Category: Parents

Parent Portal – Info Sheet

January 23, 2018

Parent Portal – Parent Info Sheet

The School has put together a simple platform for parents to access everything in the one place. The main changes for parents are outlined below.

If you have any queries or feedback about the new Portal, contact the ICT Support Parent helpline on 9243 2160.

To access the portal:

  • Navigate to
  • Add to the end of your username. E.g. Parent John Smith with user ID of 9834 will now login with (see graphic). If you don’t have this user ID number you will need to contact us.

  • Your St Stephen’s password has not changed. Please enter this when prompted.
  • To help reduce the number of times you are asked to sign in, please select Yes to the option ‘Stay signed in’. (see graphic)

To save the Portal on your smart device:

These instructions can also be accessed via the Support & Contacts tab in the Portal.

Welcome Back Message from the Head of Secondary

January 22, 2018

Dear Parents and Students

Welcome to 2018! A new year is filled with new possibilities for all of us – in our roles as teachers, parents and as students. We also have a point from which to grow personally as well. It is strange that the 1st January becomes an arbitrary point from which to start, but the new year comes after a rest and after a time for reflection. New Years are important. Many of our plans may be focussed around our families, our work and our relationships.

Within a few weeks we will each know whether we have thought about what we would like to achieve and how we might do that – or whether we have lapsed back into 2017 and that 2018 is looking more like a repeat of 2017.

The School has released its new Strategic Plan which will carry us through the next 3 years and beyond. Our focus is threefold and simple: People, Purpose and Place: the best teaching and learning possible; students and staff in strong healthy, constructive and respectful relationships; and the best possible teaching environment.

Our children are not all the same. Half of our 2017 uni-bound ATAR bound students achieved rankings in the top 20% in the state and we are very proud of all of our students who achieved what they hoped. Last year rather unusually, 91% (against the usual 80%) of all Year 12 students at the Duncraig Campus worked towards ATAR rankings, yet many had not planned on university as a destination or on using their ATAR for university entry. Some of our students who planned on using a Certificate 4, in conjunction with 4 ATAR subjects, for that purpose have felt very stressed through the time they pursued a “joint” strategy and had to let go their ATAR plans to focus on the Certificate 4. The Cert 4 worked, the ATAR did not.

There are two things students often say that I find worrying: the first is that they want to go to university without knowing what they might even be interested in – and the second is the hope to be famous, again without any idea of why and in what field.

Together, as parents and teachers, we are blessed to have another year to work with our children. We have a year in which to work out whether what might be best for each child is what we had planned and dreamed. Between us we can create the conversations, the attitude of positive growth and enough realism to make happier, resilient and less worried children.

Students:  your parents and your teachers have runs on the board, they have valuable experiences and advice for you to consider as you enjoy their support this year. There will be hard work and the satisfaction of knowing you have done your best at something wisely chosen.

Best wishes for 2018

Bruce Titlestad

Head of School

Sunshine Beach Run

January 16, 2018

Students Kai and Darcie Richards created a Sunshine Beach Run team with the aim of winning the Largest School Team trophy.

They are well on their way to achieving their goal – and are raising some important funds for Red Nose along the way.

To be a part of the team, get your running shoes on and sign up at Register now (use the team name “St. Stephen’s Duncraig” during registration).

Welcome to 2018!

January 1, 2018

As we look towards another action-packed School year, we hope you enjoy the rest of the School holidays before we return in Term One.

Fresh HOPES, Fresh PLANS, Fresh EFFORTS, Fresh COMMITMENT. Welcome 2018 !

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – Corinthians 5:17

Christmas Blessings

December 25, 2017

Wishing our community a safe and blessed Christmas. There’s no better time to unwind, relax and spend time with family during this special time.

Students Soar

December 19, 2017

Carramar and Duncraig Year 12 students have topped off a stellar academic year with 19 students achieving ATAR scores above 95.

St Stephen’s School Head of Secondary Duncraig Bruce Titlestad said the results were a terrific outcome for the students and the entire St Stephen’s School community. “This year’s ATAR results reflect not only the outstanding effort of students, but the ongoing support and guidance provided by teachers and parents. We congratulate our community on another wonderful year of learning.”

Read more on our website: ATAR Scores

“For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you.” – Proverbs 2:10-11


Sneaky Peak

December 13, 2017

Here’s a fun behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to transform the Carramar Sports and Learning Centre into an inviting event space. Big thanks to all of the teams who help these events come together each year. We’re already looking forward to 2018!


“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” – Timothy 1:7

Cambodia Service Tour

December 7, 2017

Our St Stephen’s Global Year 12 Cambodia Service Tour departs on 6 January for a two week experience working with Raw Impact in their aid and development program in Cambodian villages.

18 students have worked very hard fund-raising and learning about Cambodian culture. The group have been superbly prepared by Mrs. Libbis, Ms. Shanks and Mr. Taylor who will accompany them on tour.

We pray for an amazing life-changing experience and for safety for all.

Dr Mark Fielding

Director of Global Programs