Tag: 2017

Relocation of Student Bike Racks

September 18, 2017

The student bike racks will be relocated in the next holiday break to two areas on the campus. One set will be placed next to the secondary basketball courts near Timae House, the others adjacent to the Alethea House. The new locations can be viewed on the attached map.  Duncraig Bike Racks 2017

Students can access the bike racks via Doveridge Drive, Hepburn Road or the cycle path on the eastern side of the campus. When on school grounds it is an expectation that students dismount, and walk their bikes to the racks. Please remind your sons and daughters that it is expected that all student bikes are secured using a lock when on campus.

Bennet Andrews

Deputy Head of Secondary (Care)

ACC-C Results

September 18, 2017

At the ACC Athletics C Division we were placed an agonising 2nd Place by 6 points! It was a fantastic achievement and reflected all the hard work and effort by all students. The Highlights were the Junior Boys taking out the 1st Place trophy in their age group whilst the Junior Girls were runners up by 1 point!!We have built solid foundations and a culture to hopefully build upon this success for next year.

Matt Richmond

HOLA Heath & Physical Education & Teacher of Psychology

‘Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules.’ – Timothy 2:5

Hospitality Successes

September 18, 2017

Last night Vicki O’Connor and I had the pleasaure of attending the HGT ( Hospitality Group Training) Youth Skills Showcase at the Hyatt ballroom. The top 20 young apprentice chefs in WA had been selected to create and present the food. The theme for the night was Australia and featured amazing Australian food and flavours.

We were delighted to see that  Tegan Cardosa, current Year 12 student and completing a Cert II Hospitality front of House certificate in External VET was there, having been selected to help serve the 500 guests.

Then we noticed that Zac Tholen was one of the chefs selected to work in the kitchen in the entre team. I later discovered from his mother that Zac created and was responsisible on the night for the vegetarian entre option for those with dietary needs. Zac is a 1st year apprentice chef at North Beach Deli. Zac left school at the end of last year from year 11 wanting to follow his passion for food.

The highlight of the evening was seeing Sean Woolford (Class of 2014) as Chef de Cuisine for dessert. He created the dessert ( see the picture below) and was responsible for leading the team of dessert chefs for the night. Sean is  finishing his apprenticeship in January next year and is currently at Hillarys Yacht Club a la carte restaurant. It was great to hear him speak about his dessert via video link from the kitchen.

Strawberry gumleaf cake and lilli lilli/orange maramlade, served with vanilla panna cotta , chocolate macadamia crumb and rosella puree.

The students and their families were pleased for me to circulate their photos and their story of success. Sean said he would love to talk to other Hospitality students . I have never heard him speak so passionately.

Cathy Trethowen

VET Liaison Officer

Pictured below: Sean Woolford.

Zac Tholen.

Tegan Cardosa (without tie).

‘Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.’ – Hebrews 13:2


September 14, 2017

Duncraig Secondary was awash with yellow today as staff and students embraced R U OK? Day.

R U OK? Day is an annual day in September (the second Thursday) dedicated to remind people to ask family, friends and colleagues the question, “R U OK?”, in a meaningful way, because connecting regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference to anyone who might be struggling.

Staff enjoyed a lavish and delicious morning tea.

Gold donations were gratefully received.




40th Synod of Western Australia

September 13, 2017

Year 10 students Jordan Carter and Hannah Vawser represented SSS at the Opening Worship of Synod last week. Jordan and Hannah are pictured below after delivering the Prayer for Others with the Moderator of the Uniting Church in Western Australia, Rev Steve Francis.


Writing on surfaces

September 12, 2017

Writing on surfaces is one of those effective learning practices that is spreading with a viral rapidity. Schools do it because it works, and it works well. 

Student’s love to write on desks, walls, doors, windows, etc. – not because it is naughty, but for the collaborative nature, the exchanges between writers, the rich colour, the personalisation, and more.

Working in full view immediately has a basis for conversation and discussion, offers an awareness of each other’s work, and has impact.

There is a strong cognitive reason. We’ve known for a long time that memory is aided by the cues and clues of social context.

Pedagogically, it works too.

Pictured below are Year 11 student’s doing revision for their exams.

Indonesian Consulate Visit

September 12, 2017

On Friday the 8th of September the year 8 students currently studying Indonesian had the opportunity to visit the Indonesian Consulate in East Perth. They participated in a number of workshops including learning to play traditional Gamelan instruments and learnt Indonesian dance from the island of Sumatera. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to experience the richness of Indonesian culture and apply the language they have been learning at school in the Indonesian community. 

Hayley Ettridge

Indonesian Teacher


Record Breaking

September 12, 2017

A record number of food was collected for Food Rescue last week by our Service Learning Coordinator Donna Lund.

Donna takes a food cart around to cafes and restaurants around Perth CBD and collects left over food for the homeless. 

Who is Food Rescue…

Food Rescue is a UnitingCare West program feeding disadvantaged people in Western Australia.It aims to alleviate hunger by rescuing perishable, fresh and nutritious food from cafes, caterers, supermarkets and wholesalers and delivering it to disadvantaged, vulnerable people.

The program assists a variety of people in need including people experiencing homelessness, women and children in crisis, vulnerable young people, indigenous communities, elderly people, refugees and new arrivals and families on low incomes.

Food Rescue relies on the support of public donations, corporate funding and the dedication of volunteers.

‘Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.’ – Isaiah 58:7