Category: Salvation Army

Salvation Army Immersion Tour with the Year 7’s

September 6, 2018

Recently some Year 7 students went on an excursion to show them how perilous the life of a homeless person can be.

Immersion programs are unique learning experiences that encourage active citizenship via an experiential learning model. The learning is so profound that it aids students in understanding what it means to be part of the human community mindful of the journey of others, especially the most vulnerable.

The excursion started at Greenwood train station and took them to Wellington Square. There guide for the day was Darren.

Below is a short video made by the students.

Sharing a Meal

May 11, 2018

Service Learning staff and students were lucky enough to celebrate the launch of the 2018 Red Shield Appeal, with a breakfast hosted by the Salvation Army at Perth Arena. Over 250 guests attended the event including guest speakers Kim Beazley, Governor of Western Australia and Simone McGurk, Minister for Child Protection; Women’s Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services. Abbey Daly and Sarah Affendi (Year 10), who have just returned from the Indonesia Service Learning Tour, were invited by Service Learning staff to learn more about the Red Shield Appeal’s aim to combat homelessness.