Tag: 2017

Biblical Studies Artwork

June 26, 2017

Pictured below is some incredible art work produced by Year 10 students in Biblical Studies. This term they have been doing an Overview of the Bible to see how the whole Bible when read in the light of Jesus’ work on the cross for us, points to God’s plan to save us from our sins and give us eternal life through his Son. The drawings depict different key characters and events in the Bible. Their pictures speak a thousand words!

Ms Andrea Tinney

Biblical Studies Teacher



Winter Hockey

June 23, 2017

Year 7-9 students competed in the Ross Meadow Shield at the Perth Hockey Stadium on Thursday. Two teams from St Stephen’s Duncraig competed, and despite the wintery conditions, our teams managed to finish in a creditable 4th and 5th place. Each game lasted 20 minutes and they competed against several other schools from across Perth.

There was an extra incentive to spur on the players in the shape of a cheerleader, Mr Jakeway!

Visit from SMPK Penabur Muara Karang

June 23, 2017

The Secondary School have been hosts to ten Indonesian students and one teacher (English teacher) visiting us from SMPK Penabur Meara Karang, a Christian School in Jakarta, Indonesia.

It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn more about Indonesian culture, practice their Indonesian skills and build long lasting friendships.

They presented Mr Titlestad with two gifts to commemorate the visit.



Debating takes over Duncraig

June 23, 2017


From seniors to juniors the secondary campus was alive with debates during homeroom today.

Debating is a sociable activity that develops valuable life skills. Supported by experienced coaches, students learn how to present and counter persuasive perspectives using structured, evidence-based arguments. Debating also offers opportunities to expand students’ world views. Successful debaters are well-informed, aware of current affairs, engaged with world events and able to articulate diverse perspectives on contemporary issues.

Pictured below are some of the juniors in action.

TS1 Service Learning

June 23, 2017

Homeroom service learning this week for TS1.

Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.

They paid a visit to the Early Learning Centre and the excited Year 2’s.


Developmental Psychology Project

June 22, 2017

The Year 12 Psychology students are now collecting data from students within the school who were given parental permission to participate in the Developmental Psychology Project.

There are a number of tasks each student will complete from the 3 mountain task to the Heinz moral dilemma.

Thank you to all those parents who gave permission for your student(s) to be part of the project, we are already getting some great data so far.

Digital Learning Specialist
Science Teacher

Biblical Studies Excursion

June 22, 2017

Year 11 Students have been on an excursion for Biblical Studies. They are studying World Religions. The photos are of a visit to a Hindu Temple, Buddhist Temple and a Synagogue.

Musical Evening

June 21, 2017

Last Friday the theatre hosted the Junior Music Concert.

Having a theatre is a valuable tool for students of all ages. It provides an outlet for making creative choices, and interpreting the material in expressive ways that are the essence of drama and music.

For those lucky enough to be in attendance, the Junior and Middle School concert was brilliant last Friday night. Well done to all our students on an outstanding evening.

Novice Debating

June 20, 2017

This term enthusiastic Year 6 and 7 debaters from The Duncraig campus have been fine tuning their skills at a workshop on Tuesday afternoons and competing against each other throughout the term. The grand final between Carramar and Duncraig takes place on the 29th.