital media literacy. Mr Crewe and Mrs Roberts presented sessions looking primarily at the dynamics of social media and how to understand news in a ‘fake-news world’.

Whilst we often hear the negatives associated with social media it is crucial for students to understand that their future job hunting will be largely influenced by their online profiles. The significance of their personal branding going forward, needs to be understood if they are going to have a positive presence online.

The students responses included comments such as, “ I didn’t realise how much of me was already online, I am going to think about what I post much more carefully in future”. Others left the session checking their security settings.

Mr Crewe & Mrs Roberts

Youth Forum on Climate Change

Term 4, Week 8

As the year is coming to and end and we have had a lot of events on, we would like to celebrate these in our final newsletter of the year next Tuesday 8 December.

Lego League

The Regional LEGO League heat has just finished and I am pleased to announce that the Secondary Team (Totally Brik) where awarded 2nd Place overall, which is our best effort yet (based on Robot Design, Robot Run, Innovation Project and Core Values).

To top off a great day, Carramar Primary (Active Ants) were awarded 1st Place overall making it a Carramar 1st and 2nd with Duncraig Primary receiving an individual award as well.

If you see the following students during the week please congratulate them and wish them luck for the Nationals in 2 weeks at Curtin Uni.

Charlee Blair, Harry Blair, Aden Randell, Jack Koong, Torin Doak, Charlie Schoeman, Harrison Hawker, Luke Shirdon, Kyra Bartels, Hayley Wenn, David Bejan, Elijah Bosma, Noah Carter


Carramar Library

As 2020 is slowly coming to a close we would like to ask all parents and students to search their homes to see if there are any library books/resources that need to be returned or renewed before the end of the year.

We would also like to remind all years 3-12 students that they are most welcome to come and borrow for the holidays.  Students in PK-2 are welcome to come with a parent to borrow for the holidays.  These books will be due back at the start of our 2021 year.

Best wishes for a safe and joyful festive season.


Holiday Hijinx

The hardest part of the school holidays can be finding something for the kids to do. Ward off the constant ‘I’m bored!’ declarations and make screen time more productive at Fire Tech’s STEM workshops this January.

Kids can brush up on their tech talents at a range of workshops including Junior Adventures in Augmented Reality, Creating for YouTube, Making Games with ROBLOX, Video Game Design, Lego Stop-Motion Animation and Digital Music.

There are courses to suit children aged between 9-17 and the cost rivals that of vacation care, all while the kids walk away with a new skill.

Sign up for the SUMMER SPECIAL with workshops starting from $99 a day and running from 10am-4pm between January 11 and 15 at the School’s Duncraig Campus.

Find out more at firetechcamp.com.au

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

Tickets for our cross campus production, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe are on sale NOW.

Due to current COVID restrictions we are limited to the number of tickets we can sell, so it is worth getting in quick! Please note, if/when COVID restrictions are lifted we will release more tickets, but government guidelines restrict us from selling the full capacity of the theatre at this stage.

C.S Lewis’ original work is reimagined in this contemporary interpretation of a much loved classic. Year 7-12 students from both campuses take us on a magical tour through the wardrobe and into the Land of Narnia. A feast for the senses, including incredible puppetry and stage combat, this production is sure to delight young and old alike.

ECU School of Engineering CREATE STEM School Holiday Program – January 2021 

Following two successful programs held in the school holidays in July and September/October this year, we are pleased to announce the ECU School of Engineering STEM School Holiday Program – CREATE will be offered in January 2021 and the dates are 13 January, 14 January and 15 January. This program is offered at no cost to participating students.

CREATE is designed to support the teaching and learning of STEM subjects for students interested in STEM studies, and is suitable for students currently enrolled in Years 8 to 10.

Limited places are available and registration closes on 16 December 2020.

More information about this program can be obtained from the Administration Team, School of Engineering by email at se-create@ecu.edu.au or by telephone on 6304 2924 / 2926.

January 2021 Jump-Start Program

Master Mind Australia is delivering a comprehensive January Preparation Program for all students entering years 7 to 12 in 2021.

The University of Notre Dame

Twilight Tours | 3 & 8 December, 5.30pm

Considering your uni options? Notre Dame’s Twilight Tours are the perfect opportunity to chat with current students and staff, and enjoy an evening in Fremantle’s West End. Take a tour of our unique town university and find out more about studying at our 5-star rated university.

Architecture Summer School | 11-15 or 18-22 January 2021

Ever wondered what it’s like to design cities, building and landscapes? Find out what it’s like to study, work, and create amazing built environments as an architect at Notre Dame’s Architecture Summer School. Open to students who will be in Year 11 and 12 in 2021.

Register now at notredame.edu.au/events

Exam FAQ

Exam time can be a stressful time for the whole family. We wanted to provide a simple explanation about some of the Frequently Asked Questions we receive around results and the meaning behind some of the commonly used acronyms and phrases.

We would like to firstly note that League Tables, which have become widely used as a simple measurement of results in the media, rank schools based upon single measure metrics.

However, schools provide a range of opportunities that are not reflected in many of these tables including service learning, work experience, tours, camps and the like. Different practices between schools regarding scholarships, pathways and subject selections also mean that results are not comparing like for like. As St Stephen’s believes in the holistic education of a child with both academic achievement and student wellbeing being central to what “success” looks like for a Year 12 graduate, perhaps a more accurate table or statistic to look at for university-bound students is what percentage of students got into university.

  • What are the league tables?

