Tag: Year 8

Medieval Day

May 30, 2018

Students showed great creativity today when they created their own Medieval Village. Prac Student, Holly Nilan, inspired the students to become medieval sheriff’s, tavern owners, butchers, tax collectors and even undertakers. It was an effective way for students to demonstrate their understanding of Medieval History. It was a engaging lesson and the year eights had a fantastic time.

Leeanne Shanks

Humanities and Social Sciences/Biblical Studies Teacher

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey




C2 Service Learning

May 23, 2018

Students from C2 spent some time doing art and craft and chatting to the clients who have intellectual and/or physical disabilities recently.

Both students and clients had a great time.Here are some photos from C2 service learning at CATA .

The students had a great time.

In the photos are Year 8s:

James Davis

Aidan Mills

Alyssa Wood

Chloe Silverlock

Jenny Rowland

Teacher – Maths

Investigating DNA

May 1, 2018

Before the break the Year 8 Science class investigated the structure of DNA by extracting it from a kiwi. They were amazed at what they saw!! Good job everyone.

Nicola Ross

Science Teacher

“There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.” Isaac Asimov

That’s A Wrap

April 12, 2018

Year 8 students have been learning about John’s Gospel in a creative way – making their own iMovies as they act out scenes from the Gospel around campus.



April 10, 2018

Parents will note from the school calendar that these interviews are timed to be held at the start of Semester Two, after parents have received Semester One reports in June. Because of the rollover, the Semester One report will report on Term 0, 1 and 2. The parent/teacher interviews are at the start of Term 3. Parents have the semester break 30 June -22 July to discuss the report with their child, before meeting teachers right at the start of Semester Two. This means parents have all of Term 3 and 4 to make any changes and to work on feedback, while it is also expected that the feedback being provided in an ongoing manner in SEQTA is also being accessed throughout the whole year. SEQTA feedback includes ongoing suggestions for concerns to be addressed or changes made and is intended to ensure that there are no surprises for parents when Semester One reports are received. Information about how to book interviews will be emailed to parents closer to the date.

Dr Liz Criddle

Deputy Head of Secondary

Discovering How Plants Reproduce

April 9, 2018

The Y8 Science class were investigating how plants reproduce. Each group were able to dissect a flower and identify all its parts before explaining how seeds are formed.

Good job scientists!

Nicola Ross

Science Teacher

Lung Models

March 23, 2018

The Y8 science class made working lung models, most were successful.

Miss Nicola Ross

Science Teacher & Assistant Dean of Timae


Year 8 Immunisations (HPV & ADACEL)

February 28, 2018

The first of the Year 8 immunisations (HPV and ADACEL) will be held on Thursday March 8th commencing at 0845.

If your child is having these immunisations can they please wear sport uniform to school.

Can you please ensure that your child has had breakfast and something to drink before arriving at school.

Erica Doody-Burras

School Nurse

Year 8 Camp kicks off

February 22, 2018

The weather has been on its best behaviour for a massive  Year 8 Camp! Students are currently soaking up the sun at Rottnest with an itinerary jam-packed full of surf lifesaving, a visit to the aqua fun park and a cruise on the Rottnest Sub Sea Explorer.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Thessalonians 5:11