Archive | March 2020


Kindergarten Biblical Studies Lessons for 2020: Song 1

This lesson is programmed for the following week:

  • Term 1 Week 9 (Monday 30 March to Friday 4 April)

Background Information

This information has been provided to facilitate the continuance of the Biblical Studies Program during absence from school.

Class lessons use the book Read and Share Bible and the related DVD series The Ultimate DVD Read and Share Bible (Volume One and Two) (by Gwen Ellis, illustrated by Steve Smallman; 2007, 2010; Tommy Nelson) as resources. Due to copyright considerations, it is not permissible to include stories from these resources in this document. However, numerous of the stories are on the internet, and links to these will be provided if available.

Term 1 Program Overview

In Biblical Studies during Term One students in Pre-Primary will be introduced to the Bible Old Testament narrative from creation through to the infant Moses. Stories covered will include creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Abraham, the Joseph narrative, and God keeping the infant Moses safe from the Pharaoh.


Topic / Title:

  • Story 6: Moses; Strange Fire


  • ‘Moses’ and ‘Strange Fire’ in The Read and Share Bible.


Lesson Aim / Content:

  • To understand that:
    • God saved Moses from the Egyptian king.
    • God spoke to Moses through the burning bush.

Suggested home lesson format:


  • Please DO NOT return any Biblical Studies drawings to class or school until specifically requested (unfortunately any material returned before being requested will be unable to be accepted or stored due to logistical reasons).
  • Until that time, please keep all Biblical Studies work in a clear A4 sleeve or folder, the front of the sleeve or folder itself clearly labelled ‘Biblical Studies’, along with the student’s name and class.