While some find merit in the single metric measurements of league tables, at St Stephen’s, we find they only provide a limited snapshot of achievements and do not reflect all students who undertake Year 12 studies in different areas. Since 2016, the three tables commonly reported on are: the percentage of students obtaining a WACE, the median ATAR and schools’ performance in VET (this is the percentage of students who achieve a Certificate II or higher compared to those who attempted it is the metric – in the last few years St Stephen’s has been achieving a 100% rating in this space).

  • What is the WASSA?

All students receive a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) when they complete Year 12. The WASSA was introduced to WA in recent years to bring the State’s reporting in line with the rest of the country. It formally records a student’s achievement in every course, qualification and program completed in senior secondary schooling and provides evidence of achievement.

  • What is the WACE?

The West Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) is awarded to students who have successfully completed senior secondary schooling and have met the specific WACE requirements. These include either achieving an ATAR score (complete at least four Year 12 ATAR courses) or a Certificate II (or higher) in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification, plus meeting literacy and numeracy standards, grade standards and studying a breadth of subjects. More information about the requirements can be found on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au.

  • What is ATAR and how is it calculated?

ATAR stands for Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. It is used to rank students who wish to enter public universities in Australia relative to one another. Find more at www.tisc.edu.au/static/guide/atar-about.tisc. The ATAR is calculated by averaging moderated school marks and examination marks to determine a combined course mark. These scores are then standardised and then scaled. The top 4 scaled scores of appropriate course combinations are added together to produce the School Leaver Tertiary Entrance Aggregate, this is then converted into an ATAR score. Find more here: www.tisc.edu.au/static-fixed/statistics/misc/marks-adjustment-process.pdf

  • Why is calculating the ATAR so complicated?

The statistical processes used are done in the interests of fairness for all. Moderation of school marks occurs to ensure that students are neither advantaged or disadvantaged as a result of differences in the standards of assessment and marking that occurs within different schools. Standardising marks is to compensate for variations that may occur in the difficulty of particular examinations from year to year. Scaling takes account of the ability of students undertaking different courses to ensure that students taking difficult courses are not disadvantaged or advantaged if they take an easier one.

  • What is VET?

VET stands for Vocational Education and Training. It provides students with qualifications recognised nationally by industry and training organisations. At senior school level, the qualifications offered are usually Certificate I, II, III, or IV courses. More at senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/vet/faqs

Term 4, Week 6

Gen. Alpha and Screen Content

We are entering a new era for schooling. The first students belonging to what has been termed “Generation Alpha” (born post 2010) are beginning to occupy our upper primary/early secondary classrooms. These students will be the first generation of children shaped entirely in an era of portable digital devices. For many, their pacifiers have never been a rattle or a set of keys but a smartphone or tablet device. They have never known a world without world iPhones, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram.

These advancements mean that screen technology for Generation Alpha “is not something separate from themselves, but rather, an extension of their own consciousness and identity”. They will become “screenagers” with many preferring the virtual world to the physical world. This opens up a new frontier of challenge when it comes to parenting this generation. Researchers highlight three main issues for parents of Generation Alpha which centre around watching out for screen addiction, cyberbullying and the management of content.

It is the third of these concerns upon which I want to briefly focus a spotlight because “Content is King!”. What are children doing with their screen time?

Parents and educators should consider if a child’s screen time is active or passive. Is screen time being used predominantly for leisure or learning? Are children communicating and creating with screens (which is ideal, as they are cognitively engaged and assume an active role) or are they passively consuming content? There should be regulation and monitoring of exactly what content children are creating or consuming online. This is a mammoth job for many parents as the technology is constantly evolving and children’s technical skills and knowledge often surpass their parents.

Dr. Kirsty Goodwin, a leading digital parenting expert, (www.drkirstygoodwin.com) presents these tips for parents around regulating appropriate content:

  1. Be specific: Parents and teachers must establish very clear boundaries about what content is appropriate for children to view and or create. Parents are advised to create folders on touchscreen devices with the apps that are suitable for kids of different ages to use. Parents can also create YouTube playlists of appropriate content and can pre-record TV shows or specify channels that they’re happy for children to view.
  2. Keep up to date: Parents and educators need to stay abreast of the newest apps and websites that are geared towards young children. A number of “not for profit” organisations provide a range of digital tools available to guide parents trying to navigate the digital world . They provide independent reviews, age ratings and other essential information about a range of media.




  1. Use filters: Set up parental controls and web-filtering software on all devices.

While parents have some unique challenges, it is encouraging to remember the Millennial parents of Generation Alpha have themselves been shaped in the digital world, so are well equipped to manage these complexities. Basic dynamics between parents and children remain timeless. Parents and educators should model healthy media habits. Ongoing conversations about your child’s use of technology should it occur often. Establishing guidelines around use of media and then enforcing these guidelines consistently, helps create a safe and secure environment.

Stephen Meagher

House Captains 2021

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected House Captains for 2021

Parresia – Alex Huynh, Ella Lines, Lucy Williams, Evie Wilson

Makaria – Tahlia Beckitt, Olivia Binkhorst, Cameron Kiss, Riana Shah

Charis – Ronan Fitzgerald, Sophie Suverijn, Jarrod Suverijn, Nicholas Vlahov

Spring Soiree

All the students in Year 10 at the Carramar campus attended the Spring Soiree at Bridgeleigh. Holding it at this venue has been a valuable transition at our campus, as it marks decades of students attending this special soiree. Unfortunately, they are under new ownership as of next year. Thus, this year marked the end of a great legacy, which made the night even more memorable to many staff and students alike.

The event had many objectives, the first of which was to celebrate the achievements students have made in their junior years, whilst marking the transition to upper school. We further wanted to provide students with the opportunity to participate in a mature social gathering where they had to participate in formal dancing (they learnt about 10 different dances in the rehearsals) and sit down to a formal three course meal.

We had high expectations for their dress and etiquette and students far exceeded our expectations. The boys wearing new smart attire, some even in suits. They were also vastly outnumbered by the girls. Subsequently the girls did very well at including all the boys in the dances and there were very few occasions where boys were sitting out. This is undoubtedly what made the evening a great success. The students were greatly appreciative and said that they thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Gillian Erasmus


Secondary Student Booklists

Booklists for Secondary Students are now available via the Parent portal : Booklists & Textbooks.  Orders placed with Campion Education by 4 December will receive FREE Home Delivery.  Please note, that there are certain subscriptions and required items that can only be purchased via Campion and are not available through other suppliers.

St Stephen’s is once again partnering with the Sustainable School Shop to offer a forum to buy and sell second-hand texts, calculators, electronics and lots more.  You will find further information via the Parent portal : Booklists & Textbooks.


Spectacular colour, texture, design and creativity came together at Carramar’s Fusion exhibition. Art, Design and Technology pieces were displayed by students from across the campus – including colourful, eye-catching artworks by young students, detailed woodwork and metalwork pieces, mouth-watering cake decorations, thought-provoking artworks, photography, detailed self-portraits and much more. Click the link to view a list of winning entrants https://bit.ly/3pleFH0

Lesley Nation

Remembrance Day Service

Carramar held its traditional Remembrance Day Service for Years 3-10 on Wednesday 11th November. A number of different students from across the year groups spoke about different aspects of conflict and commemoration, as well as poems, prayers and a minute of silence at 11am. This year’s service made particular mention of the role and experience in military service by Indigenous Australians, which dovetailed well into the School’s NAIDOC week celebrations.

Josh Plummer


Share the Dignity – It’s in the bag

Each November Share the Dignity donate thousands of bags to those in need across the country filled with essentials and special gifts to make Christmas one to remember.

Over the past 3 years our Year 9 – 12 girls at Carramar have been collecting, packing and delivering these bags to women of need. 2020’s campaign will run from the 20th of November until the 29th of November.

We need YOU to help us break our previous bag record of 36 handbags for woman in emergency accommodation situations.

Please consider donating your preloved handbags (or thin out your partners collection) – or pop into your local Salvo’s and grab a bag there. We also want all of those unopened hotel toiletries hiding in the back of your bathrooms – that might never get another chance to see the light of day!

If you can get your donations to either Sarah Stockton-Rice’s office or my office (in Charis) that would be greatly appreciated or drop them to the Secondary Art room. Otherwise send me an email and I will come to you!

Thank you for all of your support!

Lesley Nation

WA Middle School Ethics Olympiad

On Monday 9th November, two teams from St Stephen’s competed in the 2020 WA Middle School Ethics Olympiad via Zoom, having spent 4 lessons with Mr Bosma and Ms Phillips learning about various ethical frameworks and interrogating the case studies to be addressed on the day of the competition.  During the Ethics Olympiad, the teams discussed the ethical dilemmas posed by the 8 different case studies with a number of schools including John Septimus Roe, Iona Presentation College and Penrhos College and we are delighted to announce that Team Grey placed second out of the 21 teams competing and Team Green received an honourable mention from the judges.  Congratulations to all involved on such a magnificent effort!

Sarah Phillips


Presentation Evenings 2020

Carramar Secondary Presentation Evening will be held on Monday 7 December at 6:45pm in the Sports & Learning Centre.  Tickets for the event are free and are available now via the link below:


Ticket numbers will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions so please book early to avoid disappointment.  Please be aware that all attendees (including students & performers) will require tickets this year.  Please bring your ticket with you on the night (printed or electronically) as they will be scanned on entry.


Free Event @ ECU for all Yr 10, 11 & 12 Students


Secondary Assistance Scheme 2021

The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme. The aim of the scheme is to assist low income families with secondary schooling costs.  Eligible parents/guardians with students enrolled in Years 7 to 12 studying a full-time secondary course at a Western Australian non government school will be able to apply for the Secondary Assistance Scheme in 2021.

The Secondary Assistance Scheme consists of two allowances:

  • $235 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the school); and
  • $115 Clothing Allowance (payment made to the parent/guardian)

Parents/guardians in receipt of the ABSTUDY School Fees Allowance from Services Australia (Centrelink) are not eligible for the Secondary Assistance Scheme, but they may apply for the ABSTUDY Supplement Allowance.  The payment is : $79 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the school).



Term 4, Week 4

“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”. This quote is by the American poet, Maya Angelou. The quote captures the essence of the work I have been carrying out with the year 9 girls over the last term. We have looked at the difference between fitting in and belonging. The year 9 girls came up with some incredibly insightful and often profound differences between fitting in and belonging. They explained that fitting in is external, it’s for other people and it’s hard work. They went on to share that fitting in is fake and you don’t feel like you’re being authentic or making real friends. Belonging on the other hand is internal, genuine and a lot easier than trying to fit in all of the time. Belonging, according the girls, means that you have “found your people and your place, so that’s where you fit”. I found their awareness of these differences to be a stark contrast to what most students this age practice.

We also looked at the differences between perfectionism and healthy striving to do your best. This exercise was more difficult until the girls realised that the differences between perfectionism and healthy striving were the same as the difference between fitting in and belonging. One is for others and appearances, the other is for you.

So why do our girls try to fit in and aim for perfection rather than belong and strive for excellence? They want to connect. We all want to connect. We are a social species and if COVID has taught us anything, it’s that we share the basic need for connection with other people. As adolescents, our need to connect to our peers outweighs our need to be true to ourselves. Being true and authentic versions of ourselves takes courage and courage takes time to develop. As our children grow up and are given the opportunity to develop courage by facing their fears, they will develop the courage to be their authentic selves. “Having courage does not mean that we are unafraid. Having courage and showing up means that we face our fears. We are able to say, I have fallen, but I will get up”, eloquently put by Maya Angelou.

Take care

Sarah Stockton-Rice

SSS Dance Company Audition Dates 2021

For further information and audition forms please see Mrs Nation.


Yr 8 Camp – Rottnest Island

Last week, Year 8 students attended their HASS and Science camp to Rottnest Island. They had a packed few days of activities such as bike riding around the island and snorkelling, as well as learning about the complex history of Rottnest Island and the different ecosystems present. As well as this, students had the responsibility of budgeting for and cooking their own meals – staff were even lucky enough to sample some of these meals in a MasterChef style challenge! Overall, students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learnt a lot about Rottnest that they didn’t know before.

Eleanor Glacken


Year 11 ATAR Exam Schedule

Fusion Opening Night

Due to Phase 4 restrictions, the number of attendees for the Fusion 2020 Opening Night in the Technology Hub will be capped. Staff, students and parents wishing to attend this event from 6.30pm will need to secure a free ticket through Humanitix. Please click on the link to secure your ticket. https://events.humanitix.com/fusion2020

The Fusion exhibition for 2020 opens on Thursday, 5 November in the Technology Hub with viewing to begin at 6.30pm, with formal presentations beginning shortly after 7pm. Delicious refreshments will be available.  

Staff, Parents and students are, alternatively, invited to view the exhibition during school hours until 12pm on Tuesday 10 November – without a ticket.

Lesley Nation

House Captain Voting

Yesterday the Year 7-11 secondary students at Carramar had the opportunity to excise their democratic right and vote for their 2021 House Captains. Voter turnout reached an all-time high and the senior Politics & Law students running the election had to work hard to ensure secrecy and peace around the polling booths. With support from the West Australian Electoral Commission, the day was a big success. Next step – counting the ballot papers…

Josh Plummer


Book Week 2020

During Week 2 the Library and English Departments collaborated to celebrate Book Week. The theme this year was Curious Creatures and Wild Minds.

To engage the senior school students in Book Week this year, Kahoot Quizzes linked to the Book Week theme were held every lunch time in the library and we were fortunate enough to get the Year 6 students to come along too. A few students were lucky to walk away with some prizes to reward their knowledge of books.

We also held a dress up day connected to the theme and we had quite a few students dress up. We put on an afternoon tea for the students who went to the effort to get into costume and awarded prizes for the best dressed students.

Overall it was great week. Many thanks to the parents who helped out with their child’s costume and to the students who got involved in the book week celebrations.

Mr Morris



Containers for Change Program

St Stephen’s School has partnered with Good Sammy, who is an official collection organisation for the Containers for Change Program launched on October 1 this year. Please collect eligible containers and help provide meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Our bins are located at:

Early Learning Centre – entrance to Reception

Duncraig Primary – entrance to Reception

Carramar Primary – entrance to Reception and near the Nurse’s office

Pétanque Tournament has started!!!

Year 7 and Year 4 are competing side by side for their respective houses in a Pétanque Tournament. This first meeting was about getting used to the rules of the French game. Tournament will start in week 4.  Students will compete every second Wednesday.

Term 4, Week 2

If I could have a superpower, I might well choose the ability to sleep (and sleep well) at will. For many of us, the amount that we try and fit into the day, comes at the cost of a good sleep. As adults we are recommended to aim to sleep for 7 – 9 hours, but did you know that the recommended amount for 12 -14-year old’s is between 9 – 11 hours, whilst those aged 14 -17 it is 8 – 10 hours?

Getting the recommended amount of sleep can help teens maintain their physical health, emotional well-being, and school performance. Yet when I ask students how much sleep they have had, there are many that are not getting close to recommended levels. Whilst circumstances can often dictate that this isn’t always possible, improved sleep is something tangible that we should all be trying to aim for, for our kids.

Whilst Thomas Edison was said to have thought more than 5 hours of sleep was ‘inefficient unproductive and indulgent’, for the majority of us (and especially adolescents), not getting enough can mean concentration difficulties, drifting off in class, a lack of enthusiasm for anything and even more sick days.

Some students might already be able to self-manage lots of things, but it is going to be up to you to check out if a lack of sleep is an issue for your child. This doesn’t need to be overly dictatorial, because often through my own experiences with teenagers, involving them is the decision-making process means more chance of buy-in from them and therefore a better chance of success.

There are lots of things to consider as part of making sure your child gets enough quality sleep. These can include; getting enough exercise, better organisation of school work (not starting an assignment the night before it is due) developing good sleep hygiene and limiting screen time. According to a study by Vic Health and Sleep Health Foundation ‘teens who put down their smart-phones an hour before bed gained an extra 21 minutes sleep a night and an hour and 45 minutes over the school week. This can make a difference.

Our kids deserve to be the best versions of themselves and as parents, our role is to help them achieve that helping them develop routines to health and performance both now and later in life. The gift of good sleep should not be underrated.

You can find more information and some tips here: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/media-and-resources/media-releases/aussie-teens-forgo-sleep-for-screens


Mark Batten,

Dean of Makaria House


Year 8 Science

During Term 3, Year 8 Science students studied energy transformations. Students built model cars demonstrating solar, elastic potential and chemical potential energy powered cars. Some of Mr Hayward’s students tested the performance of their cars by racing them against other students’ models. Year 8 Science students used STEM skills to design and build their model cars.  Tye McLeish built his elastic potential energy powered car and it fared well against the other models as it was light but fast.

Elizabeth Kirby (Head of Science)


Making Coasters


A part of the Mathematics Enrichment course involves project work based on a unit of Mathematics covered in Term 3. Students learnt about some of the mechanics and forces behind structures and buildings, as well as looking at the different types of curves involved in a rollercoaster track. This has led to their Term 3 and 4 project of making their own marble rollercoasters which will be structurally sound but also super creative! We look forward to their submission into FUSION to see the final product.

Mrs Bell (Formally Miss van der Heever)

Term 3, Week 8

“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose; it’s how you play the game.” How many times have you heard this saying or said these words to another person? The way we “play the game” or “do life,” is an important concept that we should regularly reflect upon. I would suggest that more and more, the messages that our children are receiving each day unfortunately indicate, that it doesn’t matter how you play the game. They are hearing the message that mediocrity is cool and that standing out or performing well or at your best is not. Today young people use the word SWEAT or SWEATY, to describe the behaviours of someone who is trying their best. This is intended to be a negative term, but I ask the question, when did doing your best and giving 100% effort become uncool? Certainly, it’s a given, that for any individual to become successful in life, that giving 100% in all that you do, is the number one prerequisite to master. We can’t control our talent, but we can control our efforts. There are many well-known stories of successful people, people like, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan or Dr Fiona Wood who, in their pursuit of excellence, are well known to many; these people are always working to their full potential. We must not forget or ignore the fact that successful people have failures and setbacks, on the contrary, they have many failures, but these people are not deterred from attaining goals based upon another person’s negative words or demeanour. Accepting mediocrity or “near enough is good enough” attitude is simply not an option. Clearly not every young person will become a famous international success story, so does it matter how you play the game? If we want our young people to successfully manoeuvre through the challenges that are presented to them throughout life’s journey  and to be the best that they can be, we need to be teaching them from a young age that doing your best, in all things, on all occasions, is a worthwhile practise. Whether our students are great mathematicians or not, literary scholars or not, athletes, thespians or musicians, the list goes on, they need know that a mediocre effort doesn’t cut it.  It doesn’t matter if you are the best at something, the worst at something or if you find yourself somewhere in the middle, our mantra should always be that giving 100% is how the game should be played. Russell Gilchrist Dean of Parresia

Maths Club

Every Wednesday in the Library from 3:30-4:30 Mathematics teachers make themselves available to provide help and tuition to students with their Mathematics learning. If students need extra help in maths coming to Maths club should be one of the first things they do! Come along with questions that you need help with, or just use the time to do your maths homework in a setting where you can get help straight away when you get stuck. This is something that all who come benefit from, from Year 7 to Year 12, and at all levels of ability from the weakest to the strongest maths student.

A Knight’s Tale – Year 11 Drama

Year 11 Drama are in the mist of studying “Drama Performance Events” learning how to plan, develop and stage a full theatre performance. Each student has been in charge of a different department; publicity and marketing, stage design, costumes, hair and make-up, lighting and sound, props and directing. Next Tuesday they will perform their play “A Knight’s Tale” for Years 3 – 6 during their Drama lesson, so they can evaluate the effectiveness of the performance.

Fairy tale Folly – Year 9/10 Drama

Year 9/10 Drama have been busy organising sets, costumes and rehearsing their fairy tale play; “Fairy tale Folly”. The play is a mixture of multiple fairy tales which have been mixed up and require the audiences help to put the stories back into the storybook. 9/10 Drama will perform to Year 1 and 2 students next Wednesday. Year 1 have recently studied fairy tales which raises the pressure and expectation on the 9/10 Drama students to create believable characters.

Love Languages Posters Competition 

At the end of Term 2, Year 7 students had to be creative and express the reasons why they love learning languages and particularly French. Students selected Julia’s poster to represent St Stephen’s in an inter-school competition organised by Modern Language Teachers Association with the support of the WA Government and the Office of Multicultural Interests. Julia’s poster has been short listed and selected to be displayed in the MLTAWA’s online gallery in celebration of Languages Week 2020. Julia received her certificate of merit during last Assembly.

Let’s cook French specialties !

On Tuesday 8 September, Year 8 students enjoyed preparing two traditional French recipes. On the menu, delicious croque-monsieur and apple cakes. A fun way to learn about French language and culture.

LAW Society Mock Trial SSS Carramar defeat Hale School

With a very inexperienced but enthusiastic team, St Stephens Carramar was able to defeat Hale School 134-126 in a civil matter that involved a damaged burger restaurant, ‘Meat is Murder’ chants and a red mohawk ! This concluded an abbreviated competition for 2020 on a winning note. Team (L-R) Joshua Plummer (Teacher-in-charge), Abigail Legge, Tahlia Beckitt, Riana Shah, Tegan Shirdon, Emily Forsythe, Eloise Hanna, Darcy Beckitt & Sarah Wordsworth (Coach). Absent: Peter Ferreira


School Holiday Program


Are you all sorted with your school holiday plans? With less than two weeks to go, make sure you book in for the best learning experience around! In partnership with St Stephen’s School, Fire Tech Australia have over 20 exclusive courses designed to educate, entertain and inspire the next generation of innovators, with courses suiting children aged 6-9, 9-12, and 12-17. There are limited seats available so hurry and get in quick! https://www.firetechcamp.com.au/


