Category: Parents

Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority for Parents and Students in Year 10

May 21, 2018

This booklet has just been published by the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority for parents and students in Year 10. You can find it under publications on the SCSA website or simply click here

The handbook sets out to explain the different types of courses and pathways that are available to Year 10 students in 2019 and how each contributes towards their WACE.

This is not easy reading but it is important reading! If you have any questions at all please contact me

Sarah Cooke – Careers Advisor
9243 2154

Cross Country Results

May 15, 2018

Congratulations to all our students who gave it their all in the Cross Country Carnival. House pride was on full display with students donning House colours and costumes both in the spectator stands and on the race track! The winning Houses are:

Duncraig Primary: Alethea
Duncraig Secondary: Timae


May 14, 2018

The School’s innovative House structure is one we’re extremely proud of. It gives students a home away from home, an extensive support system and a sense of pride and loyalty. After many years of loyal service, we think it might be time for a refresh of the logos representing each space.

The House colours and mascots we all follow will stay the same but we’re looking to engage our students in a collaborative redesign of the logos, with the updated design to be unveiled in Term 3.

Students from all Years can contribute to the process, penning their own design ideas over the next few weeks and submitting them to the House Deans either in person or via email by June 1 at the very latest.

The Deans will then collate all the designs and pass them on to the School’s experienced graphic designer who will take the ideas and combine them into three potential designs, which will then be put to a vote.

We aim to open the poll on the School’s Facebook page on June 15(TBC), which will close end of day Friday, June 29, with the winner announced at the start of Term 3. You will need to be a follower of the School’s page ( to be able to vote.

An unveiling event for Term 3 will be announced closer to the time, allowing students to take ownership of their new House logos into the future.

For any questions regarding the Logo Collaboration please contact your Dean.

Careers Expo

May 14, 2018

As students enter High School their thoughts start to turn towards their future pathway and where that might lead.  This can be equally daunting and exciting for students. To help our students make informed choices we are hosting a Careers Expo on Thursday 14 June from 4.15 – 6pm at our Carramar Campus.

There will be representatives from universities, TAFEs, and various industries who will be available to answer any questions you might have about courses, admission procedures, employment opportunities or apprenticeship pathways. This is a great opportunity to ask questions about your own particular pathway and find out what opportunities are available for you in the future. We strongly recommend that you make the time to come along and find out more.

The year 10 students will be taken by bus to Carramar immediately after school and all other students and their families are encouraged to join them at the Carramar campus. All students will be required to make their own way home.

We look forward to seeing you there!

If you have any questions please call

Rob Crewe at Carramar 9306 7190 or Sarah Cooke at Duncraig 9243 2154

Sharing a Meal

May 11, 2018

Service Learning staff and students were lucky enough to celebrate the launch of the 2018 Red Shield Appeal, with a breakfast hosted by the Salvation Army at Perth Arena. Over 250 guests attended the event including guest speakers Kim Beazley, Governor of Western Australia and Simone McGurk, Minister for Child Protection; Women’s Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services. Abbey Daly and Sarah Affendi (Year 10), who have just returned from the Indonesia Service Learning Tour, were invited by Service Learning staff to learn more about the Red Shield Appeal’s aim to combat homelessness.

Homeless for a night

May 10, 2018

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be homeless for a night? Well here is your chance to experience sleeping out rough for a night and assisting a worthy cause at the same time. If sleeping rough is not your thing, you can attend the Manna Fundraising event until 10pm.

Manna is a well-established community charity who provides food and support to those in our community who are disadvantaged and vulnerable.

For more information Homeless for a Night

Senior Stars Shine

May 10, 2018

This Friday, the Duncraig Theatre will host an evening of marvellous melodies and toe-tapping tunes presented by our Senior School musicians! The St Stephen’s School Duncraig Senior Music Concert will showcase the talents of the Concert Band, High School Orchestra, Swing band, Singers, Stellas and Fellas.

Tickets available here: