Justin Beckett and Bernadette Lhota’s farewell

November 7, 2016

Last week we farewelled Justin Beckett (Deputy of Care) and Bernadette Lhota (Head of Learning, HASS). Both Justin and Bernadette are currently on Long Service Leave ahead of significant career changes. Justin has been appointed principal of Trinity Anglican School in Albury-Wodonga and leaves for the east early in December. Bernadette has shifted to teacher training. Both Justin and Bernadette have been loyal servants to the School, wonderful and committed teachers and we are sad to see them leave. We wish Justin and his wife Zoe, and Bernadette and her husband Peter,  all the best on the next step of their journeys. Richard Davies has already taken up the position of Deputy Care and we are privileged to have Stuart Gale as Dean of Carana.


Justin Beckett Farewell Bernadette Lhota farewell



November 4, 2016

Items have been donated by students which has been collected by the North Beach Baptist Church. These donations go to a depot in Balcatta and are distributed around the world to needy children. This took Alethea students one week to collect items to donate!

donated items


Bethany Tour

October 21, 2016

Each year, St Stephen’s sends students to visit Bethany Home, which is a school for people with disabilities in Malaysia. This year we managed to send two tours, one in July and one in October.


Only a small group of 10 SSS students get selected to go on each tour and while visiting Bethany, they help support the students and staff in any way they can. The Bethany Home tour has been a highlight of so many students’ time at St Stephen’s and the recent October tour was no exception.


It’s difficult to summarise what it feels like to visit such a beautiful place like Bethany Home. I know the lives of the students who visited will be touched forevermore from this experience.


French Tour

October 10, 2016


The French Tour 2016, students spent the first two weeks in Draguinan in the south of France with host families and, then, a final week in Paris. Everyone got a chance to develop their French Language skills during their homestays. As part of our tour, the group visited Lorgues market, Abby du Thornet, Monaco, Eze, St Tropez and Sainte Maxim for day tours. Experiencing the finest provincial weather and culture. In Paris the group was able to experience all of the major sites to taste the history and culture of the capital and its surrounds! It was a great experience for all involved from both Duncraig and Carrmar.


Canberra/Melbourne Trip

October 9, 2016

At the end of the October school holidays, 33 Year Nine students embarked on an epic journey which began in Melbourne and ended in Canberra.  This activity packed trip had many highlights.  Students stood at the noose where Ned Kelly was executed at the Melbourne Gaol.  They walked the streets of Melbourne and experienced its rich history. Students learnt that the Yarra River was called the ‘River of Mist’ and it was a place where souls came back to the earth, right up to the urbanisation project of creating street art in all the major Melbourne alley ways and seeing an impromptu street parade.  A day was spent exploring Sovereign Hill after seeing the original Eureka Flag.  Students also experienced the cultural experiences of the Islamic and Jewish Museums.  Although a storm shut down power and students were unable to experience the Jewish Museum They were enthralled by the story of a Holocaust survivor and his French resistance fighting father.  Many had their perceptions changed by the dynamic presenter at the Islamic museum.  The combination of both places opened the student’s eyes to their role in creating a fair society for all and not believing social stereotypes.


Canberra offered just as many delights.  Students were enthralled with the Last Post ceremony and many got lost in the exhibits within the Australian War Museum.  Students were shown around Parliament House and enjoyed a debate on conscription in the Old Parliament House.  The debate was a highlight for most of the students.  They also visited the National Achieves and saw first-hand the first Constitution of Australia, signed by Queen Victoria herself and experienced the racist diction test which was created when Australia federated and


Along with these cultural activities students got to visit the Victorian Markets, the MCG and the Australian Institute of Sport.


We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Australian Government who through their support of the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) helped make the trip to the national capital more affordable through this funding process.


This was a trip that was highlighted by the kindness and consideration developed by the students in their effort to help each other and their good humor in all situations.  Our students conducted themselves with integrity and showed respect at all activities, something that I was very proud to see.  I, along with Ms Everett and Mr English were thrilled with their representation of St Stephen’s School and were very blessed to join this exciting trip with them.  Many thanks also go to Ms Bronwyn Schultz’s Year 9 Commercial Design class and Robbie Raftis for his winning design for our tour jackets.

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