Category: Parents


March 6, 2018

Year 11 and 12 Drama students will entertain us once again with their thought-provoking production of ‘The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui’ by Bertolt Brecht. Classed as a political play with a twist, the show is set to make you laugh, gasp and jump, but will leave you thinking about deeper matters that impact our world today. Tickets are $5 and are available at Be sure not to miss out! Please note, this production contains simulated violence.

“Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone.” – Alicia Witt



Bienvenue à St Stephen’s School

February 28, 2018

Hello and welcome to our French exchange students who arrived on campus today! The students will be hosted by Year 12s and their families for the next two weeks.

Year 6 ‘Champion de Francais’ students also enjoyed meeting our exchange students, getting the opportunity to converse in French together.

We hope our exchange students enjoy being a part of the St Stephen’s School community!


Year 8 Immunisations (HPV & ADACEL)

February 28, 2018

The first of the Year 8 immunisations (HPV and ADACEL) will be held on Thursday March 8th commencing at 0845.

If your child is having these immunisations can they please wear sport uniform to school.

Can you please ensure that your child has had breakfast and something to drink before arriving at school.

Erica Doody-Burras

School Nurse

Emails and Mobile Phones

February 26, 2018

Thank you to all parents and students for using regular email rather than direct message in SEQTA.

I have asked staff not to read emails in the evenings and not to respond to emails at night – and not to send emails to parents or students at night expecting, or hoping they will be read that evening. We are all part of families – and that time is important. While teachers often mark in the evenings, dealing with emails after 6pm is an unnecessary and unproductive activity when they should be unwinding ahead of another day at work.  The same should apply to weekends and public holidays.

As staff, we always endeavour to reply to emails within 24 to 48 hours of receipt. Please factor in evenings and weekends when anticipating a reply from teachers. Teachers will extend the same courtesy to families.

I would also like to thank families for their support of a School where mobile phones are not in evidence: while some phones have been confiscated, it is a joy not to see students on phones at every opportunity. There are sighs as phones are put away at the start of the day – and some students grab for their phones at 3:20pm with relief at being re-united. Most students are managing really well without a phone as a constant companion and source of music all day long. Thank you parents for your support.

Bruce Titlestad

Head of Secondary School

Accessing Sports Scholarships in the United States

February 26, 2018

Interested in Studying in the USA?
There will be an information session on sports scholarships and studying in the USA held at Wesley College on the evening of March 19 for students and their families. Full details are included on the attached flyer.  An NCAA Representative will be in Perth and will be at Wesley’s information session so that students and their families can be fully briefed.

Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor

Wesley College map-1x6jf2a

Studying in the USA-147o9h9

Year 11/12 Drama Production Tickets on Sale FEBRUARY 28!

February 26, 2018

Chicago! A city of jazz and gangsters, prohibition and poverty! ‘The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui’ by Bertolt Brecht is a parable about Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 30s, set in a curious pastiche of the gangster genre. This play is in many ways a warning from history – why do we continue to allow corrupt evil leaders to gain control over our communities? Come and see our talented year 11 and 12 Duncraig Drama students in this theatrical exuberant performance of this original Brechtian play.

Please Note* This Production contains simulated violence.

Director: Mrs Kellie Billingsley

University of Notre Dame

February 25, 2018

Parent Information Evening – Wednesday 7 March 2018 – 6.00pm

We invite parents and guardians of high school students to join us on campus for Notre Dame’s Parent Information Evening.

Our presenters and panel of current students will discuss and answer your questions about Notre Dame’s unique admissions process, the programs on offer, recommended subjects, alternative pathways, and how your son or daughter can best prepare for the transition from high school to university.

Medicine Information Session – Sunday 25 March 2018 – 10.45am

We invite prospective students and their families to join us on campus for Notre Dame’s Medicine Information Session. Information about the Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Pre-Medicine Certificate (PMC) will be discussed including the application and selection process, course structure, and important dates and deadlines.

For registration to any of these events, please visit

Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor