Power adapters

If you are chasing phone adapters here are a couple of stores in Joondalup that had them this afternoon.

Officeworks – $11.50 (only one or two left)

Anaconda – $15 (4 – 5)

Make sure you get ones that are suitable for SA as not all are.  They have 3 large circular pins.


Not long now….

Mr Thomas

A few reminders…

Tour Students,

Some clarification and a few reminders about things:

  • Get excited! You’re going to be on an entirely different continent in less than a week!
  • Tomorrow, we have a lunchtime meeting in GP05 at 1:00pm. (Wednesday, 4th April)
  • Bring your both your tour shirts to the meeting. We might still have to do some swaps!
  • When you are dropped off to the airport, you should arrive with:
    1. your passport. (I will have your airline tickets)
    2. your duffle bag (filled with donations/tools – 23kg max)
    3. your personal bag (with all with your personal stuff AND filled the rest of the way with donations/tools – 23kg max). If you have space for more donations, please let me know ASAP and take some with you!
    4. your carry on-baggage (a backpack).


7 days

Have you weighed your duffle bag full of donations? It should be 23kg. If you are  overweight, you will need to take some items out BEFORE you get to the airport. If you are underweight, we still have 2 electric sanders that need to be packed and taken with us…even if it has to go into our personal checked-in luggage. Let me know if you have room and I’ll give it to you on Tuesday.

-Mr. C. Osborne

Immunisation Declarations

Dear parents,

Not long to go before our departure to South Africa. I hope everything is going well in your child’s preparations for the tour.

I am still chasing up a few immunisation declarations. 

In case you are one of those who have yet to declare this, and I missed you in my emails this afternoon, could I please ask that you send an email to me (gillian.erasmus@ststephens.wa.edu.au) with one of the following declaration before next Tuesday:

“I _________, parent of ____________ have consulted a medical practitioner regarding the immunisation requirements for the St Stephen’s School tour to South Africa. I hereby declare that my son/ daughter has received vaccinations for _______________ and am happy with the decision made.”

OR alternatively

“I _________, parent of ____________ have consulted a medical practitioner regarding the immunisation requirements for the St Stephen’s School tour to South Africa and am happy with decisions made not for him/ her to immunised.”

Thank you so much.

Have a lovely Easter weekend!

Kind Regards

Miss Erasmus