Selecting a school is a major decision. It is less about predicting the sort of person your child will become and more about providing them with a diverse range of possibilities which will enable them to experience success within a safe and secure learning community.
To develop an understanding of St Stephen’s, we warmly encourage families to attend one of our Tour Mornings. These mornings give families the opportunity to see the School ‘in action’. Many families comment that these tours have allowed them to experience the intangible qualities of St Stephen’s educational offering, beginning a valuable and long-lasting partnership between home and school.
Families are welcome to attend both the Primary Campus, and Secondary Campus. Prospective students are very welcome to attend with their parents or guardians. Places at these Open Mornings are limited, so bookings are essential.
Even though the weather was wild and windy it didn’t stop perspective families coming along. Parents were greeted by Principal Donella Beare and Registrar Gayle Pieterse, School Executive were introduced followed by a short briefing from the Primary School Head, Mrs Tracey Gray, and then Head of Secondary, Mr Bruce Titlestad.
This was followed by a walking tour of the campus, concluding with morning tea. Our Registrar and other key staff members were available to answer any specific questions the families may have.
For more information: Admissions Information