Tag: 2020. Students

Y11 Human Biology Nutrition and the Body

June 4, 2020

In Human Biology we are learning about the effects of macro and micro nutrients in the body.  We had samples of common foods we eat and identified what food groups they belong to, and how the body would digest each type of food.  Georgia La Monte and Georgia McCluskey are the stars who got positive results in their experiment.

Shannon Fletcher

Science Teacher

Bethany Tour Bunnings BBQ

February 24, 2020

There will be a sausage sizzle at Bunnings Mindarie on Monday, 2nd March to raise money for the Year 11 Bethany Home Tour to Malaysia. It would be great if any parents or families who are in the area could come and meet those going on the tour and buy a pristine barbequed sausage while they are there to help the cause.