Do you know someone who would make an excellent Cadet? The Western Australia Police Force is looking for applicants to join the Aboriginal Cadet program. The program provides participants with a first-hand view of the dynamic and exciting world of policing. Cadets gain exposure to a range of unique policing activities and get a true taste of what it means to be part of the WA Police Force family. We encourage you to identify members of the community who may be suitable for the program and to speak with them about this exciting opportunity. Applicants must be between 17 – 25 years of age and of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent. Cadets are paid during their training and will earn a nationally accredited qualification (Certificate II in General Education for Adults). The next cadet intake is scheduled to commence in early January 2021 and applications from both metropolitan and regional locations are being accepted. An Aboriginal Cadet Program Information Session is scheduled for Saturday, 10 October 2020 at 9:00am at the WA Police Academy in Joondalup. Potential applicants are encouraged to book via the Step Forward website. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the recruitment and selection process and what it is like to be a cadet in the WA Police Force. To learn more and to download an application form, simply visit the Step Forward website. If you would like any further information, or should an applicant require support with their application, the Police Recruiting team is available and happy to assist. Ph: (08) 9301 9707 police.recruiting@police.wa.gov.au Thank you for supporting the program. POLICE RECRUITING WA POLICE FORCE

Term 3, Week 6

As part pf the pastoral care team at St. Stephen’s, I’ve had the opportunity to help many students through difficult times over the years. As a means of self-improvement and professional development, I’ve recently started reading the work of Brene Brown; a researcher who studies courage, shame, vulnerability, and empathy. Sounds heavy doesn’t it? Here’s a little of what I’ve learned.

Imagine this scenario. You drop your child off at school or at a friend’s or at sport and you go about your day. An hour later, you check your phone and there’s a missed call from your child. What’s the first thing you imagine? If you’re like most people, you’ll imagine that something bad has happened and you feel the need to jump in and rescue them. It’s instinctual to want to protect our children.

We want our children to be resilient and courageous, however, we don’t want to see them fail or struggle. Unfortunately, the only way to grow courage and resilience is to fail and go through struggle. The key is learning how to get back up again and do so independently.

According to Brene Brown, courage does not exist without vulnerability. Vulnerability is the ‘willingness to show up and let people in’. Every courageous act, no matter how small opens us up to being hurt or embarrassed.

Our children will go through struggles in their lives, particularly during adolescence. There may be friendship issues or concern about failing grades. When our child says they’ve failed a big test or caused a friendship issue, our response if often, ‘it’s all good, don’t worry about it’ and ‘just find someone else to hang out with’. Unfortunately, when they hear this, they continue to worry.

If our response becomes, ‘tell me why you feel bad about it’, they feel heard and supported. This open the lines of communication and deepens the trust and connection we have with our children. They need empathy not sympathy.

Empathy creates ‘an environment hostile to shame’. It allows us to build trust with our children so that we can have the hard conversations. They can hear our feedback and be held accountable when they haven’t done the right thing and develop the ability to adapt to change.

If our children are to develop courage and resilience, they will do so while facing challenges. As parents, it’s difficult to watch our children struggle (I’ve been there), but it is crucial in their journey to becoming wholehearted individuals.

Take care

Mrs Sarah Stockton-Rice

Dean of Charis


Meet the UWA Scientists Day

On Thursday 27 August our Year 10 students went to the Science Café at UWA . Here are some photos of the fun they had on the day

Year 11 River Cruise


Friday 28 August saw the gala event Year 11 River Cruise.  Students and staff alike shared a wonderful night together cruising on the beautiful Swan River. The theme of the night was “Famous Faces”, and with this theme The Beatles, Star Lord, Borat, characters from Inside Out, Cat in the Hat along with many more stars from both the past and the present graced the us with their presence.  Thanks to Mr Mark Batten for his organisation of this fabulous event. We already look forward to 2021 with expectation and excitement.

Year 7 Team Building Day

On Wednesday 19 August, the Year 7 cohort traveled with their Deans to The Swan Valley Camp for a day of fun, focusing on Team Building and Leadership activities. Students were divided into 4 different groups and experienced physical and mental challenges in their quest to conquer the activities set before them. Obstacle courses included mud runs, rope climbing, commando crawls, see  saw team balances, avoiding the mine fields and many other enjoyable activities. The Year 7’s  learned of the importance of being resilient, working together, listening to others and how to agree to disagree with respect. We look forward to our second team building activity in Term 4.

A Day@DNA Zoo Incursion

As part of our National Science Week program, on Wednesday 19 August, Year 11 and 12 Biology students participated in an on-campus workshop where they learned about the emerging field of research that is conservation genomics. In a collaborative project between UWA and BioBarcode Australia, scientists are attempting to further protect Australia’s biodiversity by mapping the full genetic complement of some of Australia’s most threatened and vulnerable species of plants and animals.

Facilitated by a visiting UWA PhD student, our students participated in a partly hands-on, partly virtual experience where they magnified a sample of DNA using biotechnologies such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis. They also used Virtual Reality (VR) goggles to “walk though” the structure of a chromosome.

It was a great opportunity for Year 11 and 12 students to consolidate some skills and concepts that form part of their Biology curriculum, as well as to speak in person to a young scientist who is currently furthering her studies in the field of Australian marsupial susceptibility to parasites.

Elizabeth Kirby – HoLA (Science)

French Day


Year 7’s enjoyed celebrating French Day and assisting their Year 4 buddies in the preparation of Father’s Day.

Movie Night

Last week, the secondary school house captains organised a movie night for our year 3-6 students. It was a great night enjoying pizza while “Despicable Me’.

