Monthly Archives: April 2017

End of term wishes

April 3, 2017

Dear Students and Parents

The end of a busy term has arrived – along with the end of the semester. This term has been filled with camps, carnivals, inter-school competition, clubs, tours, music and drama. You only have to scroll down to see the photographs and descriptions of many of the events and to celebrate the positive attitude and vibrancy of St Stephen’s School.

A highlight over the past 2 weeks has been the process of interviewing prospective families for places for Year 7 in 2019. Two things that characterise the families seeking places at Stephen’s School for their children seemed to be (1) wanting a place where their values would gel with the School and the families here, and (2) wanting to be in a place where like-minded people want similar things for their children.  Over and over again I heard similar statements: “I know people at St Stephen’s”; “I have met children from St Stephen’s”; “I want my child to be like the students I have met from St Stephen’s”, and “I want a place which understands there is more to my child than his grades” (even though the grades were very good!)

We have something remarkable in common at St Stephen’s School: we have a like-minded community of families wanting the best for their children and teachers wanting to engage and excite those children. This incredible synergy comes from the fact that everyone in this place is here by choice and because our choices are underpinned by commonly shared hopes for our children. This morning I was wandering around the School after a staff devotion in Timae: as I encountered and greeted students on their way to their first class, I was reminded of how courteous and kind our students are and how easy it is to like them. The families our students come from do such a good job of raising their children. The fabric of our School is woven in the homes of our students.

As we approach the break and Easter, I would like to wish each family and every student and every staff member a blessed and safe Easter. If you are travelling take care. We look forward to seeing you next term.


Bruce Titlestad