Please note the dot points below which represent feedback on one of the student presentations. You will need to use this feedback to modify your own presentations to ensure they are as effective as possible.

  • Comparing the voices in Murdeball and one other text on disability.
  • Starts clearly enough. Could speak a little slower.
  • PPT slides could stay visible slightly longer and would need more explanation.
  • Pace is a little too quick for me.
  • Images look OK and are well selected. Well-chosen quotations from the text also.
  • Effective knowledge of the text.
  • Moved on to masculinity- ‘Macho man thing’. Quite a brief clip but well chosen.
  • Could’ve spent a little longer constructing the masculine stereotype.
  • Second clip was more effective- slightly longer which gives a little more context.
  • Insight into the clip but could’ve been more precise in analysis, the word ‘chick’ for example objectifies women. Be braver in terms of exploring how gender is constructed here.
  • Moved onto the ‘Diving Bell and the Butterfly’.
  • Make sure you mention that this text is a memoir.
  • Remember to leave slides long enough on the screen for people to absorb content.
  • Effective quotation from the text.
  • Try and analyse the language choices a little more. This would offer more insight into text construction.
  • Texts are linked well and effectively.
  • Presentation from both students of a high quality.
  • Well organised.
  • Well planned.
  • Could be more concise in places. Began to ramble a little towards the end. Think you lost a little bit of focus on the text’s construction.
  • Liked how the links were exemplified at the end, though that slide had perhaps too much information.
  • Knew texts well and offered insight.
  • Both spoke clearly.
  • Structured clearly.
  • Memoir not book!
To improve:
  • Slow down a little more and keep some of the slides on the screen for a little longer.
  • Pace of delivery could be slower at times.
  • Text construction could be privileged a little more. Could offer more insight into language choices (dialogue and text) in places.

Tutorial Task Sheet and Guidance

ATAR English Task 5-1pgzm0d

Please note the task sheet is also available for download from SEQTA.

I’m looking for the following things from your presentation:

  • It should last between 5-7 minutes. It should be no shorter than 4 mins 30 seconds and no longer than 8 minutes.
  • The presentation should be multi-modal- It should include images, text, and moving image media.
  • It should contain NEW information and not simply rehash the content covered in class. I want to learn something NEW about your chosen text.
  • Sustained and detailed analysis of text construction.
  • Knowledge of genre.
  • Specific generic conventions.
  • Structured clearly.
  • Well-organised.
  • Speak clearly. DON’T read from the screen or prepared notes.
  • Evidence of planning.