Week 6, Term 1 2021

Over the past few weeks, I have helped a few high school students with their time management skills. Many of us struggle with this. Feeling short of time can lead to frustration and it can become very overwhelming.

Recently, I came across an article by Daniel Wong, author of ‘The Happy Student’. He outlines simple, practical time management tips that are easy to employ. They can help your child remain focused on the task they are working on, reduce stress associated with school-work and free up time for other activities.

If you’re feeling unmotivated, set a timer for two minutes. It’s easier to focus on an activity knowing that it’s only for a short amount of time. Sometimes this is all that’s needed to get started.

Keep a time log for a few days. If your child is going through a period where they feel particularly unproductive, help them keep a time log for a few days. It may highlight areas where they can manage their time more effectively.

Write down the task you’re going to work on. This serves as a reminder and helps stay focused on the task at hand.

Be realistic. Don’t’ overestimate what you can achieve in the time you have. It’s easy to lose motivation if it seems unachievable from the onset.

Write down test/ assignment dates AND set a reminder for when to start studying. If you only have a note of the test date, the day might come around very quickly and you’ll find yourself studying the night before. A bad habit to get into! Reminding yourself to start studying well before the test date, will help you stay on top of your tests and reduce stress.

Introducing one or two of these tips may help your child stay on top of their schoolwork.  It may also reduce the stress that can be associated with upcoming deadlines.



The Year 9 Compass Program provides students with skills around personal development, self-reflection and working towards leading themselves as independent adults. To this end Students spent 24 hours on the Compass retreat last week Thursday and Friday.

Students travelled to the schools Kaadadjan Centre for ‘Solo time’ and to be commissioned by the Head of Campus Brett Roberts.  While it was a little wet with intermittent showers the students enjoyed their time away.

David Bosma


On Monday 8 March the Year 7 girls participated in the Sun Smart Schools Tennis Cup at Alexander Park Tennis Club. Made up of girls who had never played tennis before the girls did really well. They had smiles on their faces all day. Well done girls

Adam Dwyer


On Wednesday 24 February our Western Australian silver medal-winning Ethics Olympiad team from Carramar competed in the Australasian Ethics Olympiad final, competing against first and second-placed teams from their respective heats from around the country and New Zealand via Zoom.  The students were faced with a number of ethical cases ranging from the Covid-19 lockdown in Wuhan to No-platforming protests in universities.  The competition was fierce but our team of Luke Shirdon, Samantha Whittle, Shelby Sirmans, Neha Jim and Ali Bright did the school proud and received an honorable mention from the judges based on their performance.  Congratulations to the team for making it to the Australasian finals and performing so well on the day!

Sarah Phillips


In 2021 the Duke of Edinburgh program will be relaunched at St Stephen’s School.

The DOE award has 4 elements being Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey.  To enrol in the Award you need to be between 14 – 24 years of age.  The Award has three levels with the starting Bronze level that can be completed in a minimum of 6 months however you can take longer.

If you would like to know more about earning this internationally recognised Award please put your name down on the Expression of Interest sheet outside Mr Thomas’ office.


The Australian Army Cadets (AAC) is a leading national youth development organisation, upholding the character and values of the Australian Army including service, courage, respect, integrity and excellence.  We are aimed at young people aged between 13 – 17 years old, in year 8 or higher at school.

The Australian Army Cadets is an equal opportunity organisation that does not discriminate on the ground of race, colour, sex or religion.

It is a program designed to help youth develop their confidence whilst experiencing adventurous training activities conducted in a supportive, safe, supervised and challenging military setting.  We teach leadership, survival, drill, first aid, radio, navigation and fieldcraft skills in both practical and theoretical environments. These skills transfer to building individual resilience, leadership, self-discipline and teamwork skills, which are essential in today’s society in order to become better citizens and prepare our young people for adult life.

There are more than 18,000 Army cadets based in 236 units around Australia.  53 ACU is based at Wanneroo Secondary College and is one of the 236 units. It is the biggest unit in Western Australia with more than 70 male and female cadets across all ages and from multiple schools in the area. We parade on Wednesday evenings from 6pm until 9.30pm.




  • April ATAR Revision Program for Year 11-12

Increase your child’s confidence and start preparing for exam success. We are offering 6-hour ATAR Revision courses in most ATAR subjects, Essay Writing and Study Skills

Running Week 1 & 2 (06th April – 24th April 2021) at Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Perth Modern SHS, Duncraig SHS and now available Online.

  • April Skills Development Program for Year 7-10

Specialist teachers will build your child’s confidence and develop the skills needed to succeed in high school. We are offering 6-hour courses in NAPLAN Preparation, English, Maths, Learning Skills and Essay Writing

Running Week 1 & 2 (06th April – 24th April 2021) at Perth Modern SHS and Duncraig SHS.

