Message from the Head of Campus


As we move into Term 4 and the wonderful activity and learning to come we also have those mornings where you are running late, rushing to get packed lunches, everyone up and ready to leave, not finding the car keys or forgotten items for the day which can cause havoc.

For parents, challenging moments like this can cause us to “snap” or “be grumpy”. At these moments’ mindfulness can be such a valuable tool.

There are two parts to this: the first is being a mindful parent by making choices for your children and your family in an intentional way, and the second is parenting kids who learn to use mindfulness as a tool in their lives.


Start with intention. When you have a why behind your actions, it can help to ground your parenting. What’s the point of homework? If you see it as one more thing to check off a long list, you will approach it very differently than if you see it as a time to bond with your children and glimpse their learning process. When your child goes to training, remember that you started these activities for joy and for exercise, the busyness they add to your family schedule can sometimes get in the way of remembering that there is purpose to their involvement. This allows you to stay out of the potential role of task master where you may encourage them to attain and achieve rather than to have fun and do their best. Practise having an intention to accompany every action.

  1. Stay present. It’s easy to allow worry to take you away from the present. When you get a call from the school telling you your child didn’t do well in an assessment, it’s easy to imagine a future where they struggle in school through the years. Deal with how this affects today. Not imagining the worst helps you be more effective at dealing with what’s happening in this moment. Worrying is like paying interest on a loan you haven’t been approved for.
  2. Model and encourage communication about feelings. Communicating your feelings helps you and your family work as a cohesive unit. We are all wired differently so when things go wrong, we sometimes assume that everyone has the same reactions and beliefs. For example, my daughter has a messy room. Many may say “make her clean it up”. When asked, “Why is your room messy?” I would have expected an answer that stated “I don’t want to clean it” but the explanation was that when her room is all neat, she feels this isn’t a welcoming space. She feels calmer when there’s a bit of chaos. I explained that mess for me causes a sense of disorganisation and stress. Our compromise: I am fine with this chaos as long as it is clean chaos and if we have visitors, this space is out of bounds and the door closed. We also negotiated times after assessments and holidays where the room got a thorough clean. Communication provided us both a better understanding on respect of space in the home.I can tell you honestly this is still a challenge I have to manage each day.
  3. Listen. When you talk with your children about their day it is often either a one-sided, probing conversation that is initiated by you and gets one-worded responses, or a long-drawn-out story that the child initiates and you barely focus on as you cook dinner or drive to the next activity. Focus on opportunities to actively listen to your child. This means waiting to speak instead of directing the conversation where you think it should go. It also means not reacting or judging what they share. Become the kind of listener who asks great questions like “what did you like most about that” or “tell me about that”. Another pitfall to avoid is assuming you know why your child is sharing. If you are solution oriented, when your child comes home complaining about a conflict with a friend, your nature may be to try to help solve the problem. I’ve learned that some people like to talk about things and that is enough to help them feel better. Others need action. Asking a question like “How can I be most helpful?” or even “Do you want help, or do you want to vent?” can be extremely useful.
  4. Admit your mistakes. Parents seem to think they must be perfect. We get frustrated when we don’t know what we should do and yet our children didn’t come with a manual. Sometimes we make a choice that in hindsight isn’t really aligned with how we want to parent (like snapping). It’s important to show children that we learn from mistakes so when they make one, they learn too. There is nothing wrong with pointing out that you made a mistake (“I’m sorry I snapped at you. That’s not the way I want to talk to you”) and then trying again (“I’ve taken some deep breaths. This helps me to be calm. Could you please explain to my why you did ..?


Parents today want so much for their children that there is danger of over-programmed children who control the home. The following are some important values to consider teaching and modelling for your children:

  • Love yourself. • Be resilient. • Strive to do your best. • Happiness comes from within. • Have compassion. • Foster connection. • Feed your body and mind healthy things.

Mindful practices that parents and children can do together to foster these values are:

  1. Deep breathing. Teaching kids that three rounds of slow inhalation/exhalation can calm the fight or flight response will help them to feel in control of emotions rather than feeling that their emotions control them.
  2. Practising gratitude. Making a point of talking about things you are grateful for helps everyone in the family to increase wellbeing. Try starting each dinner by listing the best moment of the day and something you are grateful for.
  3. Meditation. Even parents who have their own meditation practice don’t always think to get their children meditating. According to Deepak Chopra, “The beauty of meditation is that everything comes from within, but ‘within’ means different things at different ages.” Be aware that children probably can’t sit for long. Remember that everyone is different so let your child find what works for them. Model it, but don’t force it.

A mindful family works together as a team. As a parent you are guiding the team but not controlling outcome. If you can help reduce anxiety about mistakes by normalising them at home, you help to dispel the fear. Then you can prioritise joy and celebrate learning. This will allow the experience to feel easier for the entire family.

Tamara Lechner is the Canadian Regional Manager at the Institute of Positive Education based out of Victoria, BC.

Rosemarie Dunn

Head of Campus – Duncraig