Tag: Mr Jakeway


May 14, 2020

Mr Jakeway’s Year 9 English class are making the most of the glorious weather this afternoon! As part of their class reading, they’re acting out the classic Romeo and Juliet balcony scene in the Quad.

A7 Service Learning

November 2, 2017

Today as part of their Service Learning,  A7 and Mr Jakeway visited CATA at Warwick Community Centre.

CATA, Creative and Therapy Activities, provides innovative services and creative opportunities that promote people’s lifelong well-being in a safe, enjoyable and supportive environment.

The students involved were:

Thomas Garnett

Tiana Rasdien

Emma Cornelius

Lee Ditmanas

Nataya Naumovski

“And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16

Winter Hockey

June 23, 2017

Year 7-9 students competed in the Ross Meadow Shield at the Perth Hockey Stadium on Thursday. Two teams from St Stephen’s Duncraig competed, and despite the wintery conditions, our teams managed to finish in a creditable 4th and 5th place. Each game lasted 20 minutes and they competed against several other schools from across Perth.

There was an extra incentive to spur on the players in the shape of a cheerleader, Mr Jakeway!

A Rose By Any Other Name…

February 16, 2017

As part of the Alethea House assembly, Miss Arora and Mr Jakeway brought the iconic balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet to life. Because it was Valentine’s Day, the House assembly explored different kinds of love from romantic love (Romeo and Juliet) to love of God. The assembly concluded with a unique rendition of Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ which was mimed by many staff members. A memorable assembly.


“Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone.” – Alicia Witt