Enrol online today at www.academicgroup.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academicgroup.com.au


Week 4, Term 1 2021

Dear Families, Parents and Carers,

As we commence Week 3 of the term, we pause to position ourselves with purpose, for the task of teaching and learning that lies in the weeks ahead.

The time for students to settle in and set themselves for the demands and expectations of their new courses has passed and a number of important co-curricular events such as the Swimming Carnival and Yr 12 Commissioning Service have been held, setting the scene for our school community to thrive in 2021.

In particular, I want to commend our Yr 7 and Yr 11 students who have handled the two biggest transitions in secondary education with confidence and commitment.

In this article, I want to highlight a couple of special programmes that are of particular focus in the early part of the school year. They are incorporated into our lower secondary teaching and learning programme, impacting and enhancing student outcomes. The first is a programme we have been running for a couple of years, explicitly dealing with digital literacy whilst the second is a new initiative for 2021 and explores personal and character development.

Academic Skills Programme

The Academic Skills Programme is taught in Years 7 and 8 and was born of a recognition that students inhabit a huge digital world and live surrounded by a massive mountain of information. It is an essential need for them to be able to access, evaluate and use this information effectively, critically and purposefully. Our teacher-librarians work in collaboration with Year 7 & 8 classroom HASS teachers to guide students through specific research endeavours to;

  • search for relevant and authentic information
  • evaluate information for credibility, relevance and suitability
  • process, synthesize, evaluate and present information
  • cite sources correctly

Students passing through the programme have demonstrated clear improvement in important skill components such as note-taking, reference lists and use of appropriate sources. Ultimately these improvements should lead to higher results and young people better prepared for life beyond school.

Yr 9 Compass

In recent years, students in Year 9 have participated in a program designed to facilitate their maturing towards being independent, responsible and secure adults. It has challenged them by exploring such questions as: “Who will I be?” “What will I value?” “For what will I stand?” “How will I treat people?”, as opposed to the normal questions contemplated such as: “What will I do?” or “What will I achieve?”

The program has been presented in fortnightly sessions and taught as part of the Biblical Studies and Health Education Program. Also, it has been supported by the independent living and reflection components that are embedded in the Year 9 Camp. It has a Christian foundation and is built around biblical knowledge and understanding. In 2021, we have decided to call this Yr 9 program “Compass” and to develop it further, with some added experiences. In particular, because the program merges into the Yr 9 Camp at the end of the year, we will “bookend” the student development with an overnight retreat experience at the start of the program.

To this end, Yr 9 students will have a one-day “Compass Retreat” at Kaardijan on Friday, March 6. It is hoped that the “Compass Program” will provide students with skills around personal development and self-reflection and be part of a student’s continued progression as they mature into the “Propel Program” for Student Leadership in Yrs 10 /11.

These two programmes, amongst others, work alongside our classroom teaching and learning as we aim to enhance the secondary experience of our students, facilitating their growth and maturing into secure young adults who will make a positive difference in their world.

Stephen Meagher


On Friday 19 February, we continued the tradition of commissioning our Year 12 students as leaders of the School. In presenting them with a red tie, to symbolise their seniority and the responsibilities to the community that go with the position, we also asked the group to commit to upholding the School motto (Serve God, Serve One Another), to pursue excellence in all things, to support the core values of SSS (Learning, Faith, Service, Care and Community) and to be role models in courtesy and tolerance. Congratulations, Year 12s, and we ask that many blessings be upon you in your final year at St Stephen’s.

Mr Roberts and Mr Meagher


It was great to get back into some sport for what promises to be a busy 2021 on the sporting fields. There were some great results in the pool and it was awesome to see smiles on the students faces. Final results were:

Junior boys: Makaria, Junior Girls: Parresia, Senior boys: Charis, Senior girls: Parressia

Overall winning house: Charis

Adam Dwyer


This year Mr Crewe and one of the Year 11’s Henry Baker, who will be undertaking a Certificate in External VET in horticulture this year, have decided to band together and start a horticultural club. The group has met once so-far through the Yr 7 & 8 Rec Program and are very excited about a number of potential plans. Whilst they are still planning exactly how and what they will do, they are determined to plant, grow and produce edible gardens. They aim to engage the community and perhaps raise money for charity.

The group has also received a flood of Woolworths seed packs, from staff,  which they will be starting to plant this week.

Rob Crewe



Anticipated absences should be notified via email to ABSENTEECARRAMAR@ststephens.wa.edu.au or by phone message to 9306 7100 or SMS to 0428 863 144.
Parents are requested to phone Student Services and leave a message on the morning of the Student’s unexpected absence or use the ABSENTEECARRAMAR email or SMS. If for any reason a student must leave the school during the day, parents must advise Student Services by phone, email or a note presented by the student to Student Services. Secondary students must follow the following procedure:
• Notes are to be presented to Student Services prior to the commencement of the school day. Details of student departure will then be recorded for teachers’ information.
• Parents are then requested to collect and sign out students only from Student Services, located in Reception. When students return to School after a temporary absence, they must enter through the Reception and record their return time on the sign out sheet at Student Services.
• If secondary students are late to School they must enter through Reception and present at Student Services with a parent or a signed note explaining their absence. A parent may also phone ahead or email ABSENTEECARRAMAR@ststephens.wa.edu.au advising that their child will be late. Students will be issued with a late slip for entry into class.


The State Government through the Western Australian Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs. Parents/guardians must apply for the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS) each school year (annually) – applications do not carry forward to future years. To be eligible for the allowance the parent/guardian must hold a Services Australia (Centrelink) or Veterans’ Affairs card that represents a statement of income for the family.
The allowance consists of two components:
 $115 Clothing Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian.
 $235 Educational Program Allowance paid directly to the school.
Application is made by the parent or guardian for student/s enrolled in Years 7–12 studying a full-time secondary course at a Western Australian non government (private) school.
Parent or Guardian must hold one of the following cards:
 Centrelink Health Care Card
 Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
 Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card

PLEASE NOTE: The only Veterans’ Affairs Card that meets the criteria is a blue card that is issued each year and expires in December each year. This card is income means tested.

Further Information and application forms can be obtained from Reception.


Opening night is Wednesday 24 February, limited tickets still available.


St Stephen’s School Scholarship applications for Year 7 2022 are open until March 10. Visit https://loom.ly/du8CGms for more information and to complete an application.



Sometime last year, the Beldon Uniting Church and  the Carramar Uniting Church amalgamated to form the NorthWay Uniting Church. The newly appointed Minister is Rev Dr Sonny Rajamoney. The worship services at Carramar will be held in the school auditorium, every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 10.30 – 11.30am, followed by refreshments etc. Rev Rajamoney will be in his office at the school every Wednesday from 9am. Please make an appointment before you plan to meet with him. His phone contact is 0421 332 747, and email address, minister@northwayunitingchurch.org.au


Week 2, Term 1 2021

Dear Families, Parents and Carers,

Welcome to 2021! I realise you have received a lot of correspondence over recent weeks from our Principal, me and your child’s class teachers so, I will make this relatively brief focusing on a little message and some comments about scheduled events for next week.

Firstly, I am giving a devotion to staff on Friday where I am going to ask them to reflect on what they see. We can view things similarly but, can also view things quite differently. In both instances, we should harness each other’s vision. What do you see?

An old woman or a young woman?

Fish or birds?

In these ever-changing times we must seek to see the positive. Like Captain Sir Tom Moore, recently deceased at 100 years of age, would repeatedly say: “Today is a good day, it has its ups and downs but, it is a good day and tomorrow will be a better day”.

While in the above landscape, we may see a jagged, harsh formation, eroding and attempting not to crumble, I encourage you to ‘see’ through the window and observe a horizon that is green, where waters flow and where the sky is clear – this is us this year! Resilient, agile and knowing that “today is a good day and tomorrow will be a better day”.

My second point is to draw your attention to events that are scheduled for next week. If current restrictions are eased over the weekend (i.e. masks and numbers in venues), I will confirm, on Sunday afternoon, the following:

Monday 15 February

6.30pm            Year 1 & 2      Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 16 February

8.30am            Year 7 – 12     House Swimming Carnival (*see below note)

6.30pm            Year 3 & 4      Parent Information Evening

6.45pm            Year 12           Parent Information Evening

Wednesday 17 February

6.30pm            Year 5 & 6      Parent Information Evening

6.45pm            Year 11           Parent Information Evening

Thursday 18 February

6.45pm           Year 10           Parent Information Evening

Friday              19 February  

10.00am          Year 4 – 12      Commissioning, Awards, 2020 90s Club & Primary Captains Assembly

*Please note: Even with the easing of restrictions, we are unable to have parents in attendance at the Swimming Carnival this year.

Thank you for your support, understanding and positive feedback to the start of 2021 and we continue to look forward to working in partnership with you to seek the best possible outcomes for our students.

Yours in Service

Mr Brett Roberts

Head of Campus, Carramar


Academic Task Force

  • Term 1 – Tuition Classes for Years 11-12 and Year 7-10

Receive one-on-one support from top ATAR or middle school teachers to improve understanding and boost school results.

With our premium tuition you will receive:

  • Personal and affordable access to expert high school teachers
  • Small group classes (max 4 students)
  • Targeted and individualised help to develop your skills each term
  • Tuition aligned with the WA syllabus
  • End of term feedback on your child’s progress

For more information Click here or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academicgroup.com.au

  • Term 1 – ATAR Master Classes for Years 11-12

Specialised courses to help your child maximise their grades and strive for a top ATAR score.

Benefits of enrolling in Master Classes;

  • WA’s top ATAR teachers
  • In-depth syllabus teaching
  • Academic extension
  • Weekly coaching
  • Exam preparation & strategies
  • Interactive classes

For more information Click here or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academicgroup.com.au