Australian Childhood Anxiety Treatment Study for 7-12 year Olds

A team at Griffith University is conducting a nationwide study that provides services at no cost to families. The study includes the following:

  • A thorough assessment of your child’s anxiety with a trained psychologist via the telephone;
  • Your child receiving one of two kinds of home based treatments delivered on a PC, laptop or tablet; and
  • Two follow-up telephone assessments with a trained psychologist 6 and 12 months after treatment to track your child’s progress.

Click on the links below for more information and contact details

ACATS Information Flyer

ACATS Information Sheet






Term 3, Week 4

Our St. Stephen’s School community is one of great resilience. In the face of pressure and challenge, resilience refers to an ability to bounce back and get on with the task at hand.

As 2020 dawned, terms such as “social isolation”, “lockdown” and “on-line learning” were relatively unfamiliar but in the months ahead, they would find their way into our everyday language. That teaching and learning continued in an organised, effective and purposeful fashion during the “Covid upheaval”, is a great testimony to the resilience of our students, families and staff.

Resilience is a character trait that is well needed in our current culture. A recent report, “The Future of Education”, conducted by McCrindle Research, highlighted the tension that exists between the teaching and learning of core skills as compared with the development of character traits such as resilience. The results around the development of character traits in schools were interesting. Amongst parents surveyed, 57% favoured an increased focus by educators on the development of character/wellness traits like resilience, as well as, leadership, empathy, adaptability and persistence. Amongst educators surveyed, 58% favoured a greater focus. Increasingly, these traits are being seen by the community at large, as essential components for success.

At St. Stephen’s School, an intentional focus on the well-being of other people is a key to developing these character traits in our students. This aligns with our school motto: “Serve God, Serve One Another”. Recent and planned activities in this arena of school life include meal preparation alongside the Heathridge Salvation Army, a Secondary-wide collection of socks as part of the Uniting WA Winter Appeal, garden maintenance for elderly residents in Gingin, knitting of squares for winter blankets, the post-Covid re-establishment of the SSS Lakeside Joondalup Food Rescue and partnering with Rocky Bay to support some of their recreational-based therapies.

It is a great encouragement to see the heart of our community for the well-being of others. As well as fostering the character traits we are seeking to nurture, student exposure to the work performed by so many community groups models a commitment to purpose and achievement. These ongoing activities are House-based and form part of our Homeroom Curriculum.They will remain central to the education of our students, as we seek to grow young men and women of faith with the capacity and confidence to change the world.

In Christ

Mr Stephen Meagher

Deputy Head of Secondary

French Incursion

On Wednesday 12 of August, Year 7 and Year 4 students met.

A fun time for singing to practise time and sharing facts about a sustainable environment. Year 7 assisted their buddies in finalising their drawings for a competition.

All students enjoyed it so much that we will meet again on French Day held on Wednesday 26 August

Madame Richardson 😊

Primary French Teacher




Arts Tour 2021

WHO:                  Current Year 10 + 11 interested in the Arts. Priority given to students studying an Arts subject in 2021 – Cross Campus.

WHEN:                30 June 2021 to  – 7 July 2021 (June/July School Holidays)

WHERE:               Melbourne + Sydney

WHAT:                 Visit art exhibitions, museums, theatre shows, music events, drumming lessons, shopping and much more

WHY:                    Because it is unbelievable fun for people who love The Arts!

ACTION:              Expressions of interest will be taken in Term 4…………………….Deposits taken early Term 1, 2021



Science Week is here!

Science can be interesting, intriguing, exciting and… surprising! We kick off Science Week with some entertaining photos of Carramar Year 6’s visit to the Secondary Science Labs.


The week you’ve all been waiting for is finally here – Science Week! This year’s theme is Deep Blue – Innovation for the future of our Oceans.

Most of the problems facing our deep oceans, require innovation in Science and technology to help overcome. Issues like over-fishing, plastic and chemical pollution, and changes in ocean temperatures and acidity, are some the problems threatening the health of our oceans and survival of many marine species. To raise awareness amongst our student body, there are a number of activities that will be conducted during Homeroom this week – videos to watch, daily Homeroom activities and prizes to be won.

The Library has also got on board most wonderfully. The Library has been decorated with mobiles and posters. Visuals are streaming on the screens all day and there are puzzles and books on display in keeping with the theme, with which students can engage. Heartfelt thanks to the Library team for their enthusiasm.

As part of Science Week, a very special and unique opportunity has been made available to our Year 11 and 12 Biology students on Wednesday 19th August. We are one of 10 Perth schools who will be participating in a real time webinar on conservation genomics. CONSERVATION GENOMICS is an innovative and emerging area that can play a powerful role in saving many endangered species!

This one-day online event will showcase the exciting work of a unique global collaborative project by DNA Zoo. Since 2018 DNA Zoo have mapped over 100 endangered species genomes using innovative, open access software encouraging a global effort to save Australian species.

Our Yr 11 and 12 Biology students will get a sneak peak at a new social enterprise, BioBarcode Australia. Students will get to see their new way of bringing DNA technologies to schools and the community, which includes digital PCR and virtual reality innovations to “walk through” chromosomes. We will be guided by a guest DNA Zookeeper in person at our school this Wednesday 19th August.

Thank you, in anticipation, for your engagement with Science Week.

Mrs Kirby


Image courtesy of The rise of Australian marsupials (Authors Karen H. Black, Michael Archer, Suzanne J. Hand, and Henk Godhelp, 2012)






Congratulations to Charis House who took out top spot at the Carramar Secondary Athletics Carnival last week! Students showed their House pride by not only dressing up in some great costumes, but by participating in numerous events to win points for their House.




Numero Competition

Congratulations to students that competed in the Numero competition held at the Carramar Campus and the Numero Competition Finals held at Duncraig Senior High School.


School Tours

Do you have friends or family considering St Stephens Carramar for their child’s education?

We regularly conduct small group school tours to give prospective families the opportunity to ask questions and tour the school while it is operating.

Our next group tours are

Primary School           Thursday 1 September 1.30 pm

Secondary School       Thursday 1 September 2.30 pm

Whole School              Thursday 5 November 9 – 10.00 am (bookings available online)

November School Tour Booking Link

Places are limited and bookings essential. Please contact our Admissions Department to book in to our September Tours. Ph.  9243 2108 or email admissions@ststephens.wa.edu.au


The Show Must Go Online

If you missed the curtain call, you can still view the show for the next two weeks via the following link

Carramar Campus: 

Click here to view the show

The Show Must Go Online! CARRAMAR 2020

Password: TSMGOCAR


Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities

Psychology Club – Every Wednesday Lunch time S1

This week’s topic “Why do we believe in the supernatural?”

Contact: Mrs Smoker

St Stephens School Foundation Gala

Keen for a night out? Get your tickets to the St Stephen’s School Foundation Gala now as more than 75% of tickets have been sold!
Join us for a night of entertainment, prizes and dancing on Saturday, November 7 at Crown Perth.
More details at www.trybooking.com/BHKWP   Bookings close October 20.
Image may contain: text that says "PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE ST STEPHEN'S SCHOOL FOUNDAT TION alt Proudly sponsored by PENTANET Perth Powered nternet"



Term 3, Week 2

Welcome to the Secondary Blog!

Dear Parents,

Being Head of the entire campus is a wonderful role that has enabled me to really leverage our PK – 12 structure, the skills of our staff and the blessings of our facilities to provide our students with so many more opportunities than previously experienced. Indeed, having such oversight has also unified us all the more and ensured that a deeper understanding of Primary and Secondary teaching paradigms has been gained by staff.

On Wednesday evening last week, we had an outstanding turnout to our Year 5 & 6 Parent Information Evening where Mrs Beare, Mr Meagher, Madame Pilote and myself discussed the above in the context of students transitioning to Secondary. The Deans taking Day Start once a fortnight, the use of Science laboratories, students walking to their specialist subjects unaccompanied, older students attending Year 6 Camp and a ‘whole campus’ Cross-Country Carnival are but a few ways over the last three years where we have intruded on the traditional ‘transition’ program to diminish the divide between primary and secondary.

Enhancing this is our ‘curriculum cross-over’ project whereby secondary students undertake learning activities with primary students so that both of their learning experiences are enriched and relationships are created. Year 11 Certificate in Outdoor Education students work with Miss Uglow in primary PhysEd lessons, Year 10 – 12 Childcare students spend time assisting in our Early Years, Year 9 HASS students study WWI and Gallipoli with our Year 3 students, English and Biblical Studies students write poetry and stories to read to our little people, senior students assist Miss Uglow with the primary carnivals and…. there is so much more. New programs, new facilities, new opportunities all created by intentionally thinking ‘whole campus’.

The re-structure to create my role, therefore, has born much fruit, and will continue to do so, because of the greater ‘view’ that it offers of a school that was PK – 12 and now is PK – 12 in the fullest sense of the word.

We hope you enjoy this fortnightly communication.

God bless,

Mr Brett Roberts

Head of Campus


The Show Must Go Online, written by Beat by Beat Press in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, is the first of its kind – a musical to be rehearsed remotely, performed virtually and shared with audiences online. It is a bit like life imitating art, with the plot centred around a group of students who are desperately trying to save their Drama Department by turning their cancelled show, “Brushes with Greatness: A Dental Hygiene Musical”, into a virtual production.

Click here to see the promo

After months of virtual rehearsals, awesome enthusiasm and incredible creativity from 29 of our Year 6, 7 and 8 students, the premiere of The Show Must Go Online! is scheduled for this THURSDAY AUGUST 6 at 6:45pm. It’s quirky, fun, and very family friendly – and you get to watch it from the comfort of your own living room.

To reserve your free ticket, and receive the password to view the show, please click the link below:


Year 10  – 2021 Year 11 Subject Selection Interviews

Following on from the Year 10 Parent and Teacher interviews this evening, appointments are available with Mr Rob Crewe to assist students in selecting their Year 11 subject preferences. Appointments for Subject Counselling  can be made via the Parent Portal/Plan the Term/ Interview Bookings/Login to Edinfo.  Book your Subject Counselling interview

Keep up to date with Careers and Course Information via the Careers Web Site St Stephens Careers Information Site


Secondary Inter House Athletics Carnival

The Secondary Inter House Athletics Carnival  takes place this week with pre carnival events being run during lunch times (Monday – Thursday ) and concluding with the Year 7 – 12 Carnival on Friday 7 August. The weather forecast is for a sunny day and we are looking forward to healthy and fun competition between our houses. The carnival is a compulsory event for all students.



Heart for the Homeless

St Stephen’s School has partnered with 98.5 Sonshine FM for their Heart for The Homeless Appeal this month to keep everyone warm on these cold winter nights. We are one of the drop-off points for any clean sleeping bags, blankets, toiletries and pillows that will go to those doing it tough. Do your bit and drop off at the Duncraig Campus from July 20 and at the Carramar Campus from July 27 until the end of the month.