Category: Parents


February 17, 2018

Duncraig has well and truly made its mark in The Big Splash WA, a public art initiative aimed at raising awareness of child and adolescent mental health. Art Tech Claire Davenhall has two dolphins featuring in the exhibition; ‘InterAqua Dolphin’ can be found at Stirling Gardens on St George’s Terrace, while ‘IceBreaker Dolphin’ is currently outside His Majesty’s Theatre. Meanwhile, Year 12 Visual Art students and their teacher Verity Palmer created the dolphin Finlay, aiming to spread the message ‘how to be a good friend when riding those waves of emotions.’ Ms Davenhall’s dolphins are on display until Wednesday, 4 March, while you can meet Finlay with 44 other school dolphins on Saturday, 17 March.

Artist: Verity Palmer

Artist: Claire Davenhall

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

February 14, 2018

Next week Year 7 and 9 students will bring home an information booklet about the National Assessment Program – Numeracy and Literacy. This contains details of the assessment program and how you can support your child. Please ask your child to hunt around in their school bag so this information does not get lost! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Dr Liz Criddle

Deputy Head of Secondary

Jehova Jireh Haven say a BIG Thank You!

February 14, 2018


Dear St Stephen’s community

Jehova Jireh Haven and the Kelly family wish to extend our utmost gratitude for the generosity of the St Stephen’s community. Your support allowed 89 orphans and 14 carers to enjoy a Christmas celebration that they will remember for a long time. They had a lovely Lamb Spit topped off with chocolate brownies. The children also enjoyed face painting, a bouncy castle, fairy floss and a camera booth.

Each child received a gift bag filled with a toy, new clothes, underwear, toiletries, stationary and, of course, lollies.

We are blessed to be part of this community.

Yours sincerely,

Dale Kelly

Head of Rite Journey

Year 12 Course Information Evening

February 12, 2018

Make the most of your WACE results and reach your goals

For many Year 12 students and their parents, applying for university can be a daunting process.

Our free information sessions provide advice on UWA courses, admission requirements and flag key dates for 2018. Our Future Students team will be available to answer your questions after the presentation.

The Faculty Expo is an excellent opportunity to talk directly to Faculty-specialists about your specific interest areas.

Year 12 Course Info Evening

Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor


Year 10 & Year 11 Course Information Evening

February 12, 2018

Making high school less stressful for everyone

Our free information sessions gives you a head-start on making your Year 10 or 11 experience a positive one… even if you’re not sure if university’s the right pathway for your future goals.

Find out more about:

  • UWA’s courses and entry requirements;
  • Maximising your ATAR
  • How to keep your options open when selecting your upper-school subjects; and
  • On-campus activities and events we offer for Year 10 and 11 students.

You can also talk directly to Faculty-specialists about your specific interest areas.

UWA Year 10 & Year 11 Info Evening

Sarah Cooke

Careers Advisor

St Stephen’s School Fete 2018

February 12, 2018


WHY?? I hear you ask!

Because this is where you will find out everything you need to know about the


It will be held on Saturday 27 October and we need YOUR help!!
Are you a small business owner who could donate goods and services for our silent Auction?
Are you, or do you know, a Scout Leader?

Do you have access to an old, beat up car that could be donated for our traditional ‘Smash a Car’?
Do you have an old pile of junk that could be upcycled for our white elephant stall? (I bet you do!!)
Do you possess special skills and a burning passion to become more involved in our school community?

Please contact Julie at

Donations needed for South Africa Service Tour

February 10, 2018

We are currently seeking donations of sporting equipment for the South Africa tour.

If you, your son/daughter or your club has recently upgraded their sports gear and would like to donate items the South Africa tour, we would be most appreciative. We are in specific need of the following items, but can take other items as well:
  • Mens and Boys: Footy/soccer boots, balls, team kits, bibs
  • Womens and Girls: Netball shoes, balls, team kits, bibs, hoops/nets
Donations at the Duncraig campus can be dropped off to me in the GPLC staffroom (Yr. 7 building). 

Donations at the Carramar campus can be dropped off to Craig Thomas in Makaria House or Gillian Erasmus in Charis House.

If you have any questions or are interested in donating other items, please do not hesitate to ask any one of us.
Thank you! 

Clay Osborne
Humanities and Social Sciences &
Design and Technology Teacher

Year 11 and 12 Duncraig Drama students present:

February 9, 2018


By Bertolt Brecht

Rights provided by Alan Brodie Representation

“We get the leaders we deserve.”

Arturo Ui is a small-time gangster with a lust for power. In a city shaken by economic crisis and undermined by corruption, Ui keeps rising and rising until he reaches the very top. When he gets there, he won’t be breaking the law, he’ll be making it.

Written in 1941 as a cautionary satire on the rise of Hitler, Bertolt Brecht’s play is both thrillingly sharp and riotously funny. It has the wit, murder and musicality of a gangster movie while asking a very political question – how do we let a man like that come to power?

Artistic Director, Mrs Kellie Billingsley and the Year 11/12 Drama students bring a bold, visually inventive vision to this great play. This production promises to be a big, entertaining and thought-provoking night out.

The production dates are Wednesday 14th March and 15th March 2018, in the Duncraig Theatre at 7pm.

Tickets will go on sale two weeks before the commencement of these performances.

“Brecht’s anti-fascist study of political power hits home”.

Below are the talented cast rehearsing,

Secondary Swimming Carnival 2018

February 8, 2018

The 2018 swimming carnival was a great success with an excellent level of participation in so many events across all ages and genders. The weather was looking very ordinary first thing in the morning but the cloud cover meant that student’s weren’t getting overheated between events. Thank you to all the volunteers, parents, staff and students for an excellent effort on the day to deliver a fun carnival.

Below are a few snapshots from the day.

” All hard work brings profit.” – Proverbs 14:23 

Serve God, Serve One Another

February 2, 2018

Thanks to RAWimpactOrg for sharing this heartwarming video of St Stephen’s School’s recent Service Tour to Cambodia. Seeing our work in motion like this makes us very proud members of our community.

“And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.” – Thessalonians 3:13