Yesterday Visual Art teacher Verity Palmer and Art Technician Claire Davenhall took the Year 9 Visual Art students to Sculpture by the Sea at Cottesloe.
Two artists were on hand to talk to the students, Rima Zabaneh and Andrea Vinkovic.
This is the 14th Annual Cottesloe Exhibition of Sculptures by the Sea.
Sculpture by the Sea was established in 2005 and is the world’s largest FREE to the public sculpture exhibition, having generally over 70 sculptures designed by artists from all over the world. The exhibition is featured from the sea wall, all the way along the sand towards North Cottesloe and on the grassed areas around the beach, and this creates a unique sculpture park.
Well worth a visit!
“The sea is His, for it was He who made it, And His hands formed the dry land.” – Psalm 95:5