2025 Device Recommendations

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

The “Bring Your Own Devices” Many2One program has been in place for the past several years at St Stephen’s School and runs from Years 5 through to 12. For the purposes of BYOD, “Device” means a privately owned wireless and or portable electronic piece of equipment that includes laptops and tablets. Essentially the “D” could be replaced with a “B” for browser as students mainly use devices to access different websites and programs through their browser.

When buying a device for your child please note the following:

  • The Many2One “Bring Your Own Device” program runs from Years 5 to 12. At Year 5 it is a requirement that students provide their own device whilst still having access to primary school owned student shared devices. The iPads can be secondhand as long as they are 8th generation or above, to meet the educational needs of our students. All Years 5 to 12 students are expected to bring their own mobile device to school from the commencement of the school year.
  • We are a “Bring Your Own Device” School.  By the time students are in Years 7 it is a requirement that students provide a MacBook, Windows flip style notebook or a Windows notebook/tablet hybrid. These decisions are often shaped by the subjects the students are studying and the type of device they might use beyond school.
  • The general life of a device is approximately 3 years before students want to upgrade to a newer model that can handle the increased demands of new features and operating system resource requirements. We would recommend that you purchase your child’s device just before it is needed so it will give you more time before an upgrade is necessary.
  • The class teacher will recommend any applications that need to be purchased specifically. All students are given a Microsoft Office 365 subscription which includes the Office Suite for up to 5 devices (Windows, Mac, iPad), Office online and 1024 GB of cloud storage.
  • The most important accessory you need to buy is a solid protective case and/or bag to ensure your child’s device survives the rigors of the school environment.
  • To assist you with purchasing devices, Winthrop Australia have created St Stephen’s School Device Portals where you can order our recommended devices and accessories online.  Please note that we have reviewed all these devices and provide them as a recommendation only. We have based our recommendations on educational suitability, quality, warranty and value for money. All ordering and after sales service is independent of St Stephen’s School.

Device Recommendations

Device Minimum Specifications Years 5 and 6

Apple iPad

Minimum Specifications:

Type: iPad 9.7″ or greater (8th generation or above)
Model: Wi-Fi
Capacity: 64GB
Case/Protection: Hard Case

Considerations: AppleCare+ (2 years of tech support and accidental damage coverage)


Device Minimum Specifications Years 7 to 12

Apple MacBook and Windows Notebook Devices.

Minimum Specifications:

Form Factor: Notebook
Screen Size: 11.6″ to 14”
Processor: Intel i5 processor or greater
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 256 GB solid state hard drive
Wireless: Wi-Fi 5 or greater – Must be 5Ghz Compatible
Battery Life: 8 hours minimum of continuous use
Case/Protection: Hard Case
Optional: Touch screen or stylus functionality
Insurance: Accidental loss and damage insurance (recommended)
Warranty: 3 years or more (recommended)


School Support

St Stephen’s provide university level high density wireless infrastructure that caters for many device connections within our classrooms to ensure a seamless and consistent user experience when accessing St Stephen’s school ICT services.

Each student will be provided with their own network account, comprising a username, password and email address in order to access St Stephen’s School ICT services.

ICT support will be provided for:

  • connecting the student devices to the school network, internet, printing services and other digital technologies
  • assistance with setting up and managing Office365 accounts and OneDrive storage
  • school provided software and related issues with these applications

Please note that technical support will be limited to school-related access or software only. All other technical support will need to be arranged externally by the parent.

User Agreements

Primary BYOD Device Agreement

At St Stephen’s School, Yr 5 and 6 students have access to their own devices, as well as access to school owned student shared MacBooks and iPads. Technology at our school is used to make learning interesting and accessible.Primary BYOD Device Agreement supports the expectations of ICT throughout the school and classroom. In collaboration, the students and teachers have identified the following guidelines for the students device use at school. Once the students all have their devices in class, they together with their parents will read through and agree to each of the points listed within the agreement and sign.

ICT Users Agreement

At St Stephen’s School we educate students to be safe, responsible and ethical users of all digital technologies. The School’s computer network and associated resources exist to provide access to curriculum-related applications and information. The student Student ICT User Agreement is an agreement for students from Yr 5-12 that covers use of the use of school networks, wi-fi access, copyright, passwords and Digital Citizenship. Students along with their parents during Term 1 of each year read, sign and agree to comply with the terms of the ICT User Agreement and its expected standards of behaviour, as well as the appropriate consequences, if they do not behave in accordance with this agreement.


6 thoughts on “2025 Device Recommendations

  1. علاج اورام الكبد بالاشعة التداخلية

    علاج أورام الكبد بالأشعة التداخلية هو تقنية حديثة وغير جراحية تستهدف تدمير الأورام من خلال توجيه دقيق للأدوات الطبية باستخدام تقنيات التصوير مثل الأشعة المقطعية أو الموجات فوق الصوتية. يشمل هذا العلاج عدة أساليب، منها الترددات الحرارية (RFA)، التبريد (Cryoablation)، والعلاج الكيميائي عبر القسطرة (Chemoembolization). يتميز هذا النوع من العلاج بالدقة العالية، حيث يتم إدخال إبرة أو قسطرة عبر الجلد إلى الورم مباشرة، مما يقلل من الأضرار التي تلحق بالأنسجة السليمة المحيطة.

  2. العسل الملكي للرجال
    العسل الملكي للرجال هو منتج طبيعي غني بالفوائد الصحية. يُعتبر منشطًا قويًا للجسم ويعزز القدرة الجنسية. يحتوي على مكونات مغذية تساعد في تحسين الطاقة والقدرة على التحمل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يُعزز العسل الملكي من صحة المناعة ويُساعد في التغلب على التوتر والإجهاد

  3. علاج أورام الكبد بالأشعة التداخلية

    علاج أورام الكبد بالأشعة التداخلية هو تقنية طبية حديثة تُستخدم لعلاج الأورام بشكل دقيق دون الحاجة إلى جراحة تقليدية. يعتمد هذا العلاج على توجيه الأدوات الدقيقة باستخدام تقنيات التصوير مثل الأشعة المقطعية أو الموجات فوق الصوتية للوصول إلى الورم مباشرة. واحدة من أشهر هذه التقنيات هي “العلاج بالترددات الراديوية” (Radiofrequency Ablation) التي تستخدم طاقة حرارية لتدمير خلايا الورم. كما يمكن استخدام “الحقن الكيميائي الموضعي” (Chemoembolization)، حيث يتم حقن أدوية كيميائية مباشرة داخل الشرايين التي تغذي الورم، مما يقطع إمداد الدم ويقلل حجم الورم.

  4. Requiring students from Years 5-12, along with their parents, to read, sign, and agree to the ICT User Agreement is a proactive step in fostering understanding and accountability. This ensures that students are not only aware of the expectations surrounding digital behavior but are also involved in the process of agreeing to these standards. The inclusion of topics like wi-fi access, copyright, passwords, and Digital Citizenship further demonstrates the comprehensive nature of the agreement.

    For more information visit Subaru Sambar Parts.

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