Tag: 2017

Murdoch University: Applications are now open for Semester 1 2018

August 28, 2017

If you know someone who wants to start university in 2018 and achieved an ATAR of 80.00 or above, they may be eligible for the Murdoch First Scholarship worth $2,000. And if they accomplished an ATAR of 90.00 or higher, they may be awarded with a $3,000 scholarship.

All they have to do is choose a Murdoch undergraduate course as their first preference through TISC and enrol full-time in Semester 1, 2018. Be sure that they get their preferences into TISC by 11pm on Friday 29 September to avoid a late application fee.

Please see the Murdoch University Website for further information.


Stephen Kernutt

Careers Advisor

Basketball Report – Students vs. Staff

August 28, 2017


SSS Staff Wipe the Court with Student Team

The current St. Stephen’s Duncraig Senior Boys Basketball team has proven that they are one of the most accomplished teams in SSS history. Their impressive win-loss record certainly supports this claim. However, last Thursday this team bit off more than it could chew when they foolishly decided to challenge the SSS Duncraig staff to a ‘friendly’ playoff.

After an exhaustive drafting process and extensive pre-season training regime, the SSS staff fielded an intimidating all-star line-up. It was a team that proceeded to systematically and mercilessly dismantle the hapless student side with their signature balance of experience and skill.

From the starting tip-off, the boys knew that they were in for a whipping.

Daniel Ramsey set the pace early on, penetrating the lane like a bullet train and draining more buckets than the Titanic bailing team. His sweet running play was complimented by resident bad boy Phil Timms’ dominant physical presence in the paint, providing the muscle for a potent inside game to match. Add to this the dead-eye outside accuracy of Anna Sargeant (who was shooting the lights out from deep) and the student side were forced to call a time out in an attempt to break the staff’s early momentum.

It was a futile call, however, as team captain Bronwyn “Magic” Hart dictated the play with sublime handling skills, snapping student ankles and pulling proverbial rabbits out of the hat with her dazzling array of look-away passes. Magic’s partner in the backcourt, Ellie Ormerod, started to get the hot hand herself by the end of the first half – blowtorching the J from all corners.

By halftime, the difference in the score was as broad as the average ages between the two teams.

It was more of the same in the second half. Greg Hatfield proved why he is known as “Mr. Triple-Double Trouble” with an MVP performance while Matt English showed that he has more moves than a bowlful of jelly. Hatfield-English truly is SSS’s answer to the NBA’s Curry-Durant combination.

Adam Merrifield was at his Swiss army knife best again this match – his full court hustle causing endless problems for the opponent backcourt. Simon Haydock’s patent brand of shake-and-bake offense once again was at the fore – the man known as “The Doctor” was diabolical with his dispensing of the pill all game.

By the time Karalyn Plummer sauntered onto the court late in the second half, the damage was already well-and-truly done. But “Kara-kazi” continued to put the game beyond doubt, because that’s just what elite professionals with a center’s height and a guard’s game do.

The SSS staff offered no mercy for the hapless students as they effectively rotated their bench.

“There was no escaping their onslaught,” bemoaned Christopher Wilson-Smith in a post-match interview. “Their defensive pressure was suffocating and their run-and-stun transitional offense was devastating. It was almost as if they had 7 players on the court towards the end of the game!”

“Their performance really was quite unbelievable,” stated Kyle Venables, who had great difficulty getting the ball in his hands. “You couldn’t dream up a more dominant game.”

With the 2017 exhibition game now in the record books, the SSS Staff can once again humbly return to the more mundane task of being educators. Until next year, when the students once more build the confidence to feebly challenge the reigning champions.

Rest assured, the staff will be ready.

Final Score

Students = $586 worth of official NBA apparel

Staff = Athletic shorts that pre-date to the ‘90s

Mr Damon Eaton

Media Teacher

Year 11 River Cruise

August 28, 2017

The River Cruise was well received by the students on Friday night. They came dressed in costumes for the theme “The Award Goes To…”

Prizes on the night were awarded to:
Isaac Reid for dressing as Jack Sparrow
Charlotte Deney-Johnson for dressing as Rita Skeeta from Harry Potter
Caiiln Brewer, Paige Brandwood, Caitlyn Ribbons and Brianna Glasson as Superheroes

Special mentions also went to:
Emi Rad-Mel and Jonathan Tushingham as Buttercup and Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride
Sonja Jeyabalan and Courtney Shipham as Ghostbusters
Corey Newland as Arthur from the children’s cartoon
Zoe MacAdam as Nurse Lee from Call the Midwife
Ryan Sewell as the boy from the movie UP.

Below are just a few photos from the night.


Principals Acquisitions – Synthesis Exhibition + Film Festival

August 24, 2017

This yearly exhibition helps to develop the creative and innovative potential of the students. The high standard of craftmanship and creativity made it a challenge for Principal Donella Beare to pick just two winners.

The Principals Acquisitions for 2017 were awarded to the following students:

The Visual Art Acquisition Award – Josephine Hanbury-Krakolinig

The Technologies Acquisition Award – Kiara Chappell 


“Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership.” – Timothy 4:14

Synthesis Exhibition + Film Festival

August 23, 2017

The Synthesis Exhibition + Film Festival opened the doors and welcomed the throne of visitors.

Every year the festival impossibly surpasses the previous year.

Such talent, such vision.

Well done to everyone!

If you couldn’t make it last night it is open from August 23 – August 29 from 8:30 am -4:00 pm.

Year 12 Music and Drama Evening

August 22, 2017

On behalf of the Year 12 ATAR Music and Drama students, we would like to formally invite you to the culmination of their creative process over this past year. As you may know, these students have been preparing tirelessly for their practical exam, with this performance being vitally important to this creative process. Performing to an audience for the first time gives these students an opportunity to showcase their work and to gain vital feedback from family and friends.

The evening is this Monday the 28th August at 7pm.

Daniel Ramsay

Drama – Arts Learning Area

Book Week Morning Tea

August 22, 2017


Book Week 2017 was celebrated today in the Secondary Library with a glorious morning tea.

Student’s from Mrs Cunninghame’s Book Club bought in an array of mouth-watering food.

All gold coin donations are going to the Wanslea Charity.