Category: Parents

Bethany Home Fundraising Dinner Invitation

March 20, 2018

During the month of March, Pastor Karthik, his wife and sons and various staff members will be joining St Stephen’s for some Professional Development and a brief holiday from Bethany Home. Whilst here, Pastor Karthik and his staff would like to hold a fundraising dinner and, at the same time catch up with past and present ‘tour’ students and their parents.

They would also enjoy meeting staff from St Stephen’s School and so we cordially invite you to attend and support the evening.

Dinner will be prepared by the Bethany staff and a variety of presentations will be delivered.

Brett Roberts

Head of Carramar Campus

Rite Journey – great celebration

March 16, 2018

The Year 9 students participated in the Calling and Departure ceremony yesterday morning, bright and early (5:30am) at Sorrento foreshore. The ceremony calls all Year 9 students to accept the challenge of growing up, reflecting on who they are, where they are going and how they will positively contribute to our World. This is obviously a life-long challenge, but yesterday could certainly mark a memory for them as a starting point for their introspection.

A HUGE thank you must go to Nicola Kirby for organising a breakfast feast for about 450 people down on the foreshore – all happily cooked by our house captains and the fabulous Phil Timms and Nicola Resta.

Please join me in congratulating our students on their ceremony AND the Rite Journey staff for their tireless support of our Year 9 students – Sue Libbis, Andrea Tinney, Nicola Kirby, Andre Bourgault, Clay Osborne and Bennet Andrews.

Dale Kelly

Head of Rite Journey

The Big Splash Free Tickets

March 16, 2018

The Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation has decided to release free tickets for all sessions on Sunday. However, tickets need to be booked to secure places as numbers are limited. There are still free tickets available see.

We encourage all school families to come along to the Farewell Event on Sunday 19th.  See all the amazing large dolphin trail sculptures and  find your own school’s special mascot back in its pod. The event is a wonderful chance for families to learn more about The Big Splash WA and support child and adolescent mental health services at PMH, which so many West Australian children and families rely on in times of need.

Rite Journey Starts

March 15, 2018

This morning marked the start of the journey to adulthood the start of the Rite Journey program.

The program will be over long before any of the Year 9s are adults – and each of them will mature differently and at different paces at different times. Over the next 10 years they will outgrow and be outgrown by friends and they will start to have a real sense of who they are and who they might aspire to be.

The Rite Journey program takes several key qualities and strengths: it requires a willingness to trust others; it requires the courage to tackle tasks and possibly fail; it requires the maturity to decide to do something to the best of ones ability and to care for and respect the trust of others.

Today is called the “Departure” because is a ritual marking the start of the journey. The walk up the coast is a metaphor to remind them that they are starting something, the Rite Journey.

“The Rite Journey is already one of the best initiation into successful adulthood programs for adolescents in the world . My congratulations for such a fine trail blazing initiative.” – Peter Ellyard, Author “designing 2050′

Coffee & Conversation

March 14, 2018

Transitioning into Secondary School can be a bit daunting for students and parents as their children move into the next stage of their schooling. We have an event coming up for parents of Year 7s to come and chat and see how they’re adapting in class.

This Friday (March 16) Duncraig Secondary will hold their first Coffee and Conversation for 2018 where Year 7 Coordinator Suzy Mettam will discuss the transition into Secondary in the Community Room from 8.30-9.30am. Attendance is free. Contact the School for more information.


March 13, 2018

There is an informational seminar run by Crimson Education to let parents know about studying at the top uni’s in the US or the UK that you might be interested in.

For more information: Perth_US&UK Seminar

Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor

Mobile Phone Use

March 9, 2018

St Stephen’s is very privileged to have such supportive parents. This is evident with the new directive of limiting students access to mobile phones during school hours. Having this message reinforced at home has been fundamental in making this initiative a success.

Did you know?

Nomophobia is the irrational fear of being without your mobile phone or being unable to use your phone for some reason, such as the absence of a signal or running out of minutes or battery power. A phobia is an irrational fear. Do you know this word? Nomophobia is a term describing a growing fear in today’s world — the fear of being without a mobile device, or beyond mobile phone contact. Among today’s high school and college students, it’s on the rise. An increasing number of college students now shower with their cell phone (one of the most important reasons for water-proof mobile phones!). The average adolescent would rather lose a pinky-finger than a mobile phone.

It has been most pleasing to see evidence of mobile phones at School decreasing. We would appeal to parents not to call their children during the School day – this places students in a compromising position. In the case of an emergency, please contact student services. Thank you for the continued support of both parents and students as we pursue the mental health and intellectual benefits of school being a “no phone zone”.


“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1

UWA Course Information Evenings

March 6, 2018

Year 10 – 11 Course Information Evenings
Giving students a head-start on making their Year 10/11 experiences a positive one.
Date: 19 March 2018

Year 12 Course Information Evening
Advice on UWA courses, admission requirements and key dates for 2018.
Date: 19 March 2018

Year 10 – Individual Advisory Sessions
School holiday sessions designed to help students answer questions about future study.
Date: 17-19 April 2018


Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor


UWA Health Campus Open Day

March 6, 2018


Any students interested in studying healthcare or pursuing a career in the fast-growing and in-demand health industry, UWA is holding a Health Campus Open Day on Sunday 8 April.

Those attending will be able to meet staff and current students from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and discover courses available in areas like medicine, biomedical engineering, sports science and pharmacology. The full program is available through the link below.

UWA Health Campus Open Day

Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor