Tag: Year 5

Design & Tech Champs!

June 1, 2018

The Design and Tech department welcomed the Year 5 students into their space this week and helped immeasurably with a sustainability project that they are working on. Staff happily gave their time and resources to our children (and adults). We’re blown away by their kindness and generosity. These workshop experiences will definitely be a highlight for so many of our students – and us.

The Year 5 Team

Melanie Thomspon, Clare Palmer, Val Dimovski, Shelly Brookes & Shar Baird

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16

Developmental Psychology Project

June 22, 2017

The Year 12 Psychology students are now collecting data from students within the school who were given parental permission to participate in the Developmental Psychology Project.

There are a number of tasks each student will complete from the 3 mountain task to the Heinz moral dilemma.

Thank you to all those parents who gave permission for your student(s) to be part of the project, we are already getting some great data so far.

Digital Learning Specialist
Science